Can "Heat Trained" 4b natural hair grow?

Yep . I know plently of girls with that hair type who do the press and curl routine once a month with long hair. It depends on your hair type and what works for your hair.

They ususally use some type of rollers or wraps tho and keep the heat down to once a month.
The bolded above is what my hairdresser told me. She said that as long as you straighten ONLY freshly shampooed and conditioned hair, you won't have a problem with breakage or thinning ends.

She also said that you should never touch up your style at home after three curling irons or flat irons after the hair has gone for three days without being washed.

Yes, this is what I was taught as a child. You do not apply heat to hair unless it is freshly washed unless you want to go bald.
When I was younger I had heat trained hair and it grew to BSL length with blue magic hair grease, pressing comb, and my mother washing my hair every two weeks. It can be done just only press your hair every two weeks not every week and it should be fine. My hair fell out once I got a perm when I was 13 from a shop. Boy did I cry!!!

what did your mother do to your hair nightly?