Would you????


New Member
Date a man that has a child on the way? I met this guy over the summer at a reunion some classmates from FB had for my high school and our rival. He wanted to talk more, but I had just broken up with my ex and wasn't in the mood to "get to know" anyone. He and I became friends on FB but never really talked. One day I'm on FB looking thru the posts and sees he joins a Haitian group. So I send him an email saying I didn't know he was haitian, we start talking, hang out a couple of times, and I'm beginning to like him. He's 36, no kids, owns his own home, good job, etc. But then he drops the BOMB!! This girl that he "messed" with off and on for the last couple of years is 4 months pregnant. She says it's his, but he won't know for sure till the baby is born, and herein lies my dilemma!!!
Date a man that has a child on the way? I met this guy over the summer at a reunion some classmates from FB had for my high school and our rival. He wanted to talk more, but I had just broken up with my ex and wasn't in the mood to "get to know" anyone. He and I became friends on FB but never really talked. One day I'm on FB looking thru the posts and sees he joins a Haitian group. So I send him an email saying I didn't know he was haitian, we start talking, hang out a couple of times, and I'm beginning to like him. He's 36, no kids, owns his own home, good job, etc. But then he drops the BOMB!! This girl that he "messed" with off and on for the last couple of years is 4 months pregnant. She says it's his, but he won't know for sure till the baby is born, and herein lies my dilemma!!!

I'd say leave before you develop feelings, if you feel this be drama for you (which I think it would). If you are not single in the next 5 months check in with him and see if the child is his or not. Even then do a double check (if he says the child is not his).

On a side note, with all this covert drama in peoples lives these days, I beginning to think I'll be alone forever. I really dont have time for any of that stuff at all.:perplexed: :sad:
Date a man that has a child on the way? I met this guy over the summer at a reunion some classmates from FB had for my high school and our rival. He wanted to talk more, but I had just broken up with my ex and wasn't in the mood to "get to know" anyone. He and I became friends on FB but never really talked. One day I'm on FB looking thru the posts and sees he joins a Haitian group. So I send him an email saying I didn't know he was haitian, we start talking, hang out a couple of times, and I'm beginning to like him. He's 36, no kids, owns his own home, good job, etc. But then he drops the BOMB!! This girl that he "messed" with off and on for the last couple of years is 4 months pregnant. She says it's his, but he won't know for sure till the baby is born, and herein lies my dilemma!!!

.....back off (or just be a friend, nothing more if you can) until he KNOWS for sure the child is his. Then, if so/not, then you can go from there.
Why date a man with a possible baby on the way when there are men with no children? This guy sounds irresponsible and a headache waiting to happen. RUN FOREST RUN!
Helllll naw. That is just asking for trouble. I can see if the kid is like 5 years old and they have not been together for awhile but a kid on the way. They are STILL kicking it to some degree. Save yourself the aggravation and drama and don't get involved
I wouldn't mess with it. He's been dealing with the same woman (off and on) for a few years and now when she is pregant he has to question the paternity? I don't know about that one.
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No thanks! That reeks of drama! I don't know if it's the fact that it's a possible or that he went raw with an off/on girl that bothers me more.
The whole situation is drama, and ever since he told me, he's been coming at me hard, LOL!!! Guess he's scared I'm going to run for the hills!!!
While things are relatively new and your feelings are not so involved I would suggest you make like a tree and leave. I wish you all the best.
I hate to sound so suspicious but, I'd just have to wonder about a man that has a girl pregnant, that's actively pursuing someone else.
Not with a kid "on the way"... that implies the messing around was recent.

I'm upset this dude is coming at you in the first place... he should be preparing himself for fatherhood. :look:
*checks LaBelle's forehead for a tempa'chur"

ok..lemme git da facts straight. dis one hea is pretty much cut n dry. no need in wastin a newport on dis one...:nono:

u met a boy, connected on facebook, he hatian, seems to be established, yall hang out a couple of times, u start likin him, and he tells u he gotta baby on da way, den he hits u wif da classic "it may not be mines". git da phuck outta hea....

he's been wif dis chick for some years, and all of a sudden, he tells u it may not be his, and you question this and call it a dilemma? u got me stuck like chuck cuz i'm tryna understand how u call this a dilemma. its only a dilemma if u pursue him. right now, you are just acquaintances. you don't even know him that well.

a man will only tell u what HE wants you to know AND he will only do what you allow him to do. see, there is a whole lot he ain't told you. trust n believe me on dat one. her being pregnant, and him being involved is not your issue and it's not your business to make it your issue.

leave him alone and save urself da heartache...

das it n das all.
*checks LaBelle's forehead for a tempa'chur"

ok..lemme git da facts straight. dis one hea is pretty much cut n dry. no need in wastin a newport on dis one...:nono:

u met a boy, connected on facebook, he hatian, seems to be established, yall hang out a couple of times, u start likin him, and he tells u he gotta baby on da way, den he hits u wif da classic "it may not be mines". git da phuck outta hea....

he's been wif dis chick for some years, and all of a sudden, he tells u it may not be his, and you question this and call it a dilemma? u got me stuck like chuck cuz i'm tryna understand how u call this a dilemma. its only a dilemma if u pursue him. right now, you are just acquaintances. you don't even know him that well.

a man will only tell u what HE wants you to know AND he will only do what you allow him to do. see, there is a whole lot he ain't told you. trust n believe me on dat one. her being pregnant, and him being involved is not your issue and it's not your business to make it your issue.

leave him alone and save urself da heartache...

das it n das all.

Again, Jerseygirl +1, and thanks for doing it smoke-free.
Ummmmmm NO. :nono:

First of all, he's got a girl he's been "messing" around with for years?? :nono: Sounds like she will be hard to get rid of! Do you know anything else about his relationship history? Was he messing around with this girl while he was dating other women?? Why isn't he with this woman that he has been messing around and having unprotected sex with? He's having unprotected sex with a woman he can't even call his girlfriend... :perplexed

I wouldn't be surprised if he continues to mess around with her while pursuing you. This raises all kinds of red flags for me... :nono: