You know you have a KING when....

Kinda long. . .
I am a Swarovski fiend. My daughter gave me a beautiful necklace for Christmas 2012. I have lots so I thought that I could match it with some earrings that I already have but the necklace was so beautiful that the only earrings that would work with it were the ones made for it. So I searched but was unsuccessful. Fast forward to spring 2013.

I asked my friend what he was going to do while waiting to pick his mom up from the airport. He says he would hang out in the mall to pass the time. So I asked him to stop by the Swarovski store to see if they might have the earrings. I send him the name and a pic. He reports back that they are not available. . . anywhere. Fast forward again to September 2013.

I am putting up the dishes from supper when I hear him go out to his car and come back. I come out of the kitchen and spot a gift bag. I am excited so I reach for the bag. He grabs my hand and tells me to wait. He explains how he knew I wanted those earrings and how he'd used the pic to check everywhere for them but they were sold out across the country. I thank him and let him know how sweet it was for him to try to get them but I am thrilled to get anything in that blue box anyway. As I open the box he finishes the story with "except for this one pair, you now have the last ones." It was the sweetest thing I've experienced.
When you rarely have the same argument twice because he listens to your concerns the first time and then tries to do better even if he doesn't fully agree with you. This threw me off at first. I was so used to trying to convince men why they should do better. During our first disagreement SO stopped me shortly after I started my long speech and asked me what he needed to do differently in the future. The crazy part was he actually did it.

Now on the rare occasion that I'm upset with him I always decide exactly what I need him to change and he consistently follows through.

It might not sound like a lot to some ladies but the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your SO wants to help solve your problems even when he's one of them is a beautiful thing.

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When you rarely have the same argument twice because he listens to your concerns the first time and then tries to do better even if he doesn't fully agree with you. This threw me off at first. I was so used to trying to convince men why they should do better. During our first disagreement SO stopped me shortly after I started my long speech and asked me what he needed to do differently in the future. The crazy part was he actually did it.

Now on the rare occasion that I'm upset with him I always decide exactly what I need him to change and he consistently follows through.

It might not sound like a lot to some ladies but the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your SO wants to help solve your problems even when he's one of them is a beautiful thing.

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This is huge! Once during a disagreement I laid out why I was upset, and left it there. He said, always tell me if I have done anything to make you upset because I NEVER want to do it again.
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(Not sure if this has been posted or not)

When he knows all of your flaws and still loves, respects and accepts them as if they are PERFECT!!! He says I'm his "Perfect Imperfection". As whack as it sounds, it makes my heart melt.
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When he walks to the store when the roads are closed after an ice storm to get you your bottled water and almonds and bubble gum bc he wants you to be comfortable and he knows you like those things. Even when you said you didn't want him to and you're only out of those things BC your greedy butt ate them all on the first day of the storm.
When you don't get (what you think is the job of your dreams) and he says Baby you aren't thinking big enough. You blessing is right around the corner!!!!
When every time you have a rough day, he is at your door when you get off with a hug and encouraging words.
When you get sick and have to go to the er, he comes right over even though he is on crutches himself.
When he gets up at four a.m. and drives across town to make sure you have gas and lunch money because you have to be to work at 5:30.
When you aren't feeling 100% and want to do something nice for a friend and he goes out, gets it all set up then let's you take credit for it.
This thread makes me feel happy and sad at the same time. Happy because it's good to know men like this exist and Black women ARE in fulfilled relationships. Sad because I sometimes feel like I will never have relationships like this.

Another positive is Ive been seriously considering just settling for Mr. Good Enough, and this thread shows me that so much more could be possible. A tiny bit of hope.
When he introduces you to his friends as "his future"

when he waits in line with you to get on the Super Bowl toboggan slide in time square--in the freezing cold---and then turns to you and says sweets you go wait in the coffee shop i dont want you freezing and I'll text you when we're about to go on...

he does all the corny mushy stuff i luv without any complaintsss--he just gives me the look lmaoo....

love that man!!!!
When he introduces you to everyone as his wife and you are not married yet.

When you are automatically included in plans with his friends.

When he discusses wanting to meet your dad.

When you wake up and your car is cleaned off with a rose under the windshield.
When he turns to you and says to you after 4 months of dating, you will be my wife. I knew it from the day I first laid eyes on you. Him and I have been together 7 months now.

When he cooks food and drives an hour one way just to bring it to you bc you have a migraine and feel too bad to get something to eat or cook at your own place.

When every time you see him, he has several gifts for you.

When he shows up to your job at lunch to surprise you and take you to lunch.

When he comes and scoops you up to take you to dinner and a movie and shopping for his own birthday. Keep in mind I had bought him gifts and made a cake and cookies like he asked and was going to cook a meal for him. Instead I got treated like it was my birthday. And got a full body massage.

When he understands you and wants to help you through problems and wants to help you even when he doesn't understand your feelings and emotions.

When he volunteers to drive you to your home state so you can go put flowers on your mother's grave to acknowledge the first year since she died. Paid for everything. Never had to spend a dime nor lift a finger. He bought the flowers, drove in his vehicle, paid for gas and food. All I had to do was ride. And we had just started dating almost 3 weeks prior.

I remember in the single ladies thread last year I was talking about how my last bf treated me like crap. I started dating this man not too long after that post i think. He is quite a few years older than me but he is what I need. This is the first relationship where I finally see how I am supposed to be treated. I am treated like a real queen by this man. I have never been treated like this before. He is so amazing! I never want for anything. I can talk to him about anything and we developed a friendship even before we dated bc we worked together for a year and a few months and talked all of the time. I am blessed to have found a friend then a romantic relationship with him. :-)

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When he comes out and changes your flat tire in the snow even before the first date and was a perfect gentleman the entire time.
-stays up all night to tutor me for an exam.
-supports me while I host events and programs
-remembers the little things :)
-enjoys cooking for me, especially when I'm bummed.
-when we played final fantasy 10 together over the summer and loved it.
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I thought the thread title said "KANG".....I was wondering why you all were writing all this nice stuff until I
I thought the thread title said "KANG".....I was wondering why you all were writing all this nice stuff until I
quiet as kept, this thread is a rebuttal to that very concept. the thread was so on point and accurate that the truth hurt too much and it went to poofland :sad:
It's been brutally cold in NYC recently and DH has taken to going to clean the snow and ice off my car, warming it up and pulling it around for me. He leaves for the gym around 5:30 am but comes back home to get my car ready before leaving for work.

I came home from a work trip on Tuesday night and DH had cleaned. This place is a magnet for dust and I gave up the battle a long time ago but something moved him to clean on Monday or Tuesday. Granted, he moved things around a lot such that my makeup, brushes, perfume, lotions and stuff are in the wrong places and he threw away my last corner of beauty blender solid cleanser (wrapped in a corner of plastic), but at least I didn't have to dust.