New Member
Girl!!! FIND THAT DARN BOOKLET!!!! Wanakee is :beautiful: !!!!
You got it! The search is ON...Here is the closest thing to the printed booklet, sans pictures

Where is Wannake Now???
I never knew what happened, just that one day she announced on her website that she was selling her hair products company. Later it was rumored that she was going into the ministry or something. I lost track of and just didn't keep up with it. I was happy for her, of course, but not happy about the losing the pictures online, dang.
She is an artist. Here is her art site.
skip the intro and click on about the artist. There is a current pic of her. She looks great.
Ooh..Thank you for this. Her hair is still amazing, and she doesn't look a day older either. That woman gotta be in her 50's by now,