Y do people think LHCF is a joke???

How do I handle it? I brush them off and go on with my day. The very first time I tried to recommend the site I got shunned and laughed at, so I told them I would prove them wrong and be willing to share anything i've learnt, they still laughed. Now I got the last laugh, but their my friends so now they at least take in some of my advice most of the time their back to their old habits. I cant control a human being so I just let it go.
People are close-minded. They don't want to accept the fact that there are certain 'odd' growth aids that can work. We've been mentally trained to 'fry, dye, and lay our hair to the side', which isn't healthy at all.

I've got a close friend who I've told her about MN, and the coffee growth aid. I recently told her about the coffee at dinner amongst some acquaintances. My SIL (recently BC'd her BSL hair to Neck Length due to damage)happened to be one of them. The other girls shunned me and waved me off. We'll see who waves who off in June and again in December. *My other friend listens and her hair is thick, black, awesome and growing like a weed.
A lot of Black people thought there would never be a person of color as an American president let alone one with an African heritage...guess they were wrong huh?
It's because they're silly!! LOL, naw it's because of the stereotypes. I wouldn't even sweat it chick. Long as you know and you get some good out of it. They will change their tune when your hair is scraping the floor....
This is why I tell very few people about this site. To be honest the ones who know about it only know because I start asking random questions about stuff we discuss in OT. They're like "where did that come from" and I have to spill the beans.

But, when my hair gets longer I may start mentioning it because I'll be living proof that LHCF is not a joke.
Proof is in the pudding its hard for anyone to believe Woman of color can grow long hair especially if you have never seen or seen it a few times. I know for me, I been searching for many years and when someone told me about this site- I had no clue what to expect but I came on here and what I saw blew me away. I been here every since, The thing is when I told my friends and family they all laugh at me and i really didn't have any support especially when I decided to go natural. After three years my sister who has always been bra strap level who is shoulder length now finally asked me about taking care of and growing out her hair. Took 3 years for her and others to finally see I am going to actually achieve my goal of waist length no matter how long it takes. So don't worry you might not get support in the real world but you got a lot of support amongs us in here.

ITA...I don't think I've ever seen more than one or two women of color in my entire 32 years with long, waist-length hair. When my co-worker told me about the site, I couldn't believe it. When I saw the photos, I actually realized that it could be a possibility for me too. Even the Bible says that "where there is no vision, the people perish" and that "it will be done as you have believed." Like all of you, I definitely caught the vision when I joined LHCF. And for the first time in my adult life, I reached BSL.

But the most amazing thing about this site - in addition to the hair care tips and the beautiful hair pics - is the support system. It's hard when you care about your hair to the point where others feel you are obsessed or a freak. I have never felt that way on this board. I truly consider LHCF to be a great support system for all women who love hair, want to keep it healthy and reach amazing lengths!
Your hair is going to grow regardless of what kind of comments you'll recieve. It's up to you to decide what kind you'll allow in your life. And like others have said, the proof is in the pudding. With discipline and care you will have your hair goals and you'll be yet another AA woman with long beautiful STEROTYPE DESTROYING long hair.
Go forth and grow! lol
Welcome! I'm a newbie too!
I had BSL hair when I was a lot younger and I was going to a salon faithfully for about 5 years and had a stylist who was big in to hair care. She used a lot of the methods shared here. I am not mixed, and it can and has been done many many times, even by me. I would ignore a hater if I encountered one. Just do you thing and then show them for yourself one day.
I don't have time trying to convince people to join and prove to them that LHCF is legit. They've seen my hair before it started growing so my hair should be enough proof. They can do all the clowin' they want, while I'll be WSL and they're hiding behind that weave with those balding edges :p :gorgeous:
Sometimes I wonder about people who come here and never reach their goals.....maybe some of them are bitter or left unhappy with the site?? I mean, thousands visit, but it seems like only hundreds post. I wonder what percentage of people reach their goals or actually grow their hair long??

Kind of random, sorry.....

Good question. I believe that most hair sites have many more lurking members then posting members. It doesn't mean they aren't reaching their hair goals. I believe that the overwhelming majority of people who follow techniques on this site have healthier hair than before even if their length goals are not met.

Like several folks said you have to be at least open minded to possibilities. Even though I knew intellectually that anyone could grow their hair long, I never thought it was possible for ME to grow waist length hair. Now it's my goal whether I make it or not. I think Cathy Howse and some of the other "gurus" are doing a good service by promoting the possibility of growing long afro textured hair to the masses. Unfortunately she is fighting against the weave industry which is an easy more accessible route to long hair for the masses.
There was a lady at my job that owns horses and she is always talking about them. So one day I ask her about the horse products that she orders and if she could get some for me (she gets a big discount). I told her about the site and how I learned about the horse products and hair. She was hype and looking it for herself (she's white). So one of my black co-workers was being nosey and says "why don't you just go the hairdresser and stop all that hair research" I told her to stop being a hater...
I try to tell people about this site, but stopped...too many haters
First, as others have already said, the people who think this site is a joke are simply either misguided or they are haters. Very simple. Stop trying to convince them and focus on you. When your hair starts to grow and they are searching for the tracks in vain, they may never admit it to you but they will KNOW that you are right.

I also LOVE Carrie A's point that there is an economic motivation to the ridicule that some heap on the notion of Black women growing and caring for their own hair and too many of US buy into that. Black hair care, especially the artificial creation of length is HUGE BUSINESS. Lots of people, often not Black themselves, make their living off of Black women's insecurities about their hair and their refusal to do research and care for it on their own without undue dependence on stylists and wigs/weaves.

Every Black woman who figures out that most of the stuff in the local (usually Korean- owned) BSS in her hood is junk and doing nothing positive for her hair, every Black woman who grows out her own hair and stops gluing on someone else's, every Black woman who learns that she doesn't have to shell out money to a stylist weekly because she is perfectly capable of shampooing and styling her own hair is money out of someone's pocket. Just think about it...
I have recommended this forum to several people who have asked me for haircare advise. This site and Nappturality are the best for haircare advise without the any negative or *****y immature remarks. So what if people think its a joke at least people who learn from these sites improve the health and length of their hair whilst the haters are still out there hating with their unhealthy hair or can't be bothered attitudes! I have completely changed my hair routine, health and length because of very useful advise available on this site. This is no joke to me its serious business!

I tell them get their stupid @$$ away from me spouting that ignorance. Seriously, I'll launch into a tirade about them being brainwashed and whatnot.
I only told my sister and mother...jokes came,but im always doing something random so they just assumed it was another one of my...whatevers. but my mama protective style it up with me. My sister comes to me for advice abt my niece's hair. i dont talk abt this to anyone really b.c they dont have to share my dream...because its mine not theirs. Do you and they will follow or wont...but your hair will look hott!
IMO, I agree with Channie, see I keep everything I do to my hair a secret(except for the ladies on here), so when I reach my goal and everyone is like Wow.....your hair is so long, I'm like "LHCF"!, But don't worry about the negative comments, ANY woman no matter what race can get their hair to grow out......simple as that, my mother is the same way, she thinks I can't grow my hair to my waist.....she's always talking sh*t, but she's loosing more hair in a day that I lose in a month!!!! So I just ignore what people say, black women can grow their hair........it just takes time and patience!!! They are a bunch of haters!!!
I stopped talking about LHCF a long time ago, it was so bad. Those same people were back all up in my face when my hair started looking different but at this point, they've ridiculed me so much that I just shrug and answer "no heat." and make myself busy elsewhere. I don't give the website info either. The last thing I want to be is responsible for haters putting up shop.:look: If I feel that someone were truly interested in the subject I have no problem talking about it but I've yet to meet them.:ohwell:
Im a newbie and thrilled about the site...I tell everyone about it and every turns their noses up and say that 100% African- American women CANNOT have long hair! One of my dearest friends has SL hair and said the site gave people false hope and there was NO way for people who are not mixed to have BSL, MBL, and WL hair...Im SOOOO shocked that she feels this way! She says she know alot of women that take great care of their hair but can never achieve that much success...im stunned to say the least!

What do you guys think??? How do you handle this negativity???


I have a friend of mine who actually believes that as black women, our hair grows to a predetermined length, and after that, it just breaks off...so most black women will never have long hair. I aint saying nothin', but I am going to prove her wrong! I just cannot wait until the day I show up at her house with my BSL hair, look her in the face and go, "Excuse me, but you were saying????" Keep pressing on.
One thing I need to say is. Black Americans are not 100% just African. Our ancestors are from Africa, our direct connection with America is a history filled with mixed lineage, whether it be from white slave masters, to Native Americans, Black Americans are not a race that's 100% just African. That's the first mis conception, that is the first thing that is wrong with what she believes.
Two, I have plenty of African friends, who moved to America, whom I consider African American, because they are directly from Africa and are American citizens, that are even mixed, but I have a Nigerian friend who says she can look at a black person and tell whether their lineage is mixed, and that most Black Americans are indeed mixed. We might not show it, but on down the line we are. So that's a big debate. And even Africans can grow long long hair, its all about maintenance and what's smart for the climate and region that people live in. People adapt to their surroundings, you might not see an African woman with hair all down her back in the middle of the Sahara, because for evolution and adaptation purposes, that doesn't make sense. BUT it's possible.

So I feel like to all that are doubtful and do not believe, just prove them wrong.

Like honestly I could write a book on people and their misconceptions, especially about Black Americans, African Americans, and Africans. lmfao
One thing I need to say is. Black Americans are not 100% just African. Our ancestors are from Africa, our direct connection with America is a history filled with mixed lineage, whether it be from white slave masters, to Native Americans, Black Americans are not a race that's 100% just African. That's the first mis conception, that is the first thing that is wrong with what she believes.
Two, I have plenty of African friends, who moved to America, whom I consider African American, because they are directly from Africa and are American citizens, that are even mixed, but I have a Nigerian friend who says she can look at a black person and tell whether their lineage is mixed, and that most Black Americans are indeed mixed. We might not show it, but on down the line we are. So that's a big debate. And even Africans can grow long long hair, its all about maintenance and what's smart for the climate and region that people live in. People adapt to their surroundings, you might not see an African woman with hair all down her back in the middle of the Sahara, because for evolution and adaptation purposes, that doesn't make sense. BUT it's possible.

So I feel like to all that are doubtful and do not believe, just prove them wrong.


ITA with your post. I believe that most of us are mixed in some way. To say that we are 100% black is a stretch. I know for myself I'm mixed with a bit of Indian. Sounds cliche but its the truth.

My hair does not reflect that Indian heritage. LOL
Best advice hide your hair and keep your secret. Even my momma don't now the length of my hair. She saw a glimpse in pictures and she kept eyeing my head. When I told her about LHCF and the hair practices she blank stared me. Last time she saw my hair in its full glory I had a chin length bob. Now Im APL and all she and other people see is it is in mid of putting it in a bun. Im going for BSL and even then I will share no secrets nor will they see it out.
One thing I need to say is. Black Americans are not 100% just African. Our ancestors are from Africa, our direct connection with America is a history filled with mixed lineage, whether it be from white slave masters, to Native Americans, Black Americans are not a race that's 100% just African. That's the first mis conception, that is the first thing that is wrong with what she believes.
Two, I have plenty of African friends, who moved to America, whom I consider African American, because they are directly from Africa and are American citizens, that are even mixed, but I have a Nigerian friend who says she can look at a black person and tell whether their lineage is mixed, and that most Black Americans are indeed mixed. We might not show it, but on down the line we are. So that's a big debate. And even Africans can grow long long hair, its all about maintenance and what's smart for the climate and region that people live in. People adapt to their surroundings, you might not see an African woman with hair all down her back in the middle of the Sahara, because for evolution and adaptation purposes, that doesn't make sense. BUT it's possible.

True. But we don't even have to go into the mixed thing. Yes, there is a high probability that a Black American or a Black Caribbean person is not 100% African. But 1) most of us are pretty darned close. I think the last time they did genetic analysis of this, the findings were that the average Black American had 87.5% African genes. 2) A little bit of mixed blood is no guarantee that your hair will retain length more easily than someone 100% African. There *are* 100% African ladies on this board, with fotkis, etc. One girl i remember, sonce, is an immigrant from Nigeria, and can trace back her 100% Yoruba ancestors to several generations. Yet she has a head of natural hair that is waist length or nearly there when straightened. Longer than some of the mixed ladies on here.

Yes, the truth is, African hair *is* fragile. And all of us have inherited that characteristic to some degree. We don't need to stick our heads in the sand about that. However, the key is just to prevent it from breaking off. If you protect, moisturise and strengthen it, there is no reason why you should n't retain length for the whole of your growth cycle, which to me means the vast majority of us can get to at least BSL.
We can't save them all. Some people are just close minded like that. Sad so sad. There is a big hair world out there to be explored, which is why I'm here all day long....I can't unglue myself HA! I'm a LHCF addict.
Like I said before ITS possible and I believe Black Americans have a stigma when they look in the mirror they believe certain things about themselves. Being on this site is proof everyday that if I take care of my hair it'll grow long, but a lot of people are ignorant and need to take an Anthropology class or two to realize, that RACE is a false pretense.

I could go on all day about race, being grouped by appearance and not cultural backgrounds, but that's another story for another board for another day.

BASICALLY LOL, BLACK WOMEN, AFRICAN AMERICANS, AFRICAN, AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES, CARRIBBEAN, AFRO BRAZILIAN, JANJAWEED (i kid i kid), lmfaoooo whoever can grow hair if taken care of the right way.......

I just feel like just prove them wrong!