Yoghurt for Hairgrowth


I started using yoghurt as a protein treatment in January and was pleasantly surprised with the results. The first time I used it my hair and scalp felt very clean, and my hair very silky and moisturised. I wanted to share this with other members because I have experienced great results without spending a small fortune.

The first time I added mustard oil and the second time I added an avocado to this mixture and was in heaven! I followed each treatment with a DC. I have recently noticed more growth which is an added bonus as well as thickness. It is customary in India for ladies to wash their hair with yoghurt instead of shampoo and mustard oil is used in their haircare especially for scalp massages. I have included a link for any ladies interested.


HHJ Ladies,
sounds interesting. ive definatley heard about mustard oil for growth. But yogurt is new to me. if im not mistaken, it is an antifungal just like MN, which could explain the growth.
Yogurt has definitely been one of my favorite protein tx's since 2009. I hate buying it though b/c my store only sells plain, full fat in the big tub :(

Glad to read that it's working for you!
I use this monthly as Greek full fat yogurt monthly as a deep conditioner mixed with oils, but I have never thought about putting in my scalp. Thanks for the info
When I was relaxed, yogurt was a fantastic DC. For my natural hair, it's very protein sensitive and lasst time, it started to draw up and dry out like straw.

However, for folks not protein-sensitive, yogurt (plain full fat! for the oils) is excellent. Makes the hair stronger and the fat makes it super shiny!
I have used yogurt in in a pre poo mixture along with honey and coconut oil and my hair loved it! I don't really know how much protein my natural hair needs yet so I will probably wait a few weeks before trying it again.
I have used yogurt in in a pre poo mixture along with honey and coconut oil and my hair loved it! I don't really know how much protein my natural hair needs yet so I will probably wait a few weeks before trying it again.

Use the yoghurt treatment once a month which seems adequate enough for my fine hair.
First off I love mustard oil!!! Ladies this oil is a great growth aide.. Second I love using yogurt!! I often mix it with avocado and coconut manna, and the treatment is great. Def strengthens strands and smells divine... I will combine both, thanks op!