Would you????

Ummmmmm NO. :nono:

First of all, he's got a girl he's been "messing" around with for years?? :nono: Sounds like she will be hard to get rid of! Do you know anything else about his relationship history? Was he messing around with this girl while he was dating other women?? Why isn't he with this woman that he has been messing around and having unprotected sex with? He's having unprotected sex with a woman he can't even call his girlfriend... :perplexed

I wouldn't be surprised if he continues to mess around with her while pursuing you. This raises all kinds of red flags for me... :nono:

This is what I was thinking.

It's just better to not even travel down that road, OP...
Ummmmmm NO. :nono:

First of all, he's got a girl he's been "messing" around with for years?? :nono: Sounds like she will be hard to get rid of! Do you know anything else about his relationship history? Was he messing around with this girl while he was dating other women?? Why isn't he with this woman that he has been messing around and having unprotected sex with? He's having unprotected sex with a woman he can't even call his girlfriend... :perplexed

I wouldn't be surprised if he continues to mess around with her while pursuing you. This raises all kinds of red flags for me... :nono:

Yeah, and if he's just "messin'" around with this chick, you can be sure that there are other chicks he's "messin" with... which then would make me wonder why the hell you 36 and you're still in a "messin" with chicks mentality. Yo behind is too dayum old for that.

I'm also with JerseyGirl all the way... how are you calling this a "dilemma?" You don't even know this man! Whether the baby is his or not, you're seriously considering a 36-year-old dude who obviously sees no problem with "messin'" with some chick for four years UNPROTECTED? Really?

(And I bet you SHE would tell you a different story about the nature of their "relationship"... SMH.)

Seriously... I'm just confused as to why this would be a "dilemma." But maybe that's just me. :kanyeshrug:
Yeah, and if he's just "messin'" around with this chick, you can be sure that there are other chicks he's "messin" with... which then would make me wonder why the hell you 36 and you're still in a "messin" with chicks mentality. Yo behind is too dayum old for that.

I'm also with JerseyGirl all the way... how are you calling this a "dilemma?" You don't even know this man! Whether the baby is his or not, you're seriously considering a 36-year-old dude who obviously sees no problem with "messin'" with some chick for four years UNPROTECTED? Really?

(And I bet you SHE would tell you a different story about the nature of their "relationship"... SMH.)

Seriously... I'm just confused as to why this would be a "dilemma." But maybe that's just me. :kanyeshrug:

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Why do so many of us feel the need to settle for this type of mess? :nono:
I don't see the dilema. Loose his number. Your young and attractive why deal with headaches that aren't needed. If he was just messing with this girl, why wasn't he using protection. He is 36 and still just messing, midlife crisis??? Too many problems to entertain the idea of dating him.
No, for all the reasons already posted. He is nothing but drama waiting to happen. Please believe you can do much better than him.
Thanks for the advice ladies. Deep down I knew what I had to do, because the situation was a crazy one, but I had a momentary lapse. I dropped that zero and am back to adding rotation members, lol!!!
Nope I would keep it moving as the new baby moms will be a headache competing for the baby daddy's time...
Thanks for the advice ladies. Deep down I knew what I had to do, because the situation was a crazy one, but I had a momentary lapse. I dropped that zero and am back to adding rotation members, lol!!!

I am very happy to read that. :yep: