You should be so ashamed of yourself...her hair is so nappy!

Your children are so lovely! I would just ignore them. You can't change people's manner of thinking if they don't even realize they are wrong. For the longest while my elders used to harp on me to get a relaxer. After 10 years they've pretty much given up and realized that this "natural thing" isn't a phase but how I choose to live my life.

Next time someone wants to pass some funky remark, just tell them that your love your children just they way they are and if they can't keep their mean comments to themselves then they need to find some other grandkids since you won't subject yours to that backward thinking.

It's a shame that this type of behavior will not go away!!

I have family members and neighbors who still use the term good hair and it urks me as well. Even had an aunt to call my cousin's baby
"peasy head"!! Ugh!

Your kids are beautiful and tell your daughter that I LOVE her hair!
its a shame. i know thefeeling..the same was said to my daughter over and over again..she became self conscious..then her grandmother went and snuck a relaxer in her hair when she was 15.
shes come a long way. has since transitioned back loves her kinks.
your daughters hair is beautiful and hopefully she continuesto think so no matter the words of other ignorants
Her hair is beautiful! I would have been so happy if my mother styled my hair naturally if I was a (younger) girl... haha.

My grandmother is like this, too. Every time I wear a natural hairstyle (or whenever my hair isn't bone straight, or doesn't show its full length), she is the exact same way.
You know what, not every topic has to be discussed with family. This would be one of them if I were you. Your dd has beautiful hair and did a great job styling her hair. That's your baby, don't let anyone family or not take her confidence in herself & her hair.

I have a dd and one on the way and I wish a sucka would say something funny about our hair (i'm natural too). My aunt did once and she hasnt made that mistake again.
Your children are beautiful and your daughter's hair looks fine. Keep on doing what you are doing. My family is the same way, I don't pay them no mind. You must be doing something right, she has a head full of healthy hair.
its a shame. i know thefeeling..the same was said to my daughter over and over again..she became self conscious..then her grandmother went and snuck a relaxer in her hair when she was 15.
shes come a long way. has since transitioned back loves her kinks.
your daughters hair is beautiful and hopefully she continuesto think so no matter the words of other ignorants

:nono: I would of lost all my good sense...maybe even cry as well. Actually I don't even know what I would do...

What happened to grandparents being so happy to just get pics of their grandkids??? I would have snatched that picture back so fast. Not hard enough to where she would flat out know I snatched it, but still firm enough to where she would have to pause and think about whether I snatched it or now. :yep:

Your DD's hair is beautiful and I love how you are raising her to love her natural self.
Girl, I cant even comment on your granny's comment, because it's pointless to, especially because YOU know you're doing the right thing seeing how her hair is long and beautiful.

I just smiled for the first time today because I'm headed out the office and just decided to check the hair board and noticed this thread. Your children are absolutely GORGEOUS! Look at those kids! What genes! I'm in awe!
its a shame. i know thefeeling..the same was said to my daughter over and over again..she became self conscious..then her grandmother went and snuck a relaxer in her hair when she was 15.
shes come a long way. has since transitioned back loves her kinks.
your daughters hair is beautiful and hopefully she continuesto think so no matter the words of other ignorants

wait...hold up, stop this train, YOU have a child that 15+?!?! :blush:
You don't even look it.
First, your children are absolutely beautiful. I love that picture with all three.

I love that your daughter did her own hair. She did an excellent job. umm - she actually styles better than me.

As far as older generations, it would be nice if they believed differently and thought differently. And they may be way off base on many subjects. But they grew up in times that many of us can't relate to or understand. And they have had those ideas and teachings pushed into them for many, many years. Not condoning it, but just saying that she isn't trying to be mean, she just has a different history than we do.

Just be thankful that you and your daughter are able to live in a time where you have more choices and more freedoms.

First off your family is absolutely gorgeous!! I personally think your daughter looked very nice and did a good job for styling her own hair. faithVA pretty much summed up my thoughts. If it really bothers you , maybe you should try and explain to your grandmother how you feel.
Even though your daughter didn't hear grandma's comments, I can understand why they struck a chord with you. Those comments are still negative energy being directed towards your daughter and your parenting of her.

You know there's nothing wrong with your daughter's hair - quite the opposite, it's beautiful and she has full edges (which cannot be said for many girls her age :look:).

Just keep on directing that positive energy towards your daughter amd keep negativity out at all costs. :yep:
Ummm..that's "nappy". Her hair is beautiful and healthy looking. I WISH i had that much "nappy" hair. And your hair pic when you were younger is my dream hair today.

It's funny, how people perceive things so differently. :ohwell:
Her hair is beautiful and you children are GORGEOUS!!

I went natural for my DD as well. How can I have her love her curly hair when I put a chemical in mine every few weeks? I'm so glad your DD didn't hear that. That's so sad.
Your daughter has very pretty hair...and should be proud of it! You are obviously doing a great job of helping her realize that she has beautiful, healthy hair because she chose to flaunt it in her school pics!!!:grin:

BTW: All of your kids are beautiful!!!!!!:drunk::drunk::drunk:

BTW #2: Your hair was awesome too...good luck with your transitioning/ natural journey!!!!
her picture is so cute and she did a great job with her hair! i am so happy/proud she is learning how to style and care for her on her own. her hair looks so healthy! Great Job Mommy!
Beautiful children. You have a nice looking family. Your daughters hair looks great. I like the style she chose for the school pic. She looked really cute that day. Great pic.
Your DDs hair is absolutely beautiful!! And she's beautiful too.

Both my DDs wore natural hair while in school, and I conditioned them very early to love their natural hair and ignore remarks of classmates that ask why they didn't have a perm, because they may have a little frizz (it's one of the reasons I became natural, to be an example to them).

I don't know how old your grandma is, but I have a few elderly family members that have that same mindset, and I excuse them, because I know that they grew up in a time when natural hair was considered ugly and unacceptable.
Her hair is gorgeous and it looks healthy. I don't even know how to respond to the comment because I don't want to disrespect an elder in your family but...wooo chile...

I understand that older people are often set in their ways, but IMO this is NOT an excuse to let them get away with saying hurtful and ignorant things. I probably would have sounded like I had lost my mind to lecture an elder, but it would have to be done. And if she tried to get the switch...I'd get one too.
First, your children are SOOO beautiful! Second, your daughter's hair looks great! She did a great job on it, and you are doing a great job teaching her to love herself. I think making the decision to transition to natural yourself is great given your goal of providing a role model. Kudos to you!
Well OP to my surprise I'm on your side... I'm surprised because many people let their child go to school with "natural" hair not realizing natural doesn't mean your childs hair is knotty and crazy looking... Your child's hair looked lovely maybe one flyaway on the right side but she's a kid it happens. I don't think it looked nappy AT ALL. But why are you surprised when it's a common phrase of your family "good hair / bad hair" you should be use to them saying out of sort things but it doesn't make it right. Just know you're doing right by caring for your childs hair natural or not
I know its about preference but how in the world can anyone look at these pics & say you should be ashamed how your daughter's hair look. Your daughter is beautiful & her hair is just as beautiful.

Since going natural & keeping my 10 yr old daughter natural, I have learned that its useless to talk to some folks of the older generation about natural hair. My mother & aunt make some of the most ignorant comments. I respectfully respond & keep the conversation short. My aunt is almost 70 & had a nerve to tell my daughter that she bet her head would feel so much better if I would perm that thick mess on her head. My daughter shrugged her shoulders. I said that's right baby, shrug those not so nice comments right on off. My aunt laughed like she had said the joke of the year.

I'm trying to teach my daughter that the way people choose to wear their hair is about preference. Others don't have to like it as long as she likes it.
I know what you mean...I had my daughter in December and up until that day, my mom would say "oooh i hope her hair ain't nappy!" i could've hated her!! ... she wasn't invited to witness the birth because the last thing i wanted was for someone, anyone, to make a comment like that about my baby girl...

your children are beautiful and your daughters have beautiful, thick, enviable hair!!
Her hair is just fine! It looks absolutely healthy! Kudos to her for taking an interest in her hair at such a young age...she'll be a guru by the time she's in high school! Don't sweat the silliness mom, keep up the good work!
Your daughter has beautiful hair and I think it's great that she is able to style it herself.

People, like your grandma, from that generation, will probably always have something negative to say. As annoying as it is, try not to let it get to you.

You are doing a great job and your beautiful kids are shining examples of that.
Such beautiful and happy children!

Sorry. No disrespect; but, your grandmother's crazy. Your daughter has beautiful, healthy hair. I think she has a case of the jealous. Age does not equate with wisdom.
first of all your family is beautiful! Your daughter looks fine....and trust me she'll thank you in the future.