Yogurt for Straightening/Loosing curl pattern in 4b naturals...

where do you find saloncare products?

I added a couple level tablespoons of yogurt to my conditioner three times three weeks ago and noticed that next Sunday how loose my curl pattern was. I did it three times that first week because I just liked the way my hair felt after the conditioning treatment. I was not looking at all to loosen or relax my curl pattern and was very surprised that this happened, so I started researching this and it is likely the lactic acid action.

My mix also had honey, molasses, whey protein, a tiny bit of coconut oil and coconut milk and my powdered herb mix of strengthening/softening/ moisturizing herbs. My base conditioner was SalonCare honey and almond. I did it three times last week with a splash of buttermilk added (as an experiment) and my curl pattern has loosened about 75-80%. My hair has barely tangled in three weeks and it feels very smooth and retains moisture better. I haven't gotten anymore of those nasty knots on the ends either.

I did not use the yogurt or buttermilk at all this past week and I have wet my hair every night this week either co-washed, shampooed or rinsed and the curl pattern is still the same -- loosened. The "s" shape of the strands are elongated and when I pull my hair back into a bun, my wave pattern is nearly non-existent. I believe it is the lactic acid in the yogurt/buttermilk.
Has anyone ever left this on longer than an hour? I think I may do an overnight because I will be really busy tomorrow.
Bumping for updates from ladies doing this on a regular.

I tried this a couple of times when I was working out my reggie. My hair hasn't been as great as it was then so I am trying to work it back in. Wish me luck!
It was found that the elasticity of the hair was already improved using amounts of 1 % by weight of lactic acid or salt thereof, based on the total of the composition. However, the elasticity was completely retained in comparison to undamaged hair when using at least 2 % by weight of lactic acid or salt thereof. The elasticity may be repaired by using the composition as a leave-on composition, i. e. those compositions which are used without washing away after application (e. g. , hair blow, hair spray, hair foam, styling lotion, hair gel, leave-on conditioners and hair mist) or by using the composition as a rinse-of composition, i. e. those compositions which are to be washed away after application (e. g. , shampoo, conditioner, and treatment).

Especially in the case of the hair care products to be washed away after application, but also for leave-in compositions, it may be preferred to accelerate the penetration of the lactic acid into the hair and thus improving the elasticity restoring effects by cleansing the hair surface.

I stoppped doing it for awhile because my daily use of aloe vera (which contains lactic acid by the way) pretty much keeps my in a perpetually loosened state, but I started again a couple weeks ago, but now I go under the the heat cap with it and the results are so far beyond wow, there is no word for it (smile) -- in conditioner add yogurt, shea butter, honey, aloe vera, and buttermilk powder and slather well to the saturation point on dry hair. I mist the inside of my plastic cap with herbal tea or water and go under my heat cap for a half hour.

Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll: I did an overnight last week. I saturated dry hair with soy milk, one percent milk to which I added honey and buttermilk powder and got wonderful results, but the buttermilk powder had lactic acid in it. I am not sure about non-fat dry milk because I believe much of the results derive from the lactic acid in the buttermilk or yogurt and also the fat in these products as I have seen posts from people who used non-fat yogurt that did not have great results.

ETA: on dry hair
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I stoppped doing it for awhile because my daily use of aloe vera (which contains lactic acid by the way) pretty much keeps my in a perpetually loosened state, but I started again a couple weeks ago, but now I go under the the heat cap with it and the results are so far beyond wow, there is no word for it (smile) -- in conditioner add yogurt, shea butter, honey, aloe vera. I mist the inside of my plastic cap with herbal tea or water and go under my heat cap for a half hour.

Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll: I did an overnight last week. I saturated dry hair with soy milk, one percent milk to which I added honey and buttermilk powder and got wonderful results, but the buttermilk powder had lactic acid in it. I am not sure about non-fat dry milk because I believe much of the results derive from the lactic acid in the buttermilk or yogurt and also the fat in these products as I have seen posts from people who used non-fat yogurt that did not have great results.
Thanks, i was curious about the fat, too....i think you're probably right, but i slathered it on b4 i read this, so we'll see...i just made a paste of nonfat dry milk and put it on my hair, i already had coconut oil and conditioner on my hair, so i'll leave it in for an hour and see how it goes...

i like your mixes...aloevera, huh??? i'll have to investigate this further, i have some in my *salon*pantry, just hadn't used it yet...i'll let you know how it all goes, thanks for helping~
Can someone give me a simple recipe with measurments so I can stop by the store on my way home. I wanna start trying this on my daughter's hair. Also how often should I use? Should I apply to the whole head? And can I have easy to find ingridents that i can get at Wal Mart or any grocery store like that Weis, Mars, Food Lion etc.
well I tried

Yougurt could only find lowfat at raggedy wal mart
a lil Vo5
lemon juice

it was a watery consistency and my daughter has it in now. if it starts running I will wash out ASAP. It kinda stinks makes my head hurt a lil. I will report back any condtioning effects that this may have in her hair. I doubt it will do anything to her texture which is fine. I love her hair and it's easy to manage with the right products.
If anyone cares: Her hair was very very soft. Her coils were more defined didn't really notice a change in her coils loosening but defintly more defined coils. I plan to use again on Sunday and the every week from now on as a Pre poo and DC
Geminigirl: When you can, get full-fat or even goat's milk or Greek yogurt. I was in Kroger yesterday and they did not have any full-fat yogurt -- only low-fat and non-fat, so I will be going to Whole Foods after work today to get Greek yogurt. Many of the ladies said that they saw few, if any, results with the low-fat yogurt.

As well, I have always mixed mine in conditioner, but the concoction likely would be more potent without it. Too, I did it several times over a two-week period (I just liked the silky feel the yogurt gave my hair) before I noticed that it had loosened my texture.
Ok Girls... i tried the yogurt thing... i tried to keep i as simple as possible so i washed my hair and applied full fat yogurt with a lil honey and thats it... left it on my hair for about an hour and went to wash it out and my hair said "WTF!!!" It felt so stripped... not moisturized at all.. so then i put in trader joes nourishing conditioner(which my hairs loves btw), and it did nothing to help.. my hair was so tangled... and my hair never tangles even with this 3 months of ng... tried to be optimistic so i then put in shea moisture leave in and it still felt bad.. had to hop back in the shower and wash out with shampoo again... felt a lil better but not like normal.... put back in my leave in and tried to roller set.. did not work out to well and my hair was breaking alot more than normal from trying to detangle... so i had to blow dry straight... probably wont be doing this again.... or maybe i should mix it with evoo and aloe vera?? what do u think.?? *sigh*
Ok i was curious about this stuff so i tried my own mixture today. I mix butter milk, organinc who milk yogurt and a lil honey together and left on for an hour. after that hour i rinse the mixtured out and my hair felt soft and it felt moisturized. My hair has never felt like this b4. Especially on my twa. This is a keeper for me. i think i will be doing this two times a week for now since its helping me hair and than when my hair moisture balances out i'll tone it down to once a week. I do think it loosen my textured to much but this was first try so we will see what happens next time. Even if it didn't lossen my coils id still use it
Geminigirl: When you can, get full-fat or even goat's milk or Greek yogurt. I was in Kroger yesterday and they did not have any full-fat yogurt -- only low-fat and non-fat, so I will be going to Whole Foods after work today to get Greek yogurt. Many of the ladies said that they saw few, if any, results with the low-fat yogurt.

As well, I have always mixed mine in conditioner, but the concoction likely would be more potent without it. Too, I did it several times over a two-week period (I just liked the silky feel the yogurt gave my hair) before I noticed that it had loosened my texture.
I am on my way to get these ingredients, I've gotten loosen up my curl pattern, especially the curls on the crown & in the back!:spinning:
Have you loosed your think, dense curl pattern using yogurt? I have read that by covering your 4b hair in plain yogurt or spritzing your hair with whole milk and leaving it on for an hour, you can loosen your tight curl pattern over time. I read that it lasts only from wash to wash.
Has anyone with 4b hair experienced this and succeeded?

If so your input is valued and appreciated.:yep:

TIA Ladies

Loosen the curl pattern does not mean you will go from 4B hair to 3C. 4B hair will never be 3C unless you get a jerry curl . It will make it a little easier to comb and condition it. That is it.
Just subbed to this thread love the info.Wondering if you could make a buttermilk mix with vinegar/lime juice? and not have to use the yogurt. I'm on a hair no buy and I'm being very strict with it. PJism is gonna have me homeless with great hair.:perplexed. Now does this work like the Kiya Fizzle or is it totally different? I did that last week and loved it. Edges are still straight after my weekly wash and DC.
Hi and thanks again for you input... You inspired me to start this thread.
Are a 4b? I'm beginning to believe that this method only works on those that have type 1,2, or 3 type hair, hair that has a mixture of 3 with 4, but not soley type 4. I tried plain low fat yougurt last night. Nothing happened but the naps-- still thick and dense. Right now I standing here with whole milk mixed with Giovanni direct. I will rinse in an hour. We shall see...


Did this yoghurt / milk thing ever work out in the end/?? I have 4b hair as well and it's super duper poofy... I need a little more manageability, a slightly looser curl that would make pulling it back a little easier.. Please tell me about your results!!

I tried this yesterday, and it worked for me!! I added almost 150g of full fat natural yoghurt to NTM conditioner with some EVOO and honey, mixed it together and applied it to my head after I shampooed. I left it on for an hour. My hair was so easy to detangle! I braided my hair with some more EVOO and air dried.
This morning when I took my hair down, my hair was soooo soft, and not at all tangled! Normally after a wash, I have to detangle AGAIN with a brush! IT did loosen my texture, so my hair seems a lot longer than usual, which is an added bonus!!!! I'm going to be doing this every week now!!!! :grin:

3 Jul 2009

I needed something to loosen my twa curl too. I mixed the following:

1 cup of Dannon Plain Yogurt
1/4 cup of Buttermilk
2 tsp of molasses

I washed my hair first, then applied the mixture and put on plastic cap.
At this time, I placed a towel to help absorbed this liquid solution. Well, see how this turns out.



Did this yoghurt / milk thing ever work out in the end/?? I have 4b hair as well and it's super duper poofy... I need a little more manageability, a slightly looser curl that would make pulling it back a little easier.. Please tell me about your results!!


Hi, I used this method before straightening my hair and it worked slightly. I used it on my DD's springy 4a hair and it did nothing. Check out the youtube video of the woman who used a different formula and her DD's hair came out nicely.:rolleyes: thinking of trying this again on her today...
