You KNOW your hair is getting longer because...

When my arms and back are killing me while rollersetting!!!

Hair is everywhere... in my purse strap, seat belt, lip gloss, and pinned down under my husbands arm when he is hugging me.

My husband is complaining that my hair is everywhere. (although he would never let me cut it)

Shedded hairs look like a lot because the hairs are longer.
You deep the ends of your braids with extensions in boiled water and you actually deep your own hair :nono:
I am so on autopilot this morning. I read twice people said cause their buns are getting bigger and I was like what in the world does your butt getting bigger have to do with longer hair and then I thought OH! - That kind of bun. LOL
My twistouts get caught in car doors b/c my hair is so big.:look:

I can wrap my ponytail hoder two or three times and still have a very full looking puff.

My family thought I was wearing a faux ponypuff b/c it was so full.:grin:
Because of how "heavy" it feels after detangling in the shower. After detangling and stretching my hair out last night while washing it, I really noticed a difference in the "weight" of my hair. It doesn't usually feel that heavy in the shower.

Plus, as I was pulling on it in the shower to put it in a bun, I could feel sections of my hair lying "further down" on my back than normal. I think all the flaxseed oil and salmon are starting to really pay off!!!
...because everyone tells me so:kiss3:

...because when I wear my hair down, it gets caught while placing my purse, or tote bag on my shoulder.

...because my buns are getting bigger.

Ditto, ditto, and ditto! I am happy my buns are getting bigger because I used to have the most anorexic looking bun possible. Not a cute look...its nice to finally have a decent looking one. I still dont like wearing them, but in a pinch at least it looks halfway decent.
I'm transitioning and wearing my hair in protective styles a lot...I know that my hair is growing b/c everytime I mini chop, my hair AFTER the chop is longer than it was the LAST time I chopped...if that makes matter how much I cut off, and I trim every couple of weeks or every couple of months depending on my mood, I always end up with hair that is longer than the results from my LAST chop
When I detangle under the shower and can't believe my hair is hanging down past my shoulders, toward APL!

When I flatiron or get a blowout and it looks like pieces have been added to my hair :grin:

The curly fro and puff keep expanding! :)
I knew my hair was getting longer when it kept getting caught up under my armpits and when it is at my goal when wet. < That means I'm not to far away.
-I'm constantly messing with it. Throwing it over one shoulder, pulling it off of my neck, etc.
-It keeps getting caught in my purse strap
-It sticks to my lip gloss when the wind blows
-People are constantly telling me how fast and long it is growing
I know mine is getting longer when I keep swatting at my neck because I think something is crawling on me and its my hair.
When I take out my braids I can now only cut a few inches from the end and have to end up unbraiding most of it by hand for fear of cutting some of my acutal hair :grin:. Good growth, poor fingers :ohwell: .

I puff has lost some of it's "poof" it's more "floppy."
-My twist and braid sessions are getting longer.
-My hair feels heavier when I wash it.
-My puffs and fros are getting bigger.
-People keep telling you it's getting longer and actually asks for help with their hair
-You have to pull it from under your jacket when you're wearing your hair down

The biggest one for me:
I knew my hair was getting longer when all the "friends" who were making fun of me when i told them about how long my hair was gonna be don't say crap when i wear my hair down. All they do is stare at my hair from afar and don't even dare ask what i'm doing to it. They lost that chance a long time ago.:heated:
when u are eating at a restaurant and your hair is sitting in one of your plates of food on table the entire time and u don't know. then look down and end of hair full of cheesecake and the hair smeared the cheesecake all over your blouse.

walking in store past clothing fixtures and hair gets freakin caught in a fixture

using public restroom. squatting over toilet and have to hold hair from hittin toilet or goin inside it.

during sex when it gets caught in every crease, fold, sweat spot. or kissing with mouth full of hair..or when SO keeps havin to move my hair away.
i didn't put it up cause i wanted to look tousled and sexy:look::lol:
Something feels heavy on my upper back and when I put my hand back there to see what it is, its my thick hair.... Also my bun look much bigger than it used to...
Twisting my hair has now become one of my arm strengthening exercises.

Purses, car doors, and seat belts are on high alert for hair pulling opportunities.

Conditioners and ayurvedic products are now being bought by pounds and gallons.

More and more of these looks when I take down my hair. :eek:

Contortionist arm no longer needed to show hair length.

But I ain't complaining, I will take the new found discoveries for health and length. :yep:
When I hear (and feel) hairs pop from getting caught in the shoulder strap of my tote bags. Also, when my aunt asks me to turn around so she can see how much my hair has grown.:spinning:
For me recently,

-I have had to use larger claw clips
-I have had to upgrade to bigger rollers
-my hair takes longer to dry
-I can put my hair up nicely and easily without using bobbypins.
-My bangs are longer and may need to be cut if I want to keep this style
-people make comments and ask what I am doing

These are just a few things I have recently noticed.
during sex when it gets caught in every crease, fold, sweat spot. or kissing with mouth full of hair..or when SO keeps havin to move my hair away.
i didn't put it up cause i wanted to look tousled and sexy:look::lol:


adequate said:
When you're having sex and you're like...ouch get off my hair...or you gotta put your hair up to keep him or you from laying on it. :look:



*just co-signing*
I relaxed last week and noticed that in the car while driving, I sat back completely in my seat and I turned my head and pulled my hair pretty hard. It hurt cause I had several inches of hair trapped between my back and the seat. Now, I'm very conscious to pull all of my hair to one side in the car otherwise I know I'll lose strands. I'm gonna have to keep a claw clip in the car to put my hair up while driving or I'll end up pulling it all out by the roots from sitting/leaning back on it. Or I could always just drive like an old lady sitting straight up in my seat. :lachen:Guess that's a small price to pay since I'm now past BSL. YEAH!:grin: Midback here I come!

ETA: When I'm in the mirror and I can see the ends of my hair hanging down my back through the space between my armpit and my body. Does that make sense? From the front I can see my ends hanging in the back without turning to the side but just lifting my arm a bit. Oh nevermind I can't type it exactly but I feel good when I see those ends hanging a little lower each time it's down and straight.
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Here's one...When my 5 month old gets a good grip on the hair hanging near her when I'm holding her or (god forbid :drunk:) leaning down changing a diaper. Now I have to wrap my hair up as soon as we walk in the door!
1. people are starting to notice when I wear my hair down

2. when I'm detangling in the shower, I realize.... Oh my gosh, is that hair touching my shoulder blades?:look: