You Proved Your Doubters/Haters Wrong--Share Your Stories Please

Unfortunately I haven't gotten there yet but when I reach WL and blow it whoaaaaaaa Nelly! I'll have to visit a few folks and just slap them silly with hair...
When I first started my haircare journey, I had severely damaged, thin, see-thru, bleached ends. I went to a stylist near my house, and she recommended using a weekly reconstructor (that literally made my hair feel like a broom) and trimming it every two weeks. She did the reconstructor and an initial trim (I needed it at the time), and I was excited about the idea of progress. I asked, "now that we're getting my hair healthy and on the right track, do you think I can get it back like it was in college? I was able to wear a ponytail and it hung halfway to my bra?"

This woman was like, "no, there's no way that's gonna happen. Your hair can grow good when you're a kid, but you'll probably never have hair like that again." Needless to say, with her lack of vision and poor haircare recommendations, I dropped her within three weeks (I used be a loyal salon customer back in the day when I went all the time.)

I haven't seen this lady again, but I lwould ove to swing my hair in her face. It's currently touching the bottom of my brastrap and should be nearing MBL with the next relaxer.

LOVIN' IT!!! I had a stylist who was just plain ol' rude! I bump into her on occasion.

When I reach WL (hopefully by Dec 2009) I can't wait to go pay her a visit either to pick someone else up or to just have her wash and APPLY a DC. I just gotta do it ladies...I gotta...:lachen::lachen::lachen:
Maybe I'll even take pics of her reaction!!!
I prove them wrong everytime one of them comes to my youtube videos, tries to criticize me about my regimen and whatnot, and then I go to their page and see what? Nothing.

So I know I'm doing something right.
I prove them wrong everytime one of them comes to my youtube videos, tries to criticize me about my regimen and whatnot, and then I go to their page and see what? Nothing.

So I know I'm doing something right.

What dumb dumb would even try to criticize YOUR hair or methods? :nono:
What dumb dumb would even try to criticize YOUR hair or methods? :nono:

A hater. :drunk: There are plenty of them out there, lol. I let them be my motivators.

I had lots of :perplexed:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed and :nono::nono::nono: and :sad: when I chopped off my healthy thick relaxed CBL hair and went natural. Now I'm a couple inches from waist length and nobody has thier face balled up anymore. :grin:
What dumb dumb would even try to criticize YOUR hair or methods? :nono:

Girl, they do. Not to say that I know everything but believe me, it was ME that grew my hair to WL, with the aid of my stylist who knows how to cut hair.

One girl said I shouldn't twist my hair cause I'm pretending to have curly hair. Then in another video she said that I should cut my hair to define my curls. I was first I don't have curly hair, now I do?? I wanted to ask if she was sniffing weave glue.
Keep'em coming ladies.

At first, my husband was like why are you always on that site. You spend too much time up there. I ignored him.

When we moved and got our internet service back up, you know where I went first? That's right.... LHCF. He was like "I am glad we got internet back because since you have been going to THAT SITE (LHCF) your hair really looks healthy and it is really growing. Have you DC today?" He cracks me up. He has become sooo supportive of me now that he sees some of the results.:lachen:
Click on the link to get to my story. My ex thought I had 'nappy' hair that could never grow. I showed him!!!

ETA: This isn't a hater story. I went back home to St. Croix last year after 7 yrs of being away. I remember being in the bathroom taking out some bantu knots, and my mother coming up in the back of me. It was soooo funny because she asked me if it was all my hair. lol She even put her hands in it to feel it. She said that she's happy that I got it back to the way it was before she relaxed it at age 5.
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my dh knows my hair can grow long relaxed, but i can't wait until it gets longer natural. these stories are funny and inspirational.
LOVIN' IT!!! I had a stylist who was just plain ol' rude! I bump into her on occasion.

When I reach WL (hopefully by Dec 2009) I can't wait to go pay her a visit either to pick someone else up or to just have her wash and APPLY a DC. I just gotta do it ladies...I gotta...:lachen::lachen::lachen:
Maybe I'll even take pics of her reaction!!!

please make a thread about it because i want to hear about her reaction! LOL! don't forget!
I was watching a hair condish advert on TV with my Mum and I was looking at this woman's (MBL) hair like 'aw yeah, thats where I'm headed' and she said 'your hair'll never be like hers' - not in a malicious way, but she just doesn't know any better... :nono:

I'm working on proving her wrong.

Great thread OP!

are you kidding me? you will be there some time next year. please come back and share your story.
My older sister gave me my first relaxer when I was 9. She didn't put any protection on my scalp like Vaseline and burned my neck in the process. I had a scab there for months and my neck was BLACK for years. :perplexed She has always been the one I go to for relaxers when I couldn't afford a stylist so I'm thankful for that. but she was also the one who turned me onto flat-ironing and blow-drying.

I told her I was gonna start wearing sew-in weaves and even showed her some links of the hair I wanted to get (Halley's or Laniks). She was like,

"You don't need that expensive hair. Go to the BSS and get that for $7.99."

"But I want it to last for at least 1.5 months. So I have to buy higher quality hair."

"You should do that weave with the cap, it's cheaper."

"The one where they gel your hair up? That's too much damage, I don't want to do that. Besides, you can't moisturize your hair."

"You don't have to moisturize it! It's only on there for 2 weeks. Jasmine (her daughter) is doing that and he hair is growing so much." :perplexed

"I rollerset every wash and I've retained all my NG. And I HAVE to moisturize my hair or it'll dry out and break out. With a sew-in, I can at least get some product to my own hair." :yep:

"Whatever, but you need a touch-up and a trim."

"I don't need one. I got one in November, and I don't have any split ends. I got a trim in September. Besides, I'm stretching my relaxers and I flat-iron my NG."

"Stretching, hmm? (while touching my scalp and probably rolling her eyes." :rolleyes:

So I can't wait until December 2009 and my hair is swanging down my back. :lick:

Oh, and then I showed her one posters Fotki (one that has been growing her hair with weaves). She said, "Oh, that's fake."

"Why would she be lying?'
"To sell something."
"What's she selling?"

:lachen: I can't wait until you reach your goals in December. I think you'll definitely reach great lengths with the things you're doing now. I've been able to retain a lot of length with weaves. Don't know if you showed her my fotki. Feel free to do so if you haven't. I clearly state which albums are weaves in my fotki.
i cant wait to have one of these stories!! Everybody thinks im crazy-obsessed but i'll show them later when im swangin my BSL hair one day!
I don't have a hater story but my older brother always liked to put his two cents in on what I was doing with my hair. When I was relaxed he was always telling me I should color it & cut my hair short, even when I told him I was growing it out. A while later I did decide to get my hair cut for personal reasons and went from APL to chin length. He was more than happy to take me to the salon to get my hair cut.

When my hair started growing back out he started back on the "you should cut it" line. I wore a lot of ponytails and he felt those were boring and that if I cut my hair short I'd be forced to do something more creative.

Then when I started going natural he asked me what I was going to do with my hair, and said I should get dread locks. I told him I didn't want locks and was going to wear my hair loose. He looked skeptical.

Fast forward years later, now that my hair is longer as a natural than it ever was relaxed and I wear it mostly down he hasn't had anything else to say about what I should be doing to my hair. I'm sure it's only a matter of time though. He thinks wearing your hair the same for any amount of time is boring and will no doubt eventually tell me I should cut it into twa or something. Yeah, that's not going to happen.
:lachen: I can't wait until you reach your goals in December. I think you'll definitely reach great lengths with the things you're doing now. I've been able to retain a lot of length with weaves. Don't know if you showed her my fotki. Feel free to do so if you haven't. I clearly state which albums are weaves in my fotki.

:lachen: I was talking about you. :lachen: I will show her your albums. :grin:
I don't really have any haters per se myself, but my mom seems to be on the fence about my transitioning to natural.

My quest to go natural actually started about 2-3 years ago when I first got micros and saw some of my natural texture peek through as my braids started go grow out. So I contemplated cutting all of my hair off and wearing wigs for the whole school year as it grew out, but that was Pre-LHCF days for me and I thought "Who in their right mind wears wigs on the regular like that these days?! :look::rolleyes:) So I dropped it and got a relaxer as soon as the braids came out.

Then, summer of 07, I told my mom I was going to try going natural again and she rolled her eyes and said "not this again!" (She always blamed me for "ruining my hair" as a child when I accidentally put a little bit of JFM Relaxer in my hair when I was 5....long story...:spinning: basically though, she then was forced to relax my "good hair" :rolleyes:)

By then I had found LHCF and (besides a few "back-and-forth" moments concerning staying relaxed/transitioning) I have been well on my way to being natural. So now my hair is a healthy, thick, SL (close to full SL!) and only when I straighten it does my mom compliment me :rolleyes: But! she still insists that my hair will never be as pretty and curly as it was when I was a kid. I'm just excited to prove her wrong by Christmas! :yep:
OOO me i have one!!i think?? lol so a little backround: so i am in college and i got to an HBCU so its important for you to look good.
I have a friend who dresses up all the time and gets weaves religiously, it looks good but her hair is kind of HAM underneath. My hair is always partially wet in a bun, i meen always.She always has sumthn to say about my hair..all the doggone time shes always makn snide comments about why my hair is always wet and not done and why i dont do more with it. i was talkn to a girl at our lunch table about my hair because she does the girls on my floors hair. and i was like i need to get my hair done.. and my friedns cut in andwas like yea she needs to get her hair done BAD!!! and i was like ughhhh!!!.. and i got kind of upset cause she aint need to say that. am i overreactn???...hmmm anyway i finally decide to go get my hair blown out and im sittn on some stairs waitn for my friend and she walks rite by cause she didnt recognize me. the whole day her hands was in my hair. we got around some friends and EVERYBODIES hands was in my hair i got so00o00o many compliments and rite in the middle of the convo ABOUt MY hair she cuts in talkn bout "well some of that hair must have some tracks cuz its too long and she just cut it"..( i cut my hair to earl length in October) in frnt of everyone!! and she noes aint no tracks there cause her hands was all up in my hair...UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OOO me i have one!!i think?? lol so a little backround: so i am in college and i got to an HBCU so its important for you to look good.
I have a friend who dresses up all the time and gets weaves religiously, it looks good but her hair is kind of HAM underneath. My hair is always partially wet in a bun, i meen always.She always has sumthn to say about my hair..all the doggone time shes always makn snide comments about why my hair is always wet and not done and why i dont do more with it. i was talkn to a girl at our lunch table about my hair because she does the girls on my floors hair. and i was like i need to get my hair done.. and my friedns cut in andwas like yea she needs to get her hair done BAD!!! and i was like ughhhh!!!.. and i got kind of upset cause she aint need to say that. am i overreactn???...hmmm anyway i finally decide to go get my hair blown out and im sittn on some stairs waitn for my friend and she walks rite by cause she didnt recognize me. the whole day her hands was in my hair. we got around some friends and EVERYBODIES hands was in my hair i got so00o00o many compliments and rite in the middle of the convo ABOUt MY hair she cuts in talkn bout "well some of that hair must have some tracks cuz its too long and she just cut it"..( i cut my hair to earl length in October) in frnt of everyone!! and she noes aint no tracks there cause her hands was all up in my hair...UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She's not a real friend. She is a hater in disguise. WATCH HER! She is jealous because her hair doesn't look that good.:grin:
I had a friend that told me I was wasting my money when I first got on this board. I bought the Cathy Howse book, Keracare Poo and Con and a subscription to this site. She told me that she would bet me $20 that my hair would be the SAME LENGTH as it was last year. I was chicken, but I told her that I had faith I could grow my hair out. I didn't bet her money, but today I wish I did! Now when she sees my hair she doesn't say much....except when am I gonna cut it? lol
I've had long hair my whole life. That being said, when I first got a ceramic flat iron a couple of years back, I was using it on a regular basis (sometimes without heat protectant). I ended up having a lot of split ends, and my stylist gave me a quite noticeable trim. A girl at work, who always wears a weave, said:

"You cut your hair?"

I said, "Yeah. Needed a trim".

She replied, "Wow, you really have nothing better to do."
I've had long hair my whole life. That being said, when I first got a ceramic flat iron a couple of years back, I was using it on a regular basis (sometimes without heat protectant). I ended up having a lot of split ends, and my stylist gave me a quite noticeable trim. A girl at work, who always wears a weave, said:

"You cut your hair?"

I said, "Yeah. Needed a trim".

She replied, "Wow, you really have nothing better to do."

What was that about?:perplexed Why would she say that?:blush: Well, you knew what you needed for your hair.
She's not a real friend. She is a hater in disguise. WATCH HER! She is jealous because her hair doesn't look that good.:grin:
And you're still referring to her as your friend?

ETA: This was to Hairtemptress.
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OOO me i have one!!i think?? lol so a little backround: so i am in college and i got to an HBCU so its important for you to look good.
I have a friend who dresses up all the time and gets weaves religiously, it looks good but her hair is kind of HAM underneath. My hair is always partially wet in a bun, i meen always.She always has sumthn to say about my hair..all the doggone time shes always makn snide comments about why my hair is always wet and not done and why i dont do more with it. i was talkn to a girl at our lunch table about my hair because she does the girls on my floors hair. and i was like i need to get my hair done.. and my friedns cut in andwas like yea she needs to get her hair done BAD!!! and i was like ughhhh!!!.. and i got kind of upset cause she aint need to say that. am i overreactn???...hmmm anyway i finally decide to go get my hair blown out and im sittn on some stairs waitn for my friend and she walks rite by cause she didnt recognize me. the whole day her hands was in my hair. we got around some friends and EVERYBODIES hands was in my hair i got so00o00o many compliments and rite in the middle of the convo ABOUt MY hair she cuts in talkn bout "well some of that hair must have some tracks cuz its too long and she just cut it"..( i cut my hair to earl length in October) in frnt of everyone!! and she noes aint no tracks there cause her hands was all up in my hair...UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I totally understand the HBCU concept of looking good but I think that it is inappropriate of her to do those hidden low blows. It seems as that lady is a frenemy to you. It is one thing to be in unbelief that it could happen but then it is a next to put down a person that is unacceptable. I guess when people feel too comfortable they act that way. In college, I had a roommate with overprocessed, nasty fine hair and she always commented on my hair and how I need not to put braids in my hair. My hair needless to say was longer than hers and healthier and thicker(prior to HJ). After we graduated, I see this girl and you know that she began to put her hair in braids. I think it may be a jealousy issue and your hair might be even longer than hers, full of body and better in quality(with all the hair care that you doing). That seems to be it!
The last time I went to my weave stylist about 2 and a half years ago, I told her that I didn't feel like wearing weaves anymore. I just felt like letting my own hair grow since I thought the weaves weren't really helping my hair to grow. It was ALWAYS breaking. At the time I used to wear weaves between APL and BSL. She replies "you know that your hair will never be as long as the weaves right?" I didn't say a word. I came home, googled how to grow long hair and never looked back. I think I'll pay her a visit this summer and see how she's doing with my own hair that's longer than the weaves I used to wear.
I've had long hair my whole life. That being said, when I first got a ceramic flat iron a couple of years back, I was using it on a regular basis (sometimes without heat protectant). I ended up having a lot of split ends, and my stylist gave me a quite noticeable trim. A girl at work, who always wears a weave, said:

"You cut your hair?"

I said, "Yeah. Needed a trim".

She replied, "Wow, you really have nothing better to do."

Uh.... what? :huh:
The last time I went to my weave stylist about 2 and a half years ago, I told her that I didn't feel like wearing weaves anymore. I just felt like letting my own hair grow since I thought the weaves weren't really helping my hair to grow. It was ALWAYS breaking. At the time I used to wear weaves between APL and BSL. She replies "you know that your hair will never be as long as the weaves right?" I didn't say a word. I came home, googled how to grow long hair and never looked back. I think I'll pay her a visit this summer and see how she's doing with my own hair that's longer than the weaves I used to wear.

You GROW, girl!!!