Yogurt for Straightening/Loosing curl pattern in 4b naturals...

Ok...so I read evverrry single post. And I truly understand the power of the yogurt. However, what I'm sorta confused on (still) is when exactly is the BEST time to use the yogurt?

Would it be best to use on dry hair (pre-wash) or wet hair (post washed)?

Would I condition afterwards or wash afterwards and then condition? :ohwell:

I slather my concoction on as a pre poo- leave on for an hour, wash, acv rinse, then condition.
I mostly use it as part of my deep conditioning mix afte shampooing and a few times when I am condition-washing, but I have never used it on dry hair.
Ok, I tried this last night, and it really isn't anything to write home about. Maybe the results are residual, so I shall keep trying.

It is basically like a henna treatment for me, except this is much more moisturizing. However henna doesn't have that much of effect on my hair.

Now I will continue to do this because this is an easy cheap treatment, and basically dripless. :yep:

I used LeKair, individual tub of plain lowfat yogurt, honey, a little castor oil, and a bit of lime juice.

I will try it again this weekend and come back to post my results.
I have only used full-fat yogurt. I do not really know, but I just believe that you do not get the full benefit of the treatment using low- or non-fat.
Ok, I will look for full fat yogurt. I certainly couldn't find any last night at all!!!!

I will check another store this weekend.

I have only used full-fat yogurt. I do not really know, but I just believe that you do not get the full benefit of the treatment using low- or non-fat.

I agree--I use full fat only.

I do happen to use the mixture as a prepoo, because I often deep condition on dry hair.
I went to the store last night again and could not find any Full Fat yogurt. I will got to Whole Foods and TJ and ACME further out. Everything was light,fat free, nonfat, or low fat.

We'll see. :perplexed
I went to the store last night again and could not find any Full Fat yogurt. I will got to Whole Foods and TJ and ACME further out. Everything was light,fat free, nonfat, or low fat.

We'll see. :perplexed

You might want to try the organic yogurt for babies. I know that has to be full fat. That's what I use when I cant find Dannon full fat.
Hi ladies!
Ok, so I saw this thread and started thinking about the remainder of that big tub of low fat plain yogurt that I bought for a recipe last week. I thought I would give it a try, because my hair needs...something. Anyhow, I mixed about 1 1/2 to 2 cups of low fat yogurt, about 1tsp of amla oil, 2T coconut oil and maybe 1/4t of liquid SAA (it had just arrived and I was itching to use it).

Now, I planned to put it in my hair right away, but I couldn't get over the smell of the amla oil (boy that caught me by suprise!) and a friend that I haven't seen in ages called, so I put it in the refrigerator and left it overnight.

The next evening I went ahead and put the mixture on my head cold. I put on a plastic cap and got another phone call that ended up lasting around 4hrs (I can see this being an overnight treatment because of the time I left it on, but I'm not sure how much the time had to do with this result). I finally got off of the phone, rinsed and did a cowash. I put some coconut oil on, braided it and went to bed.

I woke up this morning and took my hair out of the braids. I am 4a/4b hair combination, and I have not had a relaxer since MARCH 17th of 2007.

As I combed through I looked at my roots and this is what I saw. I bet if I had banded instead of braiding I could've worn it down today. Next time I'll plan better.

This may not be much for some, but for me it's GREAT. It gives me another option. You should've seen my hair before this. If I knew the results would be this good, I would've taken a picture for comparison!


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Hi ladies!
Ok, so I saw this thread and started thinking about the remainder of that big tub of low fat plain yogurt that I bought for a recipe last week. I thought I would give it a try, because my hair needs...something. Anyhow, I mixed about 1 1/2 to 2 cups of low fat yogurt, about 1tsp of amla oil, 2T coconut oil and maybe 1/4t of liquid SAA (it had just arrived and I was itching to use it).

Now, I planned to put it in my hair right away, but I couldn't get over the smell of the amla oil (boy that caught me by suprise!) and a friend that I haven't seen in ages called, so I put it in the refrigerator and left it overnight.

The next evening I went ahead and put the mixture on my head cold. I put on a plastic cap and got another phone call that ended up lasting around 4hrs (I can see this being an overnight treatment because of the time I left it on, but I'm not sure how much the time had to do with this result). I finally got off of the phone, rinsed and did a cowash. I put some coconut oil on, braided it and went to bed.

I woke up this morning and took my hair out of the braids. I am 4a/4b hair combination, and I have not had a relaxer since MARCH 17th of 2007.

As I combed through I looked at my roots and this is what I saw. I bet if I had banded instead of braiding I could've worn it down today. Next time I'll plan better.

This may not be much for some, but for me it's GREAT. It gives me another option. You should've seen my hair before this. If I knew the results would be this good, I would've taken a picture for comparison!

wow, it really works. I am so trying this when I get some more length. Right now my hair is cut in a bald fade/dark ceaser hair cut due to damage from hard presses but once it gets some length I will be trying this. thanks for posting and sharing with us.
ok so rather than texlaxing maybe I will try this first. Can you put it on relaxed hair? How long does this loosening effect last?
Okay, I am updating. Wanted to give it time because I jumped the gun my last post. It is not bad as a detangler for me, but I still had to detangle after washing (long story short, I'm looking for ways to avoid detangling as much as possible). I left full fat yogurt on for an hour, after thoroughly rinsing my hair. My hair did not feel extra moisturized. It felt . . . raw or . . . rough, they way it always does when I've cleaned it thoroughly and have not remoisturized. It did not loosen my curl pattern at all, as you can see in the attached picture below, which is fine by my. I didn't really expect it to much since on another forum people talk about yogurt but not as a "curl loosener" but just as a "conditioning treatment". Anyway, it didn't feel any more conditioned or moisturized or anything, just helped some with the detangling. And I can't even evaluate that fully because I left it to dry a little without immediately detangling which created more knots than usual. It's just that it felt more detangled as I separated clumps under the force of the water from the shower head.


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this thread kind of dropped off the face of the earth. Are people still doing this? does it work?
I have tranisitioned of a little over a year, and started to use this to see it it would make detangling easier. I combined ingredients from the Carmel Treatment; :grin: I still use the butter milk and full fat yogurt along with different oils and baby banana food, honey, molasses,and a cap full of ACV. I use this as a deep conditioning treatment once a week. I've always had pretty good results with the buttermilk, full fat yogurt, and honey. Since I've tried different mixes I know that I love results with the new mixture better. :lick: I am pretty sure that i am a 4A with a mixture of fine and thick strands.

I used powdered milk to thicken up the yogurt and buttermilk soultion and found the hard way it didn't disolve in this mix. :nono:
I have only used full-fat yogurt. I do not really know, but I just believe that you do not get the full benefit of the treatment using low- or non-fat.

I still do this and I agree with the above. I tried it with low fat yogurt and it had the opposite effect; Dry, matted and tangled:nono:

definitely definitely use full fat yogurt. I do this as a pre-poo cause I like to DC my hair with heat. I don't think heat and yogurt would mix well, I could be wrong but I done messin around. Sticking to what works.
I'm doing this, and actually plan on doing it more often - using this as my only protien treatment, vs. anything else....and I've noticed my hair getting - looser, is the only right word for it - but I don't think it's just the yogurt - I think it's a combination of things...
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I'm still doing this and its making a world of a difference during my transition. I find it takes the bulk out of the natural hair and thus use much less tension when I'm protective styling, which was starting to affect my edges. Also, hair holds much more moisture.

Good stuff. If you haven't done it yet, try it :)
I have been doing this since October. I believe that yogurt and aloe vera are the main reasons my hair hangs down now insteading of going outward after it has airdried.
I've used whole milk on my hair and yogurt.
I would douse my hair with milk and cover it in a plastic bag and leave it on for an hour. My roots were straight but my hair came out very very hard.
I just used plain lowfat yogurt almost a week ago. I didnt have much NG but the roots did seem straighter. My hair didnt come out as hard but I dont think I left it in as long as I did the milk.
I just tried a yogurt and honey mixture after a shikaki/amla shampoo last night and my hair is so silky soft. This is definitely a keeper.

I have used yogurt, Whole milk and now - coconut milk & lime.
what I have liked the best is yogurt..... It is a light protien and softens nicely. I also liked the milk - but it is so cotton pickin' messy. I use milk in a spray bottle. Whole milk has the most protien.

Yogurt EVOO and honey - is my light protein treatment. BTW - lowfat yogurt has more PROTEIN that full fat yogurt..... so I use that. Plain yogurt from the market is 69 cents. It does not get any better than that.

I do all protien or henna treatments as pree poos. - It just works better for me. I use the same moisture DC treatments after I shampoo.

I woke up this morning and DID not like the feeling of the Coconut milk and lime. left it on while I slept.

I may have left it on too long. I am not sure. I am not sure if my hair is weak or not. I hope not...

I am DCing now - so I will report back later.
Results below...
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I have been doing this since October. I believe that yogurt and aloe vera are the main reasons my hair hangs down now insteading of going outward after it has airdried.
That's awesome, what brand of aloe do you use? I have been reading every where how good it is for our hair. I would like to purchase some and start using it regularly.

I use aloe and vegetable glycerine to set my hair. At most asian grocery stores you can buy a fresh large aloe leaf. It gives enough gel to use on the hair and skin and costs about a dollar.

I use either Puritan's Pride or Swanson Health brand of gel or juice/drink. The Swanson's aloe vera gel is thicker, though, than the PP gel. They are the food-grade/dietary supplement kind, not the kind for skincare. I was in Virginia over the weekend and did not have my aloe vera and my hair wasn't very happy. I have been using nightly since early January and this is one thing I know I will never move on from.
Do/would you still consider your hair natural, if you use this combo to loosen your curls? Are the effects permanent?

just curious.....
I think it depends on your definition of natural. The effects are temporary and it only involved natural, organic foods rather than lab derived chemicals. I figure if I can make masks for my skin and it is still considered "natural" then I should be able to do the same thing to my hair and have it still be natural too right? I am not a zealot about natural hair though. I just want to be healthy. I only chose not to relax my hair once I decided to become a raw vegan because it didn't vibe with the philosophy so I may not be the best person to answer this.
