You know you're a pj when....

Jessica Rabbit

New Member
You know you're a pj when you rationalize stopping at cvs on the way home at 4:15 am because you want to try a product raved about on lhcf.

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You drag your man to wal-mart at 1:30 am to buy some ouchless bands but end up with random hairstuff for 40$ just to try it out.
When you stalk an online beauty supply shop before you make a purchase, thinking you've got your pj under control , and when you finally do, you buy everything that you said you weren't:curtain:
- when at least a few times a week you're getting packages of STUFF
- when you go into Whole Foods with a list of food to get and come out with stuff from the Whole Beauty section
- when you're 1st stop into any drug store is the health and beauty section
You forgo eating to buy some new products at Kmart
You know when the new lines are hitting the market even before the sales reps at the stores know
You flip through "Favorite Product threads" and you have tried every last one of the products mentioned
Have ingredient lists stored in your heads like phone numbers
You order your school books from Amazon to sneak in a couple of items :look: (Thanks Dad :lol:)
You get excited when you have to go the the store

You can't go into any store without automatically heading for the hair section

When the UPS guy and mailman know you--and your kids by name :look:
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You get excited when you have to go the the store

You can't go into any store without automatically heading for the hair section

When the UPS guy and mailman know you--and your kids by name :look:

I know about their families as well :lachen:
When you say stuff like "that tank of gas cost me 4 bottles of conditioner"
When you know who has what on sale for the week-every week.
When you can do a price comparison in your head between the BSS and at least two other BS websites
When you get e-mails from a particular website (I won't call them out) that says "We've missed you and hope everything is ok. Here's a coupon..."
-When you work in CVS, and half you pay check goes back into the store because of beauty products...
-When you really wanna quit but think about missing out on the 20% discount
-When your SO starts buys you a new flat iron instead of flowers or another gift just cause (damn i love him!)
-when you walk into random CVS/Rite Aide/etc to see if they have any new products and have to rationalize loan repayment or new heat protectant