Planned Transition Challenge

I have never done a challenge. I would love to join! I havent had a relaxer since Sept. My hair is breaking and shedding and from OCT to now, there is a major difference in how my hair use to look. I think I will wear weaves for most of my transition. I will try to due this for at least a year, In between installs I will take pics of my progress.
Good plan cornell34.

Thank You LOOLALOH, I love your hair, you know that, and you too MOOK.

I am so happy to be transitionig.
OP, you are so right, planning is very important :yep: It's the main reason why I'm still transitioning @ ~14 months post and I know I will BC somewhere between months 20 and 24. When I'm closer to this time, I will set a date for my BC.

Another key thing is to embrace your hair, all of it - natural and relaxed. If you want to be a long term transitioner, you need to stop thinking of your relaxed ends as a hinderance :yep:

Good luck ladies!!!!

ITA!!! Especially the bolded!
OMG!!!! I am so feeling my new growth and i want to try and transition. I will take it week by week since this is the first time i ever attempt this..No BC for me. I think attempting a 18-24 month transition is a good idea (i think)

OMG am i typing this?!?!:lachen:
Add me! I have recently been thinking of my transition and the PJ in me has me with almost EVERY natural good product on the shelf. :yep: Oh lord, my pocketbook! :lachen: But I've learned from seeing my dd's hair relaxer damage that healthy hair is costly and I am NOT willing to pay with damage and shortened lengths. So basically I joined this journey after reading everything I could read about naturals in order to take care of her hair. Then I started to think, hey I already have a pixie cut, I'm half way there. :drunk: So here my plan.......I THINK:

1.) Pre-poo overnight with coconut oil or vatika
2.) Co-wash on Wednesday
3.) Ayurvedic wash on Sunday
4.) Flexi-rod set as protective style during week
5.) Only heat is from bonnet hair dryer for deep condish or to dry on rods
6.) BC is planned for Saturday, 9/4--Labor Day weekend (7 mos transition)
7.) Sulphur8, MN on scalp

I need GROWTH, not a big TWA fan--so PLEASE let me have 4 inches of growth, at LEAST!! I am trying NOT to relax the tapered portions, I have found some tips to help me "slick" that down as it grows out, let's hope they work

DD is 7 years old, so her regimen is a longer transition, with a trim every 3 months. She just had one in January, so end of April, we'll do another one.

1.) Pre-poo overnight with coconut oil
2.) Co-wash on Sundays
3.) Curly rollerset or braid protective style during the week

Okay, it's in writing, may as well be signed in blood. :grin::grin:

Here we grow!

Off to start our fotki!!