Would you up and move to another state with DH and child(ren)

Yes. In fact we did. We haved moved several times: (once for my career, twice for his) for career-related reasons.
Just did this in Sept 09. DH job was closing in VA, he was offered a xfr to another location. We had the option of chosing CO, AZ, TX or FL. We chose FL. I have no family or friends here. This is the 1st time moving with DD. I have packed up and moved before several times during DH 20 year Navy career. This time was very diff when its not just dh and I.

Im still adjusting to our move as is dd. I'm focuing on not complaining as there are not too many companies offering to move employee and their family at their expense. I just look at this as a new opporunity the lord has made.
And can I say, I feel somekinda way about married folks who have a chance to improve they and their children's lives, but opt not to in order to stay close to family who might not be of much help on the life-improvement front? :look:

I understand that family ties are strong - real strong - for a lot of people, but when does your nuclear family come first?
Yep; not many get opportunities to see other places and I'd want my children to experiences new things. That's one of my requirements when I get married and have kids, I don't want to raise my children in just one place, I want them to see the world and know there are other things out there.
What happens if you LOVE where you are staying now?

Well, who's to say you won't love the new place more? :look: And extra change in the paycheck always makes me fond of a change of scenery. :lol:

But then, I've lived in a lot of cities. And I've learned that really, most cities are a lot a like. You have the gay section, the hood, the artsy section, the upper class section, the middle class section, the downtown section, the collegiate section. You have restaurants and museums. You have historical and sightseeing areas. You have weather - though, fair enough, weather has crossed many a city off of my list. :lachen: You have people you like, people you can't stand. You have cultural attitudes that may or may not line up with your own.

To me, it's really a matter of - working with what you have, and developing what you need. :yep:
For me, it's mainly the weather.
I have seasonal depression and where I am make sthe difference in my personality like night and day.
I just am not ready.
It's only been 4 years since moving here and he wants to move to CO where it is VERY cold.
I could.- I am already far away from the family I really care about, so moving wouldn't be a problem. As long as it's somewhere warm :look:
For me, it's mainly the weather.
I have seasonal depression and where I am make sthe difference in my personality like night and day.
I just am not ready.
It's only been 4 years since moving here and he wants to move to CO where it is VERY cold.

Colorado has a lot of sun though, don't they? :bighug: I hear you on the seasonal depression, though. I've told DH I won't live above the Mason-Dixie line for anything less than 150K take home. :lachen: I hate cold weather with a passion.

Have you tried sun lamps? Upping your intake of Vitamin D during the winter? Will the increased income give you changes to take a nice long vacation someplace sunny in the dead of winter?
I suppose it will.
But, there's nothing like being able to attend a festival outside in January
Or being able to take a trip down teh street to the beach,
or being able to take a run every morning (increased Vitamin D AND exercise)
There are some things that this place offers that nowhere else does.

CO does have a lot of sun, but they also have a lot of dry air and very cold winters.
His income wont be anywhere NEAR 150.
I suppose it will.
But, there's nothing like being able to attend a festival outside in January
Or being able to take a trip down teh street to the beach,
or being able to take a run every morning (increased Vitamin D AND exercise)
There are some things that this place offers that nowhere else does.

CO does have a lot of sun, but they also have a lot of dry air and very cold winters.
His income wont be anywhere NEAR 150.

Yeah, climate is the one thing you can't change. :ohwell: That truly would give me pause - much more than the lack of family would. :yep:
Yes, depending on the location. the move wouldn't bother me (I'm an army brat) but we'd have to consider what quality of life we'd have. If there were no big reasons, then sure I'd move.

And if SO got a chance to move out of country, I'd be on that so fast.
if neither one of you had any family there?
Say this move is clear across the country and he found a good job with great benefits.

Would you do it?

Yep, I moved from up North to the South to be with DH--no family, no friends, nothing but us--and recently we moved to our present location because DH was offered a better job/great benefits--no family, no friends, just us :yep: I hope to do it at least one more time.
For me, it's mainly the weather.
I have seasonal depression and where I am make sthe difference in my personality like night and day.
I just am not ready.
It's only been 4 years since moving here and he wants to move to CO where it is VERY cold.

I understand--I do not like cold weather and snow anymore--if we moved to a climate like that--DH would have to know that I'd hibernate during the winter.
We moved to Virginia from Georgia with a 13 month old so my husband could go to business school at UVA. I left my mom, aunts, uncles and childhood friends. It was hard but exciting at the same time. Even the 30 inches of snow we got our first winter did not phase me.

After business school we moved to Maryland. We had 2 more kids and 7 years later in 2004 we moved to Charlotte, North Carolina. In my mind I was kicking and screaming, but I know my attitude affects my entire family so I went with a smile on my face. We LOVED Charlotte, but moved back to Maryland this past June after 5 years.

We were all devestated to move, but that is what we chose to do as a couple and the kids adapted after a while. It helped that they were familiar with the area and had a few friends to return to. We visited friends in Charlotte over the Christmas break. It was hard to leave them, but we are united as a couple and a family to make it work for us. I did tell my husband this is our last move until our last is gone to college, but realistically if we have to move again because of his job to stay together as a family, that is what we would do.
I am going through that right now,lol. We are headed to Tennessee from North Carolina b/c he is attending school there. I don't mind, I need new scenery and I am young so why not.
I would not like it at all but what Ima do leave my hubby lol? But I hate moving, I really like it here and really love his family (moving away from my family well shoot I did that as soon as I could:look:) But really it has a lot to do with my upbringing. We moved so much I never had a chance as a child to build any real meaningful relationships. Same thing in the Army. I've been uprooted every couple years for my entire life. I like to settle down and put down some roots for a change. This is the longest I've even lived in one place in my entire life....it's nice to have some sense of stability and family that actually LIKES you:look: Am I oversharing?:look::lachen:
Yes I would and I did. I miss my family very much but we needed to do what was best for our family.
For me, it's mainly the weather.
I have seasonal depression and where I am make sthe difference in my personality like night and day.
I just am not ready.
It's only been 4 years since moving here and he wants to move to CO where it is VERY cold.

What part of CO? We are looking to move to Aurora, do to me being able to have a better paying job in my field but like you my biggest hang up is the coldness. I live in KY and I can tolerate 2-3 months of cold weather but not the extreme coldness that they have.