Yay!!! So I Decided to Transition!!! (Tentatively)


New Member
Wish me luck ladies.

This will be my second time going natural. I tranistioned for about a year then did my big chop with about 6-7 inches of growth. I relaxed again in May 2007 right b4 my highschool graduation. I think I did it because I was so fustrated with the florida humidity and I wanted to wear my hair straight, because I was so unfamilar with natural hair not to mention short natural hair (shrinkage). So I gave into the creamy crack. lol

So my plan is to hold off on a relaxer for the rest of the year, once I get to sixc months post I will make my final decision and then tranistion for another 6 months. Then It's big chop time :grin:.

My hair grows alot faster with out relaxers my last prem (1st time tranistioning) was October 2004 and by May 2007 the hair at my crow was a little past my collar bone with is about 14 inches (with probably 2 or more inches cut during that time). So yea I'm looking foward to my hair growing!!!

I will be blogging throughout my journey. So follow me! I had an old blog b4 but I just created a new one to match up with my youtube account.

Old Blog: http://simplyalex-simplyalex.blogspot.com/

New Blog (No posts yet):http://jamaicabrazil89.blogspot.com/

I will also be documenting my 100 day challange were I will be using vitamins and supplements in an attempt to boost my hair growth.

Thanks for reading ladies. I'm so excitied to start my journey. 1
good luck! i'm right there with you. i don't plan to BC b/c i already know that wouldn't be a good look for me. working hard to stay focused and flexible with options. i'll be following your blog.
Good luck on your second transition. The crown does grow better w/o a relaxer in my opinion.
good luck! i'm right there with you. i don't plan to BC b/c i already know that wouldn't be a good look for me. working hard to stay focused and flexible with options. i'll be following your blog.

I'm definetly not brave enough to do a big chop. That would be such a dramatic change for me. I am going to be stalking the ablums of naturals with around a year worth of growth so that I can get some styling idea's for when I "BC". My first time going natural I just threw in some braid extentions after I bc'ed, and I hate those. But I love braids on my own natural hair, wish I wore it that way more often. Thanks and good luck to you too chica. I'd love to see how your transition is coming along also as time goes by. 1

Thanks to all for the encouragement!!!