Planned Transition Challenge


Well-Known Member
Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

I think sometimes we aren't organized and focused with our transitions and maybe that's why some of us end up relaxing again and again so.....

This challenge is a personal one, there are only two rules.
1. Create a detailed plan to transition.
2. Keep us updated after each cut (pics are nice too)

I have had four failed transitions but this time I am serious because I cut three inches off the top and two inches off the back of MY FULL MBL hair in January. I have never been able to cut in my previous transition attempts, just stretching, I was too focused on length, but my true goal is long, healthy, natural hair. HHG!

I will take pics for fotki along the way.

Last relaxer December 28,2009
START MBL fresh relaxer -13" in top half 14" strands all over most of head and a 10" bang. Crown to tip 25 inches.

January 2010
1st MINI CHOP 3" off top & bang & 2" off the back.(Shag hair cut i.e. Farrah Fawcett)
No Natural hair.
Top half- 10"
Back half-12"
Crown to tip 23 inches.

February 2010
1 inch of natural hair on most of head, bangs are growing slower about 1/2 inch natural in bang area.
Top half-11"
Back Half- 13"
Crown to tip 24 inches.

MY SIMPLE PLAN-Trim one inch every other month and basically pretend I am already natural in my styling and hair care regimen
Now I like this! You can count me in! I have done this so many times but started from a twa which I was frustrated with cuz I had the same style for so long, But I want to transition without wigs, weaves & braids. Mine won't be long though cuz my hair is till pretty short!
I LOVE this idea! You're right, you must plan your you're going to deal with the NG, the two (sometimes 3) textures, and what you will do in case you get the urge to either TU or chop (if you're going sans BC like me). I will come back later and possibly make a detailed post about my transition plan...

I have a "hair journal" that I put all my hair-related issues, goals, products, etc in. IMO, this is a great way to focus your efforts for a HHG/transition. I think more ladies should use it! People who write down their goals and periodically/regularly review them are usually 60-80% more likely to accomplish them!!

Here's my plan in a nutshell:

-Trims every 2 months of 1/2" to 1".
-Transition for as long as needed without any mini-chops or BC's.
-I'm going the route of TheMakeupVirgin on YT---she had her last relaxer about 8 or 9 yrs ago. She's fully natural (WL or longer), and still has a few relaxed ends left. I don't want to sacrifice my length, but don't want to apply chemicals any longer either. I don't mind growing over many years to get to where I wanna be with my natural hair (length-wise).
-Maintain a low-manip regi, and KIS.
-ETA: I'm transitioning via wigs, braids w/extensions, and other PS. I will not be straightening more than 1 time per yr (length check) unless there is a special occasion.

HHG, Ladies!
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Yep. I'm planning to end my transition in the end of April. I don't think I can take much longer.:ohwell: My hair is shedding and I'm frustrated.:cry2: If it wasn't winter and cold as heck outside, I'd BC by the week end.:sad: I will be 6 months post by the time I BC in April.
I am so excited because just with my minichop, my hair has almost grown back to the length it was, so now I am not scared of the 1 inch cuts at all.
I LOVE this idea! You're right, you must plan your you're going to deal with the NG, the two (sometimes 3) textures, and what you will do in case you get the urge to either TU or chop (if you're going sans BC like me). I will come back later and possibly make a detailed post about my transition plan...

I have a "hair journal" that I put all my hair-related issues, goals, products, etc in. IMO, this is a great way to focus your efforts for a HHG/transition. I think more ladies should use it! People who write down their goals and periodically/regularly review them are usually 60-80% more likely to accomplish them!!

Here's my plan in a nutshell:

-Trims every 2 months of 1/2" to 1".
-Transition for as long as needed without any mini-chops or BC's.
-I'm going the route of TheMakeupVirgin on YT---she had her last relaxer about 8 or 9 yrs ago. She's fully natural (WL or longer), and still has a few relaxed ends left. I don't want to sacrifice my length, but don't want to apply chemicals any longer either. I don't mind growing over many years to get to where I wanna be with my natural hair (length-wise).
-Maintain a low-manip regi, and KIS.
-ETA: I'm transitioning via wigs, braids w/extensions, and other PS. I will not be straightening more than 1 time per yr (length check) unless there is a special occasion.

HHG, Ladies!

Wow this is amazing about TheMakeupVirgin! I have to check her out!! Love this idea about the planned transition. I had a plan to transition long term, but starting slightly getting the itch to BC although I don't want short hair lol. So...I really need to stay focused on my original plan and keep doing my long term transition.
Wow this is amazing about TheMakeupVirgin! I have to check her out!! Love this idea about the planned transition. I had a plan to transition long term, but starting slightly getting the itch to BC although I don't want short hair lol. So...I really need to stay focused on my original plan and keep doing my long term transition.

You seem to be doing great! Are you 7 months post?
you have a great plan, going cold turkey on anything always seems to result in failure, but with having a plan imo works.

good luck to you all.
DDTexlaxed we are in this together! I now want to shave too but I am gonna try to wait it out! LOL!!! OR EAT MY WORDS AND WEAR WIGS! LOL!! I am just impatient on both ends, Transitioning and growing out my Twa!!
DDTexlaxed we are in this together! I now want to shave too but I am gonna try to wait it out! LOL!!! OR EAT MY WORDS AND WEAR WIGS! LOL!! I am just impatient on both ends, Transitioning and growing out my Twa!!

Ya'll I am done! TRANSITION OVER! I done went and chopped! I just can't help it LOL!!! I don't have patience LOL!!

:lachen::lachen::lachen:you were quick to change your mind!

congrats on your chop!!!! your hair looks great in your avatar!
Thank You Pookie!! LOL!!! Girl I know! I love being natural, I just need to work on my patience and I will be good! I just need PATIENCE! But I am gonna try my best to make it work this time!
Thank You prettyeyes!! Good Luck to you and the rest of the challengers!! You all have my support, I couldn't take it and I was only 7 weeks lol!! Ya'll are doing excellent!!
Wow, you work fast, SB!:lachen: I'm going to be following you sooner than I thought. My hair is shedding bad and it is not getting any better.:nono: The snow is stopping me from doing anything about it.:rolleyes: We'll be getting 12- 20" of snow between tomorrow and Thursday. I've discussed it with my hubby and he said it was fine with him. I'll be joining you shortly.:yep:
I plan to transition for a very long time but I already get the urge to just chop off the relaxed ends.

I'm shoulder length and about 22-23 weeks post relaxer.

The plan includes using heat once a month and protecting my ends. I am protective styling during the week trying to make it past APL. Once I do that I'll be practicing some styles that are really easy on natural hair like twist & curls and low heat stuff and wearing my hair out more often.
OP I started a challenge like this last year but never kept the thread up so thanks for starting this :yep:.

My plan:
I've finally decided that I will transition for 18 months. That means I will be starting 2011 off as a natural.

I will continue not using direct heat at all.

I will continue to bun 85-90% of the time and other times will do braidouts and flexirod sets.

May experiment with rollersetting.
Everyone's plans sound wonderful and I think pre planning is an excellent idea.
I did a 2 year transition and the idea of having an exact date for my BC helped me push through some of those hard/challenging moments. And I'm natural now and lovin' it.

Good luck to all of you and feel free to PM me if you need any personal help or encouragement.
OP, you are so right, planning is very important :yep: It's the main reason why I'm still transitioning @ ~14 months post and I know I will BC somewhere between months 20 and 24. When I'm closer to this time, I will set a date for my BC.

Another key thing is to embrace your hair, all of it - natural and relaxed. If you want to be a long term transitioner, you need to stop thinking of your relaxed ends as a hinderance :yep:

Good luck ladies!!!!
I'm wishing you ladies lots of success in this venture! I want to transition out of this texlax, but I really don't want to lose the length. I have about 5 inches maybe of natural hair and the rest is texlaxed. I think perhaps when I hit tailbone I'll start taking off an inch every few months or so... I dunno how it will all work out. I know that I won't start till at least 1/2011, so I can't really participate in this thread just yet.

Just wanted to wish you ladies well.
I agree with everyone! This is an awesome thread, and it came at the right time too. Right now I'm evaluating all my goals and establishing my different priorities. My transition has been up and down b/c I wear weaves and I don't have to deal with daily problems, but I do get lazy sometimes and lose sight of my ultimate hair goal. It has been exactly 18 months from the start of my transition and I plan to continue at least until Xmas time!!!! This will give me some inspiration to get back on track. Thanks for the replies ladies!
This is a great topic. We have to support each other. Its only been 8 weeks post relaxer for me and I'm about to give up. If anyone is natural on here. How do you style your hair everyday and how long does it usually take? That's the only thing I am scared of. I am not braid or style savvy and I'm scared it will take me three hours to do my hair every day when its natural. I know I am not missing sitting in the beauty shop allllllll day!!
This is my first post! Im glad I joined this site! I have been transitioning for 15 months, but my hair has been hidden in braids and weaves during this entire time! I just made the decision to wear it out. My stylist told me that I have about 5 inches of relaxed ends left so hopefully I will be completely natural within the next 6 months! I am totally anti-bc! I have learned a lot about natural hair care over the past couple of weeks, such as ingredients to avoid, etc. and I know I have a lot more learning to do! It has really left me more baffled than before lol...
For example, a lot of ladies say that they use Alberto V05 Moisture Milks conditioner to co-wash but it contains more than one type of alcohol as well as propylene glycol, which I have read on the list of ingredients to avoid. I know that all ingredients do not behave the same way on each person's hair but I would like to know the names of co-wash products that have "more reputable" ingredients....
Also, I have never bunned before but would like to try and would like to know some products other than gel, that are perhaps mineral oil and petrolatum free, that I can use to tame fly-aways and frizzy edges and to give my hair a more sleek overall appearance when pulled back. If someone could just point me in the right direction on these points I would love it! Thanks!
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Just popping my head in to say GOOD LUCK Prettyeyes and ladies!!! You can do it! See you on the natural side. :grinwink:
So I watched keep it simple sista's yt and discovered aloe vera gel....natural, no flakes....and after doing a search on propylene glycol I decided that I wont worry about it...if most of the natural ladies are using conditioners that contain it and their head isnt falling off I should be fine too lol! So, be it resolved!
Here's my plan:

-Trims every 4 months (as if I had a relaxer) - last trim: 2.5.2010; next trims in 2010 6.5.2010, 10.5.2010 (plan to do dustings occasionally)
-Transition 18 mos (I stated I would go 18 months in the transitioning thread, but I have seen some LHCF ladies who have gone longer than that so we shall see) (Last relaxer was October 30, 2009)
-I plan on being a straightened natural (would love to wear my hair curly but my hair mats up big time and I get tons of single strand knots if I don't straighten - may try after I chop of relaxed ends) so I will go to the salon every 2 weeks to get the two textures straightened.
-Once straightened I will moisturize full length of hair, concentrating on demarcation line (crazy when flatironed, my natural hair is soooo much thicker than my relaxed hair - can't wait to have all natural hair) and ends ... will use leave-in (experimenting on what's lightweight - right now using NTM) to moisturize and coconut oil or castor oil to seal

Very simple, but I need simple in my life:grin: