Overnight Hairgrowth Treatment

I still haven't tried it because I'm just too lazy with my hair these days. On wash day I need to get it all done and over the same day not carried into the next day lol. I'll just get growth the old fashioned way. I'm still fascinated by this treatment though.

I’m the same way. I hate having to do additional steps on my wash day. However I pre-poo before every wash anyways, so my biggest issue was not having to deal with the messiness of eggs. I remember this one girl, (I think she was on the hair boards) grew her hair using eggs and I always wanted to try it, but couldn’t be bothered with the mess and the fear of using water that’s too warm and having cooked eggs in my hair.

I’m willing to give this a go for 6 months or so to see how it goes! I didn’t expect to have growth after one treatment. But maybe with consistency there will be some added growth and or healthier hair.
I did the treatment again a couple days ago. Same result as before - it elongates the hair temporarily. I do like this treatment and I've noticed that my hair in front is starting to curl better. It's still looser than the back, but doesn't look as ridiculous as before. The only other product that works as well on the hair in front is Olaplex. I'll now only use Olaplex when I'm going to straighten, since it's so pricey.
I did the treatment again a couple days ago. Same result as before - it elongates the hair temporarily. I do like this treatment and I've noticed that my hair in front is starting to curl better. It's still looser than the back, but doesn't look as ridiculous as before. The only other product that works as well on the hair in front is Olaplex. I'll now only use Olaplex when I'm going to straighten, since it's so pricey.

I'm an Olaplex devotee as well!
I did the treatment again a couple days ago. Same result as before - it elongates the hair temporarily. I do like this treatment and I've noticed that my hair in front is starting to curl better. It's still looser than the back, but doesn't look as ridiculous as before. The only other product that works as well on the hair in front is Olaplex. I'll now only use Olaplex when I'm going to straighten, since it's so pricey.

OH dayum. I love Olaplex, but it does cost to keep in the stash.
I totally understand not feeling like doing this again. I had planned to do over the weekend but even with a TWA I couldnt be bothered with a 2 step process even though its something that I could have done while doing chores or just before bed etc.

As other ladies said though, the egg and oil treatment left my hair very soft yet feeling strong. I wish I could find a replacement for the coconut oil though, because my hair doesnt like it in large quantities. maybe I'll try with some other oil next time.
I did this and I did get an inch when I measured afterward. I've been wanting to try this for a months and finally made myself to do it.

I washed and conditioned my hair beforehand and had my hair in loose twists. I then added the mix of two eggs and 5 tbsp of EVOO (I dropped my bottle of grapeseed oil in the shower the day before). I had a small section of hair that I used for the before and after. I measured beforehand (drew line on my boob). I left the mix on for an hour (watched Being Mary Jane) and washed it out. My hair seemed to be fine with the mix though I did have a knot of 10 strands I had to cut (I just took my hair out of braids and didn't comb through thoroughly). Everything else was fine. I added the coconut oil -- it was soft solid and melted as I added it in my hair. I rubbed it in my hair and massaged my scalp. I put on a couple of show caps, a shopping bag, a scarf and a bonnet.

I did this really late (around 10:30 p.m.) and was kinda tired. I drew the before and after lines on my skin because I did this at the last minute and didn't feel like looking for a shirt to mark on (kinda wish I did). I had to keep remarking my skin after each shower to keep the lines dark. :lachen: I also left the coconut oil in my hair for like 15 hours. I was tired today and had to muster up the strength to rinse it out. I also deep conditioned my hair, which is still in and will be for another 8 or so hours when I wake up.

I told my BF that my hair grew an inch overnight and he was like sure, that can't happen. :cry3:But it did. I will see if my hair will still hit the 1 inch line after I wash out the deep conditioner and my hair has airdried. Depending on what happens then, I'll try again next month and will document better to share.

I looked at the videos of the girls in the OP but also watched these ladies.

ETA: I checked my hair after it airdried and it still was an inch longer. I will do this monthly along with my other treatments.

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After re-reading the post in this thread again, I realized that I didn't really do all of the steps (actually the only step I think I did do correctly was use eggs). However, I'm still using my version of this treatment weekly as an overnight pre-poo. My hair does seem to have accelerated growth (not an inch overnight) but I am doing other growth treatments. I can say that when I rinse this treatment out my hair feels amazing and dries feeling almost like silk.
After re-reading the post in this thread again, I realized that I didn't really do all of the steps (actually the only step I think I did do correctly was use eggs). However, I'm still using my version of this treatment weekly as an overnight pre-poo. My hair does seem to have accelerated growth (not an inch overnight) but I am doing other growth treatments. I can say that when I rinse this treatment out my hair feels amazing and dries feeling almost like silk.
How are you doing this treatment? Do you do the step with the coconut oil? I'm glad you are having good results! It didn't seem to work for me at all :(
How are you doing this treatment? Do you do the step with the coconut oil? I'm glad you are having good results! It didn't seem to work for me at all :(

I make a hair mayonnaise using an emulsion blender. I don't use coconut oil. I use soybean oil or EVOO, honey, and a dash of ACV.