You KNOW your hair is getting longer because...

DH keeps laying on it

Hair gets all in his face during :kissing4:

Detangling the other day and didn't have my glasses on...I mistook a clump of shed hair for a spider sitting on my shoulder and had a coronary!

My stylist told me that it was getting long. The last time I went she got irritated and told me to stop leaning back in the chair because I was leaning on my hair:shocked: She then demanded to know what I've been doing to it :lol:

Gotta tie your hair up if food is involved in any way...eating or cooking.

Shoulderbags are a nightmare...laptop bags are the devil
When out of the corner of your eye you see a girl and think, "Wow her hair is long!" and then turn and realize it's a mirror!

This just happened to me and I was like, :grin::yay::clap:
When it takes me forever to take down a single box braid. I'm doing that now, and boy, I sure do remember the days when I could quickly undo these braids like nobody's business. And it's not because of tangles or anything like that - it's just because they're getting so darn long!
When it takes me forever to take down a single box braid. I'm doing that now, and boy, I sure do remember the days when I could quickly undo these braids like nobody's business. And it's not because of tangles or anything like that - it's just because they're getting so darn long!

I hear took me nearly 20 minutes the other day to undo 12 braids :perplexed
Okay call me dumb, but here goes.:blush: If my hair is already three inches and it will grow 5-6 inches per year, (I am referring to the chart) Do I just add 5-6 inches to the already 3 inches that Ihave to give an estimate of how long my hair will be the end of the year.

Don't laugh. I am so new to this hair growing business. I have been a shorty for 10 years and when I did grow my hair I could only get to sholder length.

I am at nape length and I want to estimate how long I will be in december. Also did anyone start off with real short hair tapered in the back and top in layers and can give me some encouragement.:wallbash:
1) you start storing a random assortment of bobby pins, claw clips, and scarves in your purses and car b/c you never know when it'll be in the way.

2) when you lean back to comb out your hair and have to practically do a backbend to keep it from touching your back

3) getting it caught under your arm

4) I have to lean against the wall or door to flat iron the hair at my crown ( where it's the longest ) b/c my arm is too tired to do it without assistance! :lachen:

5) when you can put your hair in a cheerleader pony, and the ends hang to or past your shoulders!
Okay call me dumb, but here goes.:blush: If my hair is already three inches and it will grow 5-6 inches per year, (I am referring to the chart) Do I just add 5-6 inches to the already 3 inches that Ihave to give an estimate of how long my hair will be the end of the year.

Don't laugh. I am so new to this hair growing business. I have been a shorty for 10 years and when I did grow my hair I could only get to sholder length.

I am at nape length and I want to estimate how long I will be in december. Also did anyone start off with real short hair tapered in the back and top in layers and can give me some encouragement.:wallbash:

here you go.This thread is for us trying to get to shoulder length

This is the short hair care forum
um... i took my twists out and was sporting a wash and go today, right? why did my hair get caught under the strap of my son's diaper bag???

it's DEFINITELY getting long... time for a shape-up... :look:
... today I had to do a double take in the mirror, "Wow, that's all my hair :grin:" I'm happy .....

... I was sitting in the chair and a lot strands were about 3" past my "nippie":grin:
1)when i wear it out in its natural state it hangs down to my shoulders in the front and past my shoulders in the back. (before it would hover around my cheeks and ears)

2)when putting my hair in plaits my arms grow tired and it takes a lot longer to do

3)when my hair sheds the strands are super long. it looks like way more hair than it is

4)it takes a lot longer to moisturize
1. I always lean on my hair at work hair gets caught in between my pocketbook and shoulders
3. my fiance seems to always lay on it when we are sleeping
4. more and more people ask me "is that all your hair"
5. last but not least, my hairstylists use the BIG FAT BLACK rollerers when she rollersets my hair.
Well its still not by any means long but its growing!!:grin: Anyhow...
*When I was getting my hair blow dried straight the stylist said that she only had to use one clip now to hold the rest of my wet hair up.
*I can no longer wear it down in uniform. ( Reg. says it can't exceed past the bottom of collar.*:drunk:

That is all!
1. I always lean on my hair at work hair gets caught in between my pocketbook and shoulders
3. my fiance seems to always lay on it when we are sleeping
4. more and more people ask me "is that all your hair"
5. last but not least, my hairstylists use the BIG FAT BLACK rollerers when she rollersets my hair.

Lol, WOW!! That's funny you mentioned because i use the gray ones at home and i went to the stylist a few weeks ago and got a rollerset, she used purple on my entire head!!! I felt sad, lol!
co-washed as usual today, and as i got out of the shower, and wrapped my towel on, i realized that some of my hair had been tucked underneath the towel! this hasn't happened to me before!

i'm inching closer and closer to APL every day!
**Hair getting stuck to lip gloss.....I really hate this!
**I can pull some of my hair to inspect the ends from all angles to inspect it with my own eyes and not a mirror.
**My white next door neighbor comments on the growth every time I straighten it.
**My hair feels very heavy on my neck and back.

And my hair not even that long yet!!

Me too Girl!