You left your socks here. What do you want me to do with them?"

I do disagree, however that it's not hurting anyone if she reaches out to him. She will be setting herself up for disappointment if she reaches out and that would be a big mistake.

OP, I was trying to use reverse psychology on you. I apologize that it came across as mean. Point blank, you deserve better. Don't give dude the satisfaction of getting back into your heart. He doesn't seem serious or mature.

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Apology accepted. But again. I'm not reaching out. For reals. Like seriously. No lo voy a hacer :lol:

This is why I make it a point to not leave anything at anyone's home unless I live there. No one leaves anything at my home either unless they live there. Not extended family, friends, (ex)boyfriends, etc.

I don't like people pulling the "I got yo stuff" card of items that need to be dropped off or picked up. A clean break is a CLEAN break with nothing left behind. Not even hairpins lol. If I forget something, I ask for it back ASAP....because who wants this interrupting a clean break away later on.

Socks are nothing to lose sleep over but they shouldn't have been a part of that discussion either. I wouldn't have given him the opportunity.

Um, for the record, I never asked for the socks. :lol: I left them there accidentally one time, like, 6 weeks ago. *shrug*
If he had just left it at the "alright good night" with no further text, voicemails etc how would you have felt? Every guy won't reach out again.
If he had just left it at the "alright good night" with no further text, voicemails etc how would you have felt? Every guy won't reach out again.

Honestly, I was not expecting any sort of immediate outreach. (I figured he would try to contact me eventually...they always do...hence the blocking of numbers and such.) If the conversation was the last contact I wouldn't feel differently. I'm still done.

Incidentally, I got a call from an "unknown number" today :rolleyes:
I avoid answering "unknown number". I lost a business today because they had the nerve to call me with an "unknown number". I don't want to be their customer if they won't show me who is calling. Who answers unknown calls? Wow people have some nerves.
I don't visit this side too often. Last I heard things were going well. I guess we could write a book on men. If you have to question the relationship too often, it is probably not the one to remain in. Sorry to hear he was a loser after all.
I don't visit this side too often. Last I heard things were going well. I guess we could write a book on men. If you have to question the relationship too often, it is probably not the one to remain in. Sorry to hear he was a loser after all.

That's what I am learning...if you have to talk yourself into it...that is not a good sign...
But the dude said "Alright. Goodnight".....didn't you have an actual relationship with him??? It was as if he didn't take you serious. At all!! Omg! This thread!
Um, for the record, I never asked for the socks. :lol: I left them there accidentally one time, like, 6 weeks ago. *shrug*

That's my point. If you forgot them way back when, then you could have told him then to throw them out. Personally, I'm sensitive to having discussions with people and them inserting something random into the conversation to deflect from my purpose. That's just me.
That's my point. If you forgot them way back when, then you could have told him then to throw them out. Personally, I'm sensitive to having discussions with people and them inserting something random into the conversation to deflect from my purpose. That's just me.

If you read the OP he brings up the socks after she told him he has no reason to contact her. Obviously she doesn't care about the socks :lol:. I think ignoring him is good move, he's just acting out for attention.
If you read the OP he brings up the socks after she told him he has no reason to contact her. Obviously she doesn't care about the socks :lol:. I think ignoring him is good move, he's just acting out for attention.

I know all this and I agree. My point (again) is that I don't like people having ANYTHING to use to get my attention. A girl once sent a guy I know something from like 10 years prior....something VERY insignificant from his graduation. She sent it in a card talking about "I thought you'd want it back." :lol: Some people are just that desperate for attention that they will use anything, however small, to get attention. I think it's ridiculous.

Likewise, I can see this dude randomly popping up at her home talking about, "I just wanted to make sure your feet are warm." :lol:

Tis all. Carry on....
My advice remains the same from the last thread. Men respond to No Contact.

When you say "I'm done with you" all he sees is that you are reaching out. The message is lost unless there is ACTION/follow through.

Stop trying to get the last word, because from this angle it looks like a set up to get your feelings hurt even more.
This is why I make it a point to not leave anything at anyone's home unless I live there. No one leaves anything at my home either unless they live there. Not extended family, friends, (ex)boyfriends, etc.

I don't like people pulling the "I got yo stuff" card of items that need to be dropped off or picked up. A clean break is a CLEAN break with nothing left behind. Not even hairpins lol. If I forget something, I ask for it back ASAP....because who wants this interrupting a clean break away later on.

Socks are nothing to lose sleep over but they shouldn't have been a part of that discussion either. I wouldn't have given him the opportunity.
Do you see an end to every relationship in your life though? I think I kinda see what you're trying to get at, but it seems a very cynical and extreme way to live a life. If you can forbid someone you're cool with to leave an item in your house, I'm sure you can ignore that person (you now dislike) when they come knocking with said item in hand.

You did just fine OP. Keep up your end of the bargain and don't contact him further.
See, this is why you just go ghost. Closure conversations seem to never result in closure. It strings things along. And guys get a kick out of reeling you back in after you've professed that you're no longer interested. It's a game for them.

:yep::yep: Or it gives them that male edge and boosts their confidence somehow. They know they've hurt you. You do know how to break up and move on though, OP.
Dealing with the same ish right now---except he left some redskin thermals and I left a dress...ignore that clown. I deleted him from FB, IG and blocked his number. On to the next one!
Are people not reading the same thread?

Some of y'all are acting like she left her passport at this guy's house. It's a freaking pair of socks. He has nothing over her (even though he thinks so, but that's his problem.).

Glib, I think you handled it well. You did what you needed to do for YOU. Just stay strong.
I haven't read this whole thread but I'm surprised people r discussing these socks she left weeks ago... I'm amused that he mentioned them..he prob put them on just to remember u by.. They must have been sum real nice socks...
My advice remains the same from the last thread. Men respond to No Contact.

When you say "I'm done with you" all he sees is that you are reaching out. The message is lost unless there is ACTION/follow through.

Stop trying to get the last word, because from this angle it looks like a set up to get your feelings hurt even more.

I have yet to master that when I still have feelings.
OP you did great. You are brave, you needed to move on and face this obstacle head on.
I did the same thing with a guy I was seeing and was a brand new woman right after.
I needed to learn and grow.

Facing that guy changed me tremendously. He admitted to being a coward and I agreed.
I heard what I needed to hear. But it wasn't really him I was facing, it was myself.
Why did I need him to tell me what I already knew???
He wasn't really what I wanted. :spinning:

I no longer need to get closure in the form of face to face or phone call to phone call confrontation anymore.

They get nothing but dead silence if they are not investing time and effort to win me.
I had to learn that I don't need validation from men, 9 x out of 10 they don't really care anyhow.
They are just doing them. And so am I. :yep:
Good for you @Glib Gurl in recognizing your self worth and kicking him to the curb!! :yay: :clap: I'm proud of you. When one door closes, another one opens. :yep:

I would just ignore his further contact. You can buy a whole 10 pack pair of socks at Walmart for less than 10 bucks lol...:look:

No need to contact him again....:nono: He already said he was deleting your info so no need to even respond imo.

Good riddance lol...
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