WTF of the Day - Mom Straightens Her 4 Month Old's Hair!!!


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Did anyone hear about this?

Mom Posts Photo of 4-Month-Old Daughter with Straightened Hair on Facebook, Sparks Outrage

10 August 2012 ~ Posted By Black Girl With Long Hair ~ 93 Comments


A picture of a 4-month-old baby girl with straightened hair (seemingly by flat ironing) has circulated Facebook, sparking outrage and broaching the question: How young is too young to introduce children to hair straightening and relaxers. While women, both natural and relaxed, have denounced the mother because the child is so young, my question is, how is this any different than straightening/relaxing a child’s hair at age 4 or 8 or 12 or 15? The message being transmitted from mother to child is the same: Your hair is not okay as it is and would look better if it were straight. Sending that message to a preteen girl is just as harmful as sending it to a baby (I mean, at least the baby doesn’t fully understand what’s going on!) It’s unfortunate how hair insecurities are so often passed on from black mother to child, almost like a rite of passage. Ladies, what are your thoughts?

*bangs on table* LEAVE THE BABIES HAIR ALONE!!!!
I think its wrong that being said.There are far worst things happening to 4 month old baby's in the world right now.
Another we hate ourselves article? No my issue with that picture is there is no safe way to straighten hair and that baby could have been seriously injured.

Sent from my HTC EVO using LHCF. any spelling errors should be blamed on auto-correct.
Another we hate ourselves article? No my issue with that picture is there is no safe way to straighten hair and that baby could have been seriously injured.

Sent from my HTC EVO using LHCF. any spelling errors should be blamed on auto-correct.

This. All a baby needs at 4 months old is a pretty bow in her hair. And how was she able to keep her baby still doing that?
I read this story the other day and it said the dad straightened it because he wanted his daughter to be "pretty". I knew that didn't sound right. I was just thinking oh, just a stupid man decision. That's just as bad that the mother did it.
how is this any different than straightening/relaxing a child’s hair at age 4 or 8 or 12 or 15?

You can't compare a 5-month-old to a 15-year old. I mean, the difference is clear. This reminds me of yet another reason why I am no longer on Facebook and why I never posted pictures of my child on there when I was. My mother warned me back in 2005.

With all that said, this is strange & unfortunate, but clearly overblown considering the fact that the child doesn't appear to be hurt in any way.
SoopremeBeing said:
This. All a baby needs at 4 months old is a pretty bow in her hair. And how was she able to keep her baby still doing that?

Exactly. I can't keep my dd still for braids let alone straightening.

Sent from my HTC EVO using LHCF. any spelling errors should be blamed on auto-correct.
I was looking for that pic yesterday to add to my "baby relaxed at 9mo old" thread. Its crazy ppl think your is not pretty unless your hair is straight im relaxed and I think curly hair pretty. Watching clare on my wife and kids, and Tasha on everybody hates chris almost made me go natural or at least texlaxed. Ppl need to learn curly hair is pretty.

ETA: And not bashing teen moms but looking at those comments she must be at least 13 I mean its not even a style no ends bent or nothing she must be young to think this is cute
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Your daughter is 4 months old. She doesnt NEED to be "pretty" she needs to be a baby. You worry about her looks when shes older, and any father I know would want their daughters in potato sacks to keep the men away anyway. :lol:

All babies look the same to me , aside the skin color/ eye color.

ETA: I realized something.

People are complaining about this baby getting her hair straightened, which was likely painless, but its completely okay to get a babies ears pierced, which is painful.

Also, circumcision. Just throwing that out there.

Its this reason I didnt have pierced ears until I was 13.
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Anavrin said:
Your daughter is 4 months old. She doesnt NEED to be "pretty" she needs to be a baby. You worry about her looks when shes older, and any father I know would want their daughters in potato sacks to keep the men away anyway. :lol:

All babies look the same to me , aside the skin color/ eye color.

ETA: I realized something.

People are complaining about this baby getting her hair straightened, which was likely painless, but its completely okay to get a babies ears pierced, which is painful.

Also, circumcision. Just throwing that out there.

Its this reason I didnt have pierced ears until I was 13.

Lol ok our reaction is we strive for healthy hair and thats damaging its a healthy hair website of course

Fb reaction is "I cant believe she think thats cute!?!?"

I hope that kinda helps explain things
Your daughter is 4 months old. She doesnt NEED to be "pretty" she needs to be a baby. You worry about her looks when shes older, and any father I know would want their daughters in potato sacks to keep the men away anyway. :lol:

All babies look the same to me , aside the skin color/ eye color.

ETA: I realized something.

People are complaining about this baby getting her hair straightened, which was likely painless, but its completely okay to get a babies ears pierced, which is painful.

Also, circumcision. Just throwing that out there.

Its this reason I didnt have pierced ears until I was 13.
My friend just got her 5 month old daughter's ears pierced and that seemed way too young to me to be worrying about her having earrings. But when I asked my friend about it, she just came back with, "Nope! She's not too young."

Sometimes you just can't tell people about what they do with their kids.
Idk how old I was but my sis was 13 and we had to keep her from punchin the lady so maybe they do it for less drama or to just get it over with idk.

When I get a daughter im not gettin her ears pierced, there's something in the bible about your body is a temple of God, and if your pierced as a baby its not your fault its the parents and im not putting fault on me.

When she get old enough to ask for them I will read her the verse and tell her its not gonna keep you from heaven but its an unnessasary addition to his temple. Honestly I think earrings are cute and my cheer coach said your wardrobe is never complete without them but if I dont tell her what the bible said ima be called out on it on judgement day.

what about the heat that was applied to the baby scalp? I know when I straightened a piece of my hair, the steam alone burned me
SEMO said:
My friend just got her 5 month old daughter's ears pierced and that seemed way too young to me to be worrying about her having earrings. But when I asked my friend about it, she just came back with, "Nope! She's not too young."

Sometimes you just can't tell people about what they do with their kids.

DD got her ears pierced when she was 6 months that was just my decision i felt it would be easier then when she got older because she wouldn't even notice it she honestly cried for about 5 sec and then continued playing till this day she never messes with her earrings idk for me I just wanted her ear pierced because I think little girls look so girly and cute with earring but that just my opinion... I guess everyone is different getting DD ears pierced as a baby was just my preference... Now I would NEVER straighten her hair though

what about the heat that was applied to the baby scalp? I know when I straightened a piece of my hair, the steam alone burned me

Exactly! I can't even imagine doing this to a 4 month old, especially when I can feel heat on my scalp from a straightening comb or flat iron. The mom needs her a$$ kicked.

what about the heat that was applied to the baby scalp? I know when I straightened a piece of my hair, the steam alone burned me

Babies have a soft spot AND baby skin, no way do I believe she didn't feel any pain.

All that for a jacked-up looking 'do. smdh
Babies have a soft spot AND baby skin, no way do I believe she didn't feel any pain.

All that for a jacked-up looking 'do. smdh

That's exactly what I'm saying! Their skin is so delicate, times 100 by their delicate little scalps.
frizzy said:
Babies have a soft spot AND baby skin, no way do I believe she didn't feel any pain.

All that for a jacked-up looking 'do. smdh

exactly the reason why I think the mom is young no adult or older teen would think this was cute unless they were really rachet
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Absolutely outrageous. Mom needs to worry about her child's future, get her education in order start reading books to her, etc. Straightening hair this young is truly ridiculous.
The mother has some deep rooted self esteem issues. I feel for that baby. I wish I could take her from that foolishness.

Now on the matter of ears pierced. I got mines at 6month..I'm a winter baby and my mom got tired of people thinking I was a a boy. So from what I was told I cried for a few seconds and then was chill.. but how comb heat on a baby's head..that chick needs to be beaten with a hot comb.
Anavrin said:
Your daughter is 4 months old. She doesnt NEED to be "pretty" she needs to be a baby. You worry about her looks when shes older, and any father I know would want their daughters in potato sacks to keep the men away anyway. :lol:

All babies look the same to me , aside the skin color/ eye color.

ETA: I realized something.

People are complaining about this baby getting her hair straightened, which was likely painless, but its completely okay to get a babies ears pierced, which is painful.

Also, circumcision. Just throwing that out there.

Its this reason I didnt have pierced ears until I was 13.

My ears were pierced as a baby, and i have no memory of it to be upset about. Plus a nice way to add decoration to my body.

I'm against this because I can think of no way to make 4 month old baby stay still long enough to have their hair straightened. This is putting her at risk of getting burnt for absolutely no reason other than a "cute" for like two day hairstyle. At least with piercing, and circumcision it's one-time pain for a lifetime change.