Y do people think LHCF is a joke???


New Member
Im a newbie and thrilled about the site...I tell everyone about it and every turns their noses up and say that 100% African- American women CANNOT have long hair! One of my dearest friends has SL hair and said the site gave people false hope and there was NO way for people who are not mixed to have BSL, MBL, and WL hair...Im SOOOO shocked that she feels this way! She says she know alot of women that take great care of their hair but can never achieve that much success...im stunned to say the least!

What do you guys think??? How do you handle this negativity???

Girl - don't worry about these people. Some folks don't get it!!! until.............Your hair is FABLOUS and they come to you for advice.

And this will happen!!! Give some time!

My DH thinks the same way. I've shown him several women with beautiful, long hair and he says they all have weaves. :rolleyes: Just prove the nay sayers wrong with your hair. I can't wait to slap my DH in the face with my BSL hair.
I've learned to dismiss the negativity. Seeing is believing. Once they see how healthy and long your hair will become, they would wish they had stuck their foot in their mouth.
This is simply a matter of the lack of education. When you've never seen a turkey fly, you will assume it can't fly right? And when you finally see one, what can you do? Believe it! We've been poisoned as African Americans about a ton of things, hair growth included, that we "can't" do. It's sad as hell, but it's reality.

When you have people around who are that skeptical. The best way to prove it is not words (they'll always have an argument until they see otherwise), but actions. You paid your money. So find out what's best for your hair, and prove to them how wrong they were when your hair flourishes. Don't even say another word about it. When they ask you, why do you have so many products? "Because I'm open minded" Why you doing that to your hair? "Because it works for me." You still think you're going to be able to grow long hair?? Get real. "What's good for the goose..."

oh..... funny thing is that i havent told anybody other than black females. but now that u mention this, im definitely saying something to my other friends. im black, white && american indian && i definitely got my hair from my black side. people tend to let ignorance turn to closemindedness. (if thats a word). most "all black" (nobody is ALL of one thing in the US) can look at their baby pictures to see how long their hair can get. when i was about 6 or 7, my hair was INSANELY long. and u know why?? because it was protected from the sun, had no chemicals in it, i was eating healthy, && all that. so whoever says this && that about black girls hair not growing is a LIE. the different types of hair has alot to do with hair growth, but internal health plays a LARGE role. if u actually look up how the hair is nourished && all that. its all from the follicle in the scalp. thats why peppermint oil & massaging is good for the scalp because it stimulates blood flow to the scalp so the hair is fed. but if there arent any nutrients in the blood for it to use, then its almost pointless. SO, with all that said, next time someone tells u something crazy like that, all u gotta tell them is DO THE RESEARCH!
Im a newbie and thrilled about the site...I tell everyone about it and every turns their noses up and say that 100% African- American women CANNOT have long hair! One of my dearest friends has SL hair and said the site gave people false hope and there was NO way for people who are not mixed to have BSL, MBL, and WL hair...Im SOOOO shocked that she feels this way! She says she know alot of women that take great care of their hair but can never achieve that much success...im stunned to say the least!

What do you guys think??? How do you handle this negativity???

Oh she's just misguided is all
Im a newbie and thrilled about the site...I tell everyone about it and every turns their noses up and say that 100% African- American women CANNOT have long hair! One of my dearest friends has SL hair and said the site gave people false hope and there was NO way for people who are not mixed to have BSL, MBL, and WL hair...Im SOOOO shocked that she feels this way! She says she know alot of women that take great care of their hair but can never achieve that much success...im stunned to say the least!

What do you guys think??? How do you handle this negativity???

Have your friends been on this site? Why do you care about their opinion of this site if they've probably never been on here?
...because we are kind of cultish.:look::lachen: Coming to this site is almost like being in a new relationship. There is such a a high and positive feeling that comes, and then when people see that it just brings out the hater in them. I don't tell anyone about the site except for my mother and sister. They tease me, but it's all in love. Now I do their hair btw.:rolleyes:

It's hard to change people's minds and so many have so little knowledge about our hair. It's an uphill battle.
Is sad that i can't ask my friends for hair advise eventhough as a Latina we are obsessed with beauty stuff....my friends think am obsessed when in fact i just enjoy it...thats why i keep LHCF too myself....:look:
Girl - don't worry about these people. Some folks don't get it!!! until.............Your hair is FABLOUS and they come to you for advice.

And this will happen!!! Give some time!


Yep. I've had a few naysayers come ask for advice...3 to be exact.
And I still have yet to reach my ultimate goal...
I do not talk about it anymore, until someone is serious about haircare, otherwise it just falls on deaf ears.
I wouldn't mention the site anymore to them. Just keep it to yourself. Overtime they'll see your hair getting longer and one day (on the one occasion that you're not in a protective style :drunk:) they'll be like OMG your hair is growing sooooo long! Girl what's that site again?:grin: Then you can say see I told you so.(Only don't say it to them, just yourself :yep:.)

Oh dear I had to edit some spelling errors up in here. I need a nap.
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Tell her she's right. :look:
If you do not believe, you will not acheive.
Some people turn that nonsense into a self fulfilling prophesy.
Personally I think it's ignorance. I told my SO of my goal to reaching waistlength natural and he was like "Oh yeah" but I know he didn't mean too much harm by it.

What ticked me off a bit was my BF who commented on my hair saying how thick it was and how long it was getting. I told her of my goal to reach waistlength and she said
BF: "Who wants hair that long that's just disgusting."
ME: " I do and it's achievable"
BF: "Well I don't have a problem growing my hair, but not even I would want hair that long"

I ignored it and said good night to her. Why it bothers me a bit is that it seems she thinks she is the only one that can have long hair (she was apl/brap strap, got a recent trim/cut so now she's little past apl). She's probably a 3b/3c and clearly doesn't seem to think that 4a and beyond can grow longer hair. I mentioned the website in passing cause I know she really wouldn't be on here.

Even today when I told her that I wasn't talking to my hair (yeah her and I are having problems lol), she says "oh you find that now that your hair is longer you can't do your natural styles anymore?" :rolleyes:. I was like no, I can do my natural styles just fine, tho there are more tangles.

Yes I must have really wanted to vent cause my 2 cents turned into 5 bucks
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I don't think each person is totally ignorant about haircare...I just think its easier for people to put things down than to admit they have bad behaviors and need to change..which is why when people see black women with long hair they say they are mixed
you should just treat this as a secret society, because most folks will think you are crazy and hair obessed. we have all been there. just prove them wrong with your healthy growth!
I came here with barely SL and I have a few strands touching MBL-I'm happy I found this place and can only pity those that wont even try.
they think its a joke because we know things that others dont or choose to ingnore. we are busting myths wide open and we know how hard it is for people to understand that what they have known their whole life has been a lie.
Well, I think many of us, myself included, believed something similar. That's why this site, and others like it, are such a wonderful discovery. When the naysayers see your gorgeous locks, you'll make believers out of them...and some may ask for tips, so get ready!
Proof is in the pudding its hard for anyone to believe Woman of color can grow long hair especially if you have never seen or seen it a few times. I know for me, I been searching for many years and when someone told me about this site- I had no clue what to expect but I came on here and what I saw blew me away. I been here every since, The thing is when I told my friends and family they all laugh at me and i really didn't have any support especially when I decided to go natural. After three years my sister who has always been bra strap level who is shoulder length now finally asked me about taking care of and growing out her hair. Took 3 years for her and others to finally see I am going to actually achieve my goal of waist length no matter how long it takes. So don't worry you might not get support in the real world but you got a lot of support amongs us in here.
I would too and just keep on doing me....:yep:


how do you stop the negativity? stop telling them your goals.

i had a fortune cookie and you know what it said? "whats more important your goals or others' opinions of your goals.."

i stopped telling my friends about my hair goals and just my goals in general.