Black People have the Worst Kind of Hair...

Well OP you handled the situation with class and allowed that woman to show up her own stupid a$$. :rolleyes: Hopefully you can be a positive influence on that little girl's life somehow.

It really amazes me how nasty and hateful people can be when they see Blackness. People really do fear us. I think our very features that make us who we are can really dredge up what is in another person's heart. We really got it like that.
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I know this thread is old as dirt, but I am wondering if the OP is still with her SO today.

As I read this all I could think was, "You are a good one."
black people have unique hair, hair like wool, we are the only ones who can braid it, weave it, wear it straight or kinky or curly or wavy, dread it, or just shave it off, and look beautiful doing it. Our hair protects the scalp from the sun's heat and UV rays, just as our skin protects us. also, what does your hair look like? what does she say about you?

i know a lot of Dominicans are racist, just look how they treat the Haitians. However, being Dominican is not a race, it is a nationality and there are a mixed race people. She is filled with sadness and self loathing. She hates black hair, but she loves black DI*K. Please.
Oh my goodness! (That grandmother's negativity will definitely be with her when she visits a shrink in her adulthood.)

Whenever I see elders nurturing self hate in their young ones' hearts, It makes my heart bleed. Hope that little kid gets a thick skin and learn to love her body, hair and skin.
I woulda told her how evil and horrible of a person she was. She is tearing up a little girl's self esteem because of her own ridiculous and racist opinions. Your bf never told his mom anything? OMG girl...
I used to work with a Dominican chick who used to always have something slick to say to me (I'm Haitian). She used to go out of her way to make it seem that Dominicans and Haitians were so incredibly different. In my head I thinking- Ok, you share an Island, to a certain extent a culture (food, music). My grandfather was Dominican, so for me, the similarities outweighed the differences.

Reading this thread put things in perspective for me. I now strongly believe this chick stressed our differences to imply her (Domincans) superiority over me (Haitians).

Very sad.
Ahhhh!!! This makes me SO angry and somewhat reminds me of my inlaws. My MIL was nice to be but FIL has been a pr*ck since day one. When I met him he looked me up and down and said "What is this and why is it talking to me?" Yeah. I've come to the conclusion that he didn't want DH to be with me beause I'm black. Oh, and he's black too. Ignorant fool.

Kudos to you for keeping your mouth shut, because I wouldn't have been able to. Please, please, PLEASE sit your SO down and explain to him that your babies will have little to NO contact with that woman. That's a decision my DH and I have had to make after my MIL's (who is white) 2 rants about how terrible black women are IN FRONT OF ME AND MY CHILD!! Yeah, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. That is a NASTY woman. I hope she never sees her niece again. That baby doesn't deserve to be subjected to that EVER.
Ahhhh!!! This makes me SO angry and somewhat reminds me of my inlaws. My MIL was nice to be but FIL has been a pr*ck since day one. When I met him he looked me up and down and said "What is this and why is it talking to me?" Yeah. I've come to the conclusion that he didn't want DH to be with me beause I'm black. Oh, and he's black too. Ignorant fool.

Kudos to you for keeping your mouth shut, because I wouldn't have been able to. Please, please, PLEASE sit your SO down and explain to him that your babies will have little to NO contact with that woman. That's a decision my DH and I have had to make after my MIL's (who is white) 2 rants about how terrible black women are IN FRONT OF ME AND MY CHILD!! Yeah, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. That is a NASTY woman. I hope she never sees her niece again. That baby doesn't deserve to be subjected to that EVER.

I dated a guy once who had a White mother and Black father. The mother was nice to me but the father felt Black women were beneath his son. It wasn't just me it was any Black girl he brought home. He is now married to a Black woman and has kids, I bet that drove his dad over the edge.
Ahhhh!!! This makes me SO angry and somewhat reminds me of my inlaws. My MIL was nice to be but FIL has been a pr*ck since day one. When I met him he looked me up and down and said "What is this and why is it talking to me?" Yeah. I've come to the conclusion that he didn't want DH to be with me beause I'm black. Oh, and he's black too. Ignorant fool.

Kudos to you for keeping your mouth shut, because I wouldn't have been able to. Please, please, PLEASE sit your SO down and explain to him that your babies will have little to NO contact with that woman. That's a decision my DH and I have had to make after my MIL's (who is white) 2 rants about how terrible black women are IN FRONT OF ME AND MY CHILD!! Yeah, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. That is a NASTY woman. I hope she never sees her niece again. That baby doesn't deserve to be subjected to that EVER.

Oh no he did not say that to you!!! :nono: That just takes the cake. I have come to expect that talk from white but BLACKS?! It is so sad to see the years of brainwashing from whites in action like this. So sad.
My Mom is Puerto Rican and My Grandma used to make my dad sit outside if he came over and not let my mom out. My mom used to sneak to see my dad all the time. Words my grandma told me when a nice old man was trying to talk to me "no hablos con negro" at least this is what I caught and I was like what, she repeated, telling me not to say hello because the man was black. My mom had just passed away and it saddened me she hadn't changed her ways. She also has told us before not to talk to Dominicans, the prejudice is some kind of UGLY. Personally We bleed red, we breath the same air. :nono:

I love my grandma and continue to pray for her.
I went thru something similar with my mil our first meeting was over the phone and she spoke with me briefly and asked me if I spoke Spanish and then where my family was from . When I said JA she said "aye dois mio" I know the fretted that my kids would be dark. I prayed for little black babies just to bother her but to my chagrin it didn't turn out that way. She is very religious and we started to attend church together as a way to try to bond and one day there was a service on racism and how it was against Gods will and she came and apologized and has been better since. Pray on it and it is good that your husband took a stand. My husband made excuses at first and then he had to tell her off.but that was a few yrs ago in the beginning.
Another LINGERING effect of "colonialism".

I read about 3 lines of this before I realized I've seen this before. Unfortuanately "we" even have this attitude within our "American Negro" culture.
Wow...I'm so surprised you didn't slug her. On my worst days when my hair's not doing anything I want and I'm SO frustrated by it I feel that way but I usually pick myself up, embrace my beauty and flaws, and find a way to maximize the positive.


She has no right to talk about your hair, that child's hair or about black people in general. Girl you should have popped out a history book and told her right quick there is NOTHING in her people's history that makes her better than you and if she wants to judge an entire race there is ASSURADLY plenty about her race that other people look down on and sneer at.

Hair is what grows out of our bodies that we have no control over, but what comes out of our mouths and shows our intelligence...that's where you really can judge a person.

I'm sorry but as of this point you are no longer required or expected to reach out to this woman. Her son should make it very clear that if she can't say anything nice or stay positive he will end up being less a part of her life because you will become more a part of his.

Crazy clownola....ugh. I'm so mad for you!!
The intensity of the racism that flows amongst the Dominicans- you would think they believed themselves to be strictly a race of Europeans though.:perplexed

It's so true. I know a Dominican guy who denies his African ancestry and will get PISSED if someone mentions it.
The intensity of the racism that flows amongst the Dominicans- you would think they believed themselves to be strictly a race of Europeans though.:perplexed

I've noticed that too overall, I'm not going to generalize or break down the whole race but the experiences I've had with Dominicans save for 1 (my hairstylist ironically, lol) have not made me extra eager or happy to be around them.
There are societal advantages to NOT being black. Some people would CHOOSE not to have to deal with the often perceived harder life that African American children face. Society says our hair isn't pretty. Some people would CHOOSE not to risk having children with our hair.

I actually think there are advantages of being a SMART, attractive black person. We stand out in the crowd. In some arenas, there are people just looking for us to give us a deserved opportunity. Our black mothers tend to make us strong and outspoken so we sometimes shine that much brighter. As for the hair thing... are you kidding me? Cute braids, cute afro puffs, all the little ribbons and bows, cute press and curl. It's not really as bad as society wants to think. If I see a little black girl with messed up hair, I usually see a white mom walking with her.

Anyway... some people are afraid and bend to what they perceive are the disadvantages. Perhaps these dominicans feel they are closer to white, and don't want to mix "down" and lose some privilege. The ugly truth is coming out right now with all the immigration crap. CLOSE to white is meaningless, obviously.

My 2 cents.
The intensity of the racism that flows amongst the Dominicans- you would think they believed themselves to be strictly a race of Europeans though.:perplexed
that's the :lachen: part. Most of them are a mix of african, native and Spanish (spain), so erm or a mix of two of the above, so erm:look: what are you running from? I swear if you didn't hear them talk, a lot of them, you couldn't tell the difference between them and Haitians who are the same "makeup" as them but shift the spanish white to french white:nono:. People will do anything to run away from being "african" or at least create distance from it, with new labels and titles to announce how "not really black" they are:yawn:
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There are societal advantages to NOT being black. Some people would CHOOSE not to have to deal with the often perceived harder life that African American children face. Society says our hair isn't pretty. Some people would CHOOSE not to risk having children with our hair.

[highlight]I actually think there are advantages of being a SMART, attractive black person. We stand out in the crowd. In some arenas, there are people just looking for us to give us a deserved opportunity. Our black mothers tend to make us strong and outspoken so we sometimes shine that much brighter. [/highlight]As for the hair thing... are you kidding me? Cute braids, cute afro puffs, all the little ribbons and bows, cute press and curl. It's not really as bad as society wants to think. If I see a little black girl with messed up hair, I usually see a white mom walking with her.

Anyway... some people are afraid and bend to what they perceive are the disadvantages. Perhaps these dominicans feel they are closer to white, and don't want to mix "down" and lose some privilege. The ugly truth is coming out right now with all the immigration crap. CLOSE to white is meaningless, obviously.

My 2 cents.

wow, your entire post is on point, and i especially agree with the highlighted
I dated a guy once who had a White mother and Black father. The mother was nice to me but the father felt Black women were beneath his son. It wasn't just me it was any Black girl he brought home. He is now married to a Black woman and has kids, I bet that drove his dad over the edge.

thats so unfortunate. i hope he didn't have any daughters. i can't imagine how low they'd feel with a jackass like that for a father, looking down on them for being black- like him! ♥
It's so true. I know a Dominican guy who denies his African ancestry and will get PISSED if someone mentions it.

I've seen too many black and mixed-with-black people who are like that. Pathetic! I hate the fact that so many people continue to pass this type of ugliness on to the next generation. Colonialism started it but we all have a choice as to whether we want to keep it going or not. I especially get angry when I see people continuing to foist these attitudes on children.
Colonialism started it but we all have a choice as to whether we want to keep it going or not.

Exactly. I REFUSE to let them off the hook with the same old tired colonialism excuse. I hold them 100% responsible for their racism/colorism.
Everytime I read this it just makes me sick.How people could be that ignorant and inconsiderate. Like please people...know yourself before you presume to talk about someone else. I bet her hair isnt pin straight and I wonder where she thinks thise curls come from???? Hmmm. I would love to spend a day in the brains of these type of people!!
I believe these types of issues excist in almost every nationaltiy that comes from African ancestry. In the DR, Puerto Rico, Carribean island, and here in America the lighter you are and the straighter your hair equates to more beautiful than. This is the most ignorant way of thinking, I have seen the most beautiful sistas here on LHCF in all different shades and kiky hair textures.
I am going to the DR in July it will be my 2nd time going. And yes Dominicans are black people, and some are very very very black with excessively kinky hair. And just like some blacks in America they claim that there a mixture of Taino indian (that no longer exsist) and they looking like they came straight from Africa and some will deny that they are black. My best freind is PR and her husband is dominican and he refers hisself to being a black man that comes from a country that speak spanish.
I love the DR the Dominicans are the most hospitable and welcomeing people. It just so exciting to see all those dark chocolate men speaking spanish. Oooh weeee I Love It!!!!