YES I turned him down


New Member
I am on the committee for my 20th class reunion. After the meeting a few of us went out. The finest man in my class was buying me drinks, one after the other and I was\am tipsy. He is married and coming on strong. I turned him down and it was difficult. He was rubbing my leg telling me that he was curious. Ladies I was curious also but he turned his back and I ran. I am so lucky I have my own car. Ladies I was swooning but I resisted. Oh lord Jebus. THE reunion is next year and I am weak. I vow never to be vulnerable around him again. I resisted but I heard "it" is magical. Makes women lose their mind. They did it in high school and they are still doing it.

I have know him since kindergarten and I have been one of the few to resist. Please tell me not to do it. Ladies I am not going to lie it is HARD AS HELL NOT TO DO IT. I know better. I know better.

BTW I am two sheets into the wind please excuse the typos. JEBUS HELP ME.
Stay strong, sister, stay strong! :yep: You really did do the right thing. It doesn't matter how magical he is or how curious you are or he is. He's married. The fact that he would even want to do such a thing with you demonstrates his character, and the fact that you fled the scene says many good things about you. :rosebud:
but did u drive home drunk??

Unfortunately yes. When i pulled into my drive way all i could say was "thank you jesus". It was less then an mile but I admit it was dangerous. The lord watched over kids and fools and I admit I was a straight up fool tonight. STUPID STUPID STUPID I know. I can't sleep I am broken up about this. I was once married and I believe me I am broken up.
GOOD for you.
If you need strength, just imagine that he only wants you because he hasn't had you yet and that he has a bet placed on the conquest. Feel stronger?
Don't do it.

*Did that help?* :look:

Seriously though, in my ** years on this earth, I've learned that some might be bad, some might be out of this world, but it all culminates to the same end. At least if you have a chance at a relationship, it could be worthwhile, but the fact that he's married means that even if you thought it was amazing, it would only be a limited engagement.

And LOL :lachen: at KayKay's post, because I thought the same thing--don't drive drunk. Next time, get a room (alone though).
And LOL :lachen: at KayKay's post, because I thought the same thing--don't drive drunk. Next time, get a room (alone though).

Ladies I literally had no traffic lights to go thru to get home. I will see him again in October for the next meeting and I am going to act act like a man. Like it never happened. I even mentioned to him "But you are married". He acted like he never heard me. Dem chocolate hands on my thighs. Oh my. I am not even going to front. If he wasn't married it would have been on like popcorn. I have my own supply of protection at home. Hey, I am just being honest.
I am glad you didnt do it! But keep being strong cuz he's gonna keep on coming on strong. And watch that liquor around him. I am sure that he's fine, but I don't trust him and neither should you.
Why did he run his fingers through my hair? I have locs and I am very particular about who I let touch my hair. He did it and I melted. Ladies, a brotha was testing me big time. I am still home alone and I don't have his cellphone number. Yes, YES.
I am on the committee for my 20th class reunion. After the meeting a few of us went out. The finest man in my class was buying me drinks, one after the other and I was\am tipsy. He is married and coming on strong. I turned him down and it was difficult. He was rubbing my leg telling me that he was curious. Ladies I was curious also but he turned his back and I ran. I am so lucky I have my own car. Ladies I was swooning but I resisted. Oh lord Jebus. THE reunion is next year and I am weak. I vow never to be vulnerable around him again. I resisted but I heard "it" is magical. Makes women lose their mind. They did it in high school and they are still doing it.

I have know him since kindergarten and I have been one of the few to resist. Please tell me not to do it. Ladies I am not going to lie it is HARD AS HELL NOT TO DO IT. I know better. I know better.

BTW I am two sheets into the wind please excuse the typos. JEBUS HELP ME.

Let's see this might help: Now he's saying he's curious and telling you how sexy you are. Imagine if you did do "it" or were about to meet at that hotel room someone mentioned before (smile) to do it. Can you picture it? Okay, now imagine that his wife finds him out. What do you think he's going to say to her about you? He won't be saying, "Baby, she was so fine I was just curious."

He's gonna call you a "jumpdown, bust-it-baby, side-piece, drunken-booty-call, etc. " Not that you ARE any of these things....but that's what he'll say to her about you cause he don't want her to leave him. "Baby, she don't mean nothing to me, blah blah blah."

So, when you see his dog behind again (magic stick and all) just imagine him saying those things about you and you will dry up like the Sahara!

Glad you got home safely, BTW.
i'm sorry but I can't add anything but :lachen: and a :spank: for driving home drunk!

Yes, I truly hang my head in shame because of the drunk driving and yes entertaining the thoughts of a married man. I am one of my worst nightmares. A woman entertaing the thoughts of a married man. Yes, I would call myself a skanky drunken woman, but I didn't do it. But as Jimmy Carter said, "I have lusted in my heart". That is just as bad.

I dread this hang over that I am going to have in the morning. I am not calling off because i am only working 4 days this week. I am starting my vacation on Friday. Thank goodness this man lives out of state.
I am sitting here at work, no hangover ladies. Yes, I am tired but no hangover. Our friends mother cooked for us so I ate really good before the alcohol started flowing.

I ate some fruit for breakfast and I am drinking water. Come on 4:05p. It is only 8am, oh, help me. I have to deal with the public today and all morning I have been burping up that "Gentlemen Jack".

I have to wash clothes this evening, clean my house and of course work out, but I am laying it down by 9p tonight.
Girl, I bet it's not even that magical :rolleyes:

You'll need a date for the reunion, and I'm sorry, but you cannot drink while there :naughty:

It never is girl.

Man he is playin the same old tricks every dirty dog tries.

" Oo baby, youn are soo fine, I have always wanted a taste, blah blah blah"

It can go no where, It is never that sweet.
Girl, I bet it's not even that magical :rolleyes:

You'll need a date for the reunion, and I'm sorry, but you cannot drink while there :naughty:

Dates are not good at reunions. You have to babysit. I did that at my 10th reunion, exhusband was pissed because I wanted to mingle. I drop kicked him and told him he couldn't go to the picnic the next day. He was happy. He should have spoken up then I wouldn't have paid for him to go.
He just sees you as another notch on his belt. The fact that he hasn't had you yet just makes you more of a thrill. This loser probably already said, "yeah imma hit that." So don't give him the satisfaction. When you see him, be straight up and serious and let him know YOU.ARE.NOT.THE.ONE. Once he gets the hint, he will forever wonder about you while you can smile and pat yourself on the back for not falling for that clown. The ladies covered the drinking and driving part so I won't spank you again. Q
Keep resisting..he is dead wrong for what he is doing, and you would be wrong too. You are better than and deserve more than just "sex". Hopefully, before the reunion you will meet a fabulous man who will have your complete attention.

If that fails..then I suggest you pray to both "Jebus" and "Jesus"... :-)
Let's see this might help: Now he's saying he's curious and telling you how sexy you are. Imagine if you did do "it" or were about to meet at that hotel room someone mentioned before (smile) to do it. Can you picture it? Okay, now imagine that his wife finds him out. What do you think he's going to say to her about you? He won't be saying, "Baby, she was so fine I was just curious."

He's gonna call you a "jumpdown, bust-it-baby, side-piece, drunken-booty-call, etc. " Not that you ARE any of these things....but that's what he'll say to her about you cause he don't want her to leave him. "Baby, she don't mean nothing to me, blah blah blah."

So, when you see his dog behind again (magic stick and all) just imagine him saying those things about you and you will dry up like the Sahara!

Glad you got home safely, BTW.

LMAO! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:....Girl, you ain't neva lied!! :lachen::lachen:
Keep resisting..he is dead wrong for what he is doing, and you would be wrong too. You are better than and deserve more than just "sex". Hopefully, before the reunion you will meet a fabulous man who will have your complete attention.

If that fails..then I suggest you pray to both "Jebus" and "Jesus"... :-)[/quote]

LOL:lachen:Ya'll are too much!

But, I am glad you resisted! I'm in a similar situation, but the guy isn't married, thank God, but I am involved w/, I know how you feel...
Run!!! dont walk-away from this guy. seems like everyone but you has had a piece of his pie and hes a sharing type. if you feel tempted next time, just think about all the diseases crawling on his magic stick-that should kill any thoughts if "it". also stay way from the booze. keep control of yourself. think of his poor wife at home +/- his kids. dont get involved in that. leave with a clear conscience so you can sleep easy at night, albeit alone
GIRL YOU DID THE RIGHT THING! Obviously, he has never changed and he never will married or not. And please be careful when he wants to buy you drinks. He may put something in them next time since he couldn't get with you the last time. Be careful!
GIRL YOU DID THE RIGHT THING! Obviously, he has never changed and he never will married or not. And please be careful when he wants to buy you drinks. He may put something in them next time since he couldn't get with you the last time. Be careful!

And that's for real!
Unless your name is Adina Howard, please keep your t-shirt and pannies on.....:look: Dude coulda have a truckload of women he playin tricks on and you might be #2904858 down on the list. You don't know how many fridges his popsicle been in, and what critters he picked up along the way.

If he doesn't care about his wife, he definitely won't care about you or for you. Tell him to kick rocks and keep steppin.

And dat alcohol ain't no joke. And don't you be alky drivin no mo, you hear me Anna Mae? :spank::spank:Jesus and his cousin 'nem was lookin out for you last time. Don't let it happen again!

I hope you have a wonderful time at your reunion. If you need some backup, I got my belt in the car.