Overnight Hairgrowth Treatment

I'm not doing this, but is it safe for someone with a fresh perm to do this? I've been out of that relaxer life so long now I can't remember how perms and protein work/don't work together.:giggle:
If so, I think the ideal candidate would be someone with a fresh perm so they can measure new growth and not entire hair strands, and they would have to use DSD's method. That would br a true test. Either they would get new growth or not. The end. Only then would I be convinced. Yeah, I'm a major skeptic. lol
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I took the plunge and tried this! I have 42 more minutes left and I will wash it out then do the coconut oil before bed. I have loc extensions in and have a couple of them out because I was planning on redoing them. I took a pic of one section so we shall see. I'm still in my work clothes so I wasn't able to do the step by step like I wanted but since I was able to measure one of the sections that I have out, I don't have to guess where the section was that I measured. We'll see, fingers crossed!

Drumroll please!....... Ba-da da-da da-da da-dummm!
Mannnn this ish didn't work. I'll stick to my vitamins, water, agar agar, marine collagen and PATIENCE
I tried this method after I saw it on YouTube a couple months ago. I used a measuring tape to measure my hair and I did it EXACTLY like the girl in the second video did. I didn't see a lick of growth. If you read the comments on those videos you will see a lot of people claiming to have tried it and that it worked. Too bad I'm not one of those people! :cry3:
Drumroll please!....... Ba-da da-da da-da da-dummm!
Mannnn this ish didn't work. I'll stick to my vitamins, water, agar agar, marine collagen and PATIENCE

WAYMINUTE! I may have put my foot in my mouth. Check out the pics. I used my freckle as a marker. I'll try again in a couple of weeks but use a measuring tape instead. What do you think?


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WAYMINUTE! I may have put my foot in my mouth. Check out the pics. I used my freckle as a marker. I'll try again in a. Lille of weeks but use a measuring tape instead. What do you think?

It looks like it did work for you. In the first picture, your hair is exactly at APL. In the second picture, you are beyond APL. Congratulations! I'm glad it worked for you.
I'm not doing this, but is it safe for someone with a fresh perm to do this? I've been out of that relaxer life so long now I can't remember how perms and protein work/don't work together.:giggle:
If so, I think the ideal candidate would be someone with a fresh perm so they can measure new growth and not entire hair strands, and they would have to use DSD's method. That would br a true test. Either they would get new growth or not. The end. Only then would I be convinced. Yeah, I'm a major skeptic. lol
I think I would only be fully convinced if someone bald did it :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I measured my hair after rinsing the egg/oil mixture, and guess what? It "appeared" to have "grown" an inch.

I banded a section beforehand, cut that section bluntly, and measured with my chin on my chest - preventing discrepency in where I held my head.

So yeah, it's longer, but clearly didn't grow in an hour. I suspect the eggs affect elasticity in some way.

The coconut oil overnight isn't even needed.
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It has have something to do with elasticity or the massive dose of protein keeping the hair in a stretched state. I know my hair varies .5 to 1 inch between my dry stretched state and deep conditioned stretched state. Results like that in a week? Plausible but improbable. Results like that in ONE DAY? Uh uh now people are treading into statistically impossible territory (but not absolutely impossible). Though if it gets people to dc their hair with more natural ingredients keep going y'all!
It has have something to do with elasticity or the massive dose of protein keeping the hair in a stretched state. I know my hair varies .5 to 1 inch between my dry stretched state and deep conditioned stretched state. Results like that in a week? Plausible but improbable. Results like that in ONE DAY? Uh uh now people are treading into statistically impossible territory (but not absolutely impossible). Though if it gets people to dc their hair with more natural ingredients keep going y'all!

Am I the only one who doesn't get any variable difference between wet/dry/conditioned hair? My hair is the same whether I measure it wet or dry, conditioner or not. The only change in length comes with whether or not it is in its natural state, blown out or straightened.
Am I the only one who doesn't get any variable difference between wet/dry/conditioned hair? My hair is the same whether I measure it wet or dry, conditioner or not. The only change in length comes with whether or not it is in its natural state, blown out or straightened.

Well for me its because my hair is never in 'maintenance' mode. Its very finicky and with being lo porosity has issues with elasticity and absorbing water so I'm always having to fix things
Am I the only one who doesn't get any variable difference between wet/dry/conditioned hair? My hair is the same whether I measure it wet or dry, conditioner or not. The only change in length comes with whether or not it is in its natural state, blown out or straightened.
My hair has to be soaking wet to get any stretch outside of the usual techniques; it coils up within a minute of leaving running water.
It has have something to do with elasticity or the massive dose of protein keeping the hair in a stretched state. I know my hair varies .5 to 1 inch between my dry stretched state and deep conditioned stretched state. Results like that in a week? Plausible but improbable. Results like that in ONE DAY? Uh uh now people are treading into statistically impossible territory (but not absolutely impossible). Though if it gets people to dc their hair with more natural ingredients keep going y'all!

I agree! I had no problem giving it a try because I figured that even if it didn't work, I would at least get a good DC treatment out of it.
There is never any follow up so it's hard to know if it works. @YvetteWithJoy would you mind giving us follow up in a week?


I only did the treatment that once. I just can't bring myself to believe in it, and I don't actually like putting the animal product of egg on my scalp and hair. I have little psychological hangups like that! :laugh:

I have moved on to using Netwurks spray on my edges, taking marine collagen, keeping my iron levels up, maintaining a good moisture-protein balance in my hair, and getting/staying really healthy and fit. I just have more faith in these efforts.

I'll keep watching this thread and hoping that it really does work since people are trying it. It was definitely fun trying it that once!
@YvetteWithJoy thanks for responding. I just meant if you gained any length, did the gains remain. I think we need someone who big chops to a bald or has a super close cut to use this. I think someone else said this above.

Your routine sounds good though.

I have some of the X-Cel 21 but don't use it consistently.
I tried it 2 days ago ... did not beleive that I would work and that the effects would have lasted so I didnt measure accurately. I recently BCd (again) so I had around 2 inches of hair and now it seems as if Ive got between 0.25 to 0.5 inch. And my TWA is a lot more puffy/fluffy

Im going to try it again next month
Back inna day, I used to get fabulous results using weekly overnight mayonnaise treatments before washing. I think the concept is not identical, but pretty similar. I'm going to try doing this again....
Hey Guys!!

I just figured out my video was posted here. I am going to tell you. I didn't think the method would work either. I measured and remeasured and it did appear that the hair grew. I was careful to start and end with straight hair. I am still amazed that it worked. I'm probably going to do this on my daughter's hair after every weave takedown. She is trying to make it to hip length.

I think everyone should give a try to see if they can get that extra boost in growth.

Does anyone know if this reverts a few washes later or is permanent?
Does this elong your hair long enough for you to have longer strand as a temporary fix so by the time it wears off in a month or 2 your natural grow pattern gave you that inch anyway?
Are the results cumulative month after month?
Any adverse effect for overuse where the strands eventually thin and begin to break?
Hey Guys!!

I just figured out my video was posted here. I am going to tell you. I didn't think the method would work either. I measured and remeasured and it did appear that the hair grew. I was careful to start and end with straight hair. I am still amazed that it worked. I'm probably going to do this on my daughter's hair after every weave takedown. She is trying to make it to hip length.

I think everyone should give a try to see if they can get that extra boost in growth.

How consistent were the results?
Did you receive growth every time you used this treatment?
Looks like no one is being consistent, which is a bad sign.
Trying it once then shelving it is what people do when they don't get the results they thought they were going to get.
Seems like if you are actually getting growth it would be added to your regimen.
Or maybe the growth isn't that significant to continue the treatment.
In the videos I have seen people pulling dry hair for the initial measuring and pulling wet hair on the final measure and going Woooo Weeee I got some growth y'all. :rolleyes:
Some people not even following the full regimen, leaving ingredients out and claiming to see results.:drunk:

I have also seen:
Tilted heads
Slanted shoulders
Measuring marks on the body that look to have been moved at result time.
Overstretching the end "results"
Leaving the tips of the hair out of the initial measuring tape reading but adding it into the final reading.

No wonder their hair grew over night. :spinning:
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I still haven't tried it because I'm just too lazy with my hair these days. On wash day I need to get it all done and over the same day not carried into the next day lol. I'll just get growth the old fashioned way. I'm still fascinated by this treatment though.