You did what......


New Member
This is so funny cause I think now her husband see's

My co-worker was married but her hubby did not have a ring well he was cheating and she baught him a ring.

Well they are trying to work things out, but she leaves him with 6 kids (5 girls 1 boy 2 sets of twins the youngest twins 1) and did not tell him where she was. She stays at a hotel and he meets her in the morning before she pulls through the gate. She keeps driving and only says hey Rob because the guard will not let him in the gate and she does not answer her phone when he calls.

She has been gone now about a month and she goes to see the kids every other weekend, but she makes sure they are okay.

She says why should he have all the fun. I have stayed and took care of him and the kids and this is what I get oh heck to the naw.

Her hubby looks so worn out and the girls hair is getting better:lachen:. He told her he was going to take her up for support she tells him so I will stop working and find another job. I asked when she was going home she said in about 6 months. They are having date nights, he is cleaning the house, paying the bills and she does not give him money. She said if you can pay to cheat you can take care of your kids.

She has joined the gym looking good started buying her clothes, perfume and getting her hair and nails done. She is looking good.

Oh by the way the other woman left!!!!!!!:lachen:

They are so funny.:grin:
hmmm.....well maybe hubby learned his lesson, but I fear the kids will feel like they are being punished too... interesting way to work this out :look:
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Good revenge story, but I couldn't leave my kids. In the end it will hurt them more than either of the adults. The kids may grow up remembering mommy left us for six months. My grandmother did this to her kids and has not been able to regain the respect of her kids again (and that was 45 years ago).
I don't find any humor in this story :sad:
Why punish the children? Does she really think that is going to stop him from cheating again?
Neither one of them seem to take their marriage or parental duties seriously :nono:
She has been gone now about a month and she goes to see the kids every other weekend, but she makes sure they are okay.

Like the other posters, I fail to see the humor in this. I hope she plans on coming home soon. I bet those kids really miss their mom. Surely there's a way they can work this out with everyone under one roof.
How old are they? It seems a little on the childish side... Not sure how a reconcile is going to work.
I know her plan was not to hurt her children but to teach her husband (like most men) when you cheat and leave the wife at home to deal with everything while you go out have fun and not have that care. I know that was her only thing. As the mom you have to always pick up and make it better she did not have them by herself and they are all his.

I know some may say it is wrong or she should not have left, but as I said for so long women have to stay and pick up the pieces when he cheats and goes out I guess she felt oh well let him see how he likes it.

My humor comes in the fact that that he looks worn out like he is so dog tired and she is so refreshed. (as he would if he had left her home with the kids)

I don't think she had a plan of this is the way to stop him from cheating just she was not going to take it lying down.

She is a very good mom and keeps in touch with her kids daily and on weekends. The oldes is 16 youngest twins 1. Where it would have been she keeps the kids and he see's them on weekends she said nope.

I hope her kids do not hate her as I know she was and is hurt and this is her way of dealing with it.

I am sorry if some are offended. But in all honesty I understand her point to some degree. I don't think she will stay gone 6months.
I'm in the minority but I chuckled a bit. If the Dad was unable to care for the kids then I wouldn't be laughing. He is an adult. He is their father. The kids miss their mom, I'm sure. But she'll be back. They may just think Mommy has a new job that requires her to be out of the house for some time. If they know the truth of the situation, I would think they'd hate him ... not her.
My sister in law left my brother with my nephew. My nephew doesn't really get along with my BROTHER, go figure that one out.

I believe most children will forgive their mother moreso than their father.
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I don't find any humor in this story :sad:
Why punish the children? Does she really think that is going to stop him from cheating again?
Neither one of them seem to take their marriage or parental duties seriously :nono:

Though I chuckled at the story, I agree with the bolded.
LOL at this story.

People think their children are dumb, but if they are at least 6 years old I'm sure they know the truth of what is going on. I honestly don't blame the woman. I'm sure during her visits she tells her children how much she loves them and this is only temporary and she will be back. I don't think her children will hate her.

But I hate when men think they don't have consequences for ANYTHING. Get a girl pregnant? Oh what who cares. She asks for child support? Okay I'll enroll in school and quit my job (so the girl can't get child support). Cheat on my wife? Who cares the kids is HER responsibility. If she kicks me out, she'll be all by herself taking care of the kids.

And people talking bout it's not fair to the children. Well it wasn't fair to the children when he went out there betrayed his wedding vows and start slangin that thang like crack with another woman knowing that it has the potential or destroying his kids' happy home.
I know her plan was not to hurt her children but to teach her husband (like most men) when you cheat and leave the wife at home to deal with everything while you go out have fun and not have that care. I know that was her only thing. As the mom you have to always pick up and make it better she did not have them by herself and they are all his.

I know some may say it is wrong or she should not have left, but as I said for so long women have to stay and pick up the pieces when he cheats and goes out I guess she felt oh well let him see how he likes it.

My humor comes in the fact that that he looks worn out like he is so dog tired and she is so refreshed. (as he would if he had left her home with the kids)

I don't think she had a plan of this is the way to stop him from cheating just she was not going to take it lying down.

She is a very good mom and keeps in touch with her kids daily and on weekends. The oldes is 16 youngest twins 1. Where it would have been she keeps the kids and he see's them on weekends she said nope.

I hope her kids do not hate her as I know she was and is hurt and this is her way of dealing with it.

I am sorry if some are offended. But in all honesty I understand her point to some degree. I don't think she will stay gone 6months.

I wasn't offended. But I think we assume kids think like adults, they don't. Even if you tell them otherwise, kids often feel like whatever's going on is their fault.. Also, fair or not, kids often hold their mothers to different's just reality....and frankly I really question a woman who would leave behind her 1 year old twins regardless of what her man did.

Hope it works out for all of them, but from the outside it looks like some tit for tat childishness....
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I wasn't offended. But I think we assume kids think like adults, they don't. Even if you tell them otherwise, kids often feel like whatever's going on is their fault.. Also, fair or not,kids often hold their mothers to different's just reality....and frankly, I really question a woman who would leave behind her 1 year old twins, regardless of what her man did.

Hope it works out for all of them, but from the outside it looks like some tit for tat childishness....

Yes and the oldest at 16 has got to be like :nono: at both parents.
They have six kids...they both need to grow up and figure it out.
But it would have been perfectly natural for the father to leave? While I don't agree with it, I'm not offended and I actually in some ways applaud her for having the courage to do this. Sometimes you have to use all means necessary to get your point across. Hopefully it won't affect the children in the long run. I do think this is a lesson "daddy" needed to learn! anybody surprised the other woman took off? But personally, I'd have thrown his cheating behind out..and moved on.....But that's just me...
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I applaud her personally. You have to be a strong woman to do something like this.

I mean yea the kids are watching but i don't think they would hate her. As a matter of fact, i think when her children get older, especially her daughters, and ask her about it, they would be proud of their mother for standing her ground like that. A lot of women can't do that
My mom left my dad when I was 14, I had four younger siblings ages 12, 10, 8 and 3. My dad was a cheat and got caught numerous times, even had outside kids. My mom finally had enough(so she thought) and left she moved to Syracuse New York for three months. In that time relatives helped her find housing and a job with a cleaning service, we were going to join her at the end of the school year in a few months.

The entire time she was gone, my baby brother age three asked where is momma, I told him she was at work each time he asked. He is 40 now and has no memory of my mom being gone. My sisters and I do remember, we remember wishing she would stay gone and that she wouldnt believe him when he called her and we could hear him begging her to come home. But in the end she did come home, he continued cheating. But HE she said was not her reason for coming back, the apartment my relatives had found her was in the projects in the middle of the ghetto and she didnt want to raise us in that type environment; she chose what was to her the lesser of the two evils.
Now, this would be a great story if there werent kids involved. I know they miss their mommy. Some parents seem to lose focus that once you have kids its not ALL about them 100% of the time anymore.
LOL at this story.

People think their children are dumb, but if they are at least 6 years old I'm sure they know the truth of what is going on. I honestly don't blame the woman. I'm sure during her visits she tells her children how much she loves them and this is only temporary and she will be back. I don't think her children will hate her.

But I hate when men think they don't have consequences for ANYTHING. Get a girl pregnant? Oh what who cares. She asks for child support? Okay I'll enroll in school and quit my job (so the girl can't get child support). Cheat on my wife? Who cares the kids is HER responsibility. If she kicks me out, she'll be all by herself taking care of the kids.

And people talking bout it's not fair to the children. Well it wasn't fair to the children when he went out there betrayed his wedding vows and start slangin that thang like crack with another woman knowing that it has the potential or destroying his kids' happy home.

ITA! It's not fair to the children when either parent leaves but I agree that men do things against their family because they do not have a full understanding of the man/woman's role in marriage. While he was out cheating, he already left the kids behind for her to take care of solo so I don't see anything wrong with her leaving him with HIS kids for a while, especially since she's visiting and staying in contact.

I tell my friends that I would do this all the time and they think it's hilarious. Our kids are our kids and I will see to it that we share our kids. I'm sure they doubt I will actually go through with it but I watched my mom sacrifice a lot while my dad enjoyed part-time fatherhood. I don't think they split because he was cheating and he met his requirements (visits every other weekend, child support, etc.) but I really wish the courts would have enforced part-time custody either by alternating years, splitting the year, or something. Heck, he stays 10 minutes from my mom. And it's not just to make it fair to the mother. I think split custody would foster deeper relationships for the kids with both parents and the kids need that. There are a lot of "lost" kids who don't know how to form relationships, have identity issues, and suffer from other emotional deficiencies because they were raised by one parent regardless of how strong and mighty that parent was. I'm over 30 and I'm still getting to know my dad and because there are no other men in my family I'm severely behind on understanding men beyond the surface.

But back to the point, I agree that it's not fair to the woman when the man decides he just wants to call it quits or run a muck and there is nothing wrong with him taking care of HIS kids there just needs to be some balance.

Side note: John and Kate plus 8. That was a ridiculous stunt he pulled and everybody watched as Kate managed the 8 solo while he wined about how hard and stressed out it was for him to deal with HIS kids and he chose to party like a rock star with his new flame. I wish she'd let him have the kids for a year! That would be a great reality show. Just give him 2 of them and watch what a changed man he would be.

I wish the best for her and hope he gets it together. If not, I'm sure he understands his choice in 'playing the field' does not equal returning to a full 'bachelor' lifestyle and I think that's what many men (who don't fully understand their role in relationships) think. He will be a dad.

[Am I ranting??? Sorry LOL!]
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Her 16 year old soon to be 17 talks with her mom daily. The dad does not know all they time they talk. She keeps her mom informed.

Shelly said daddy was crying cause both the twins pooped and he could not stand the smell and I went outside so he could not ask me to help.

She also said the dad tried to call the other woman a couple of times and she would not answer the phone.

I think all will be good. She has the kids this weekend (she goes tot he house and the dad can not just leave) I told some of the comments and she feels really good.
Good for her. Folks are all up in arms but aren't bashing the man for causing this situation in the first place. Women are just supposed to be the world's whipping post, even from other women. We're quick to talk about what ish we wouldn't take from a man, but the second a woman acts on it - she's condemned.

Often, leaving a man and taking the kids just becomes a paycheck issue for him - not a punishment or a lesson.
He's a grown arse man - it's about time he learns what her experience has been like.
^^^ I don't see folks up in arms. I see folks trying to figure out what she's trying to acheive here.

Why would she want a man back who is still trying to contact the other woman? And if she doesn't want him back then what is the point of all this?

Yes the man is behaving like an idiot but that's not the topic of the thread. The topic of the thread seems to be celebrating a mother of six leaving her kids with a man who doesn't seem very committed to the relationship and who is struggling with taking care of six kids on his own. Not to mention that two of them are only 1 year old.

All the way around this sounds like a sorry situation for those kids.
Her 16 year old soon to be 17 talks with her mom daily. The dad does not know all they time they talk. She keeps her mom informed.

Shelly said daddy was crying cause both the twins pooped and he could not stand the smell and I went outside so he could not ask me to help.

She also said the dad tried to call the other woman a couple of times and she would not answer the phone.

I think all will be good. She has the kids this weekend (she goes tot he house and the dad can not just leave) I told some of the comments and she feels really good.

:nono: :nono: :nono: at the bolded. He hasn't learned his lesson.

Good for her. Folks are all up in arms but aren't bashing the man for causing this situation in the first place. Women are just supposed to be the world's whipping post, even from other women. We're quick to talk about what ish we wouldn't take from a man, but the second a woman acts on it - she's condemned.

Often, leaving a man and taking the kids just becomes a paycheck issue for him - not a punishment or a lesson.
He's a grown arse man - it's about time he learns what her experience has been like.

No one denies that he caused this situation and is the blame. HOWEVER, I still think she is being childish and going about it all wrong at the expense of her kids.
It isn't working. He is still trying to call his sidepiece. I seriously hope that she doesn't think that this is going to change his behavior. He will cheat again :yep: Hopefully on her time off, she is plotting her divorce from dude because that is the only thing that is going to correct this scenario.
Her 16 year old soon to be 17 talks with her mom daily. The dad does not know all they time they talk. She keeps her mom informed.

Shelly said daddy was crying cause both the twins pooped and he could not stand the smell and I went outside so he could not ask me to help.

She also said the dad tried to call the other woman a couple of times and she would not answer the phone.

I think all will be good. She has the kids this weekend (she goes tot he house and the dad can not just leave) I told some of the comments and she feels really good.

Has she considered leaving for good?
Has she considered leaving for good?

Yes she has. She has started thearpy and is getting her kids in with her. She states she did not see it coming. Her family is helping her get things together and along with his family they help out with the kids just not like hubby wants.

After she found out he was still calling the ex (I think it was to help change the diapers) she knows it is over.
No one denies that he caused this situation and is the blame. HOWEVER, I still think she is being childish and going about it all wrong at the expense of her kids.
It isn't working. He is still trying to call his sidepiece. I seriously hope that she doesn't think that this is going to change his behavior. He will cheat again :yep: Hopefully on her time off, she is plotting her divorce from dude because that is the only thing that is going to correct this scenario.

I don't think she's doing all of this to win him back or change his behavior. IMO, I simply think she's sharing the responsibility of raising his kids. If she died (and I am not wishing that on anybody, just bringing up a different perspective), he'd have to change the poopy diapers so....

And if she does go through with a divorce, I still don't agree with her having full custody. Six kids, he should at least take 3. Don't want to split the kids up? Then somehow they need to split custody 50/50 because Momma will need more than just a break every other weekend and those kids need to know their father as a man and not a sperm donor. I'm just saying :grin:
I don't know her true motives, but if she's acting with deliberation and intent, I think she's a smart lady.

First, the hubby is already cheating. There are older kids in the house who can put two and two together. The younger ones may even be able to do so. So, his cheating means that someting needs to be addressed in some type of way.

If she stays and puts up with it, she likely loses the respect of her children and sets a bad example for her girls (and the boys, too, though that's more the father's thing).

If she files for divorce, the home is split up anyway. So, the issue here is not whether the kids miss their mommy (as their whole family structure will likely change anyway.) But rather, how can their world stay as in tact as possible?

As a person who has gone through all of this growing up, I think that in many ways, if a man is a competent father, leaving the children with him will force him to step up to the plate as a father. The woman, because of her strong maternal instincts, would not need encouragement to see her kids or remain an active part of their lives. But the fathers often do. What women end up doing a lot of times is basically saying that the man isn't needed anymore. Or all the hurt and jealousy regarding his rejection of her ends up making her put a wedge between the father and the kids.

Again, as someone who was a child in that kind of situation, I've often thought that if I were faced with the same that I believe it would be better for me to leave the children with their father so that he doesn't feel alleviated of his parenting responsibilities. I know that I would remain the most active and involved parent possible, whether I had the kids most of the time or not. But a lot of time men are just looking for an excuse to bow out, even looking for proof that "they don't really need me anyway. They'll be all right." And being left with the kids tells them that they are needed and don't have permission to go.

Basically, the lady in the op probably knows that her husband will take good care of the kids and that her love for them isn't going anywhere. I hope it works out for them.
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