Would you teach a Class on Natural Hair Care in your Community??

Would you teach a Class on African American Natural Hair Care in Your community

  • Yes!! We need it.

    Votes: 74 76.3%
  • No

    Votes: 8 8.2%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 15 15.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Becuase none of the hoodlums in my neighboorhood wanna do nothin'..dont wanna listen dont wanna learn all the way do is act cool and listen to lil boosie
Girllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll !!! I have been trying to teach the masses for years. I will keep on trying till people listen!
Wonderful idea.

I think the first few times you meet I would recommend you start on the mindset. When you free their minds the rest will follow.

I once taught a financial workshop for women of color and one of the first things I did the first 30 minutes I asked them to tell me what are the different negative things you have always been told, learned or heard about money? After all these lies were written on different large pads of paper then I posted them up on the wall and kept them there during the seminar.

At the end of the seminar the women would literally be crying coming out of the seminar because they could actually see how they let some of those negative things they believe creep into their financial habits which were holding them back.

So you can write the question: What are some of the negative things you have learned or heard about natural black hair or black hair in general?

Get ready to start writing fast and furious, it will be an eye opener. You can even debunk those lies and start breaking them down one by one.

I would be more than happy to let you share some of my pics and my fotki link as a reference for your class.

Best wishes to you and keeping you lifted up!!! :)
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If I had the time, I would do it in a heartbeat! My first message would be,
Fall In Love With Your Real, Natural Hair...and take it from there...
I absolutely agree!

i would like that as well. i am an Esthetician and Nutritional Consultant. I focus on inside out, i think is only right to be in the line! Keep us posted! I would like to know more about the class.
Becuase none of the hoodlums in my neighboorhood wanna do nothin'..dont wanna listen dont wanna learn all the way do is act cool and listen to lil boosie

There may be others like you in your neighborhood. Actually you'd probably be suprised those whom want to learn. Also I do not think people waste the money to come to a class that in which they are not willing to learn.

Wonderful idea.

So you can write the question: What are some of the negative things you have learned or heard about natural black hair or black hair in general?

I would be more than happy to let you share some of my pics and my fotki link as a reference for your class.

Best wishes to you keeping you lifted up!!!

Thanks for the suggestions and permission to use your photos! I will start out by writing down the negative thoughts about hair. I am planning to put together a power point slide and give hand outs.

I will be creating the agenda next week and post it. I want to get started in September.
say, when will you do another financial seminar like that? :look:

mswoman, the idea was for YOU to start the thread :lachen: would love to brainstorm with you and other like-minded people. Would also be willing to co-teach if any of you are in the LA area :yep:

Wonderful idea.

I think the first few times you meet I would recommend you start on the mindset. When you free their minds the rest will follow.

I once taught a financial workshop for women of color and one of the first things I did the first 30 minutes I asked them to tell me what are the different negative things you have always been told, learned or heard about money? After all these lies were written on different large pads of paper then I posted them up on the wall and kept them there during the seminar.

At the end of the seminar the women would literally be crying coming out of the seminar because they could actually see how they let some of those negative things they believe creep into their financial habits which were holding them back.

So you can write the question: What are some of the negative things you have learned or heard about natural black hair or black hair in general?

Get ready to start writing fast and furious, it will be an eye opener. You can even debunk those lies and start breaking them down one by one.

I would be more than happy to let you share some of my pics and my fotki link as a reference for your class.

Best wishes to you keeping you lifted up!!! :)
i sure would. when i see these little girls with long thick pony tails and braids it just makes me smile. im tired of knowing that some day these kids will be like "i had long healthy hair when i was a kid" as they look at their broken off ends and thin lifeless hair.

make sure you tell them that there is nothing wrong with getting a relaxer as long as they take care of their hair. but that their God given hair and texture will always be the best and most healthiest. they shouldnt be afraid of relaxers but they should love their own hair so much that getting a relaxer would never even enter their mind.
I disagree with the notion that people won't listen to "defined naturals." If our people celebrate other cultures' holidays more than we celebrate our own, and if we fall for Afrocentric products that are actually manufactured by other "races," then I don't see why anyone would automatically discount anything a "defined natural" has to say.:imo::nicethread::twocents:
this is an EXCELLENT!!! That's so great that you've decided to reach out to your community like that. I would DEFINITELY sign up for a class like that! I wish they had one in my area then I could get hands-on practice and advice on DD's hair. I would finally be able to do it the way I wanted using the products I wanted.
Once I finish transitioning I woudl love to teacha class on naural hair. I have actually been thinking about doing one thru a community center and one thru a place of worship. I have a year or two to plan.
As Ediese suggested, I hope you do consider how you can franchise it! Dave Ramsey does this with his Financial Peace classes. Why couldn't you do it with your natural hair classes? His medium or method to distribute his information is via all kinds of churches.

Why not design and deliver your information through all kinds of salons. Salons are plentiful as well. Good luck to you! What a wonderful win win situation for everyone involved! :yep:
Once you have your flyer done, you might mail them out to your favorite makers of natural hair products & ask for discount coupons to offer your students. Or maybe refer to the discount thread here for ideas.
Thats an awesome idea!! I would attend the class just because! Go for it!

I'm natural, and have been for a while, but I dont feel qualified yet to teach. I dont have all the answers for my own hair, let alone anybody elses natural hair. I would need more experience, time, maybe some african american history and hair classes, and face to face discussions with experienced and knowledgeable natural ladies to get advice and different point of views before I taught a class. But it does seem like something that I would like to do sometime in the future!
That's a great idea. It's a good thing to spread the word around and make others aware of the beauty of their own natural hair. A lot of people are really clueless. I know I was. I'll be attending a Natural Hair class at a local salon too. I'm waiting for them to set up the next date.

Hi Ediese...I sent you a PM
say, when will you do another financial seminar like that? :look:

mswoman, the idea was for YOU to start the thread :lachen: would love to brainstorm with you and other like-minded people. Would also be willing to co-teach if any of you are in the LA area :yep:

I no longer teach the seminar unfortunately. Family started growing up and needing more of my time.

But I would love to brainstorm with you, may even be interested in co teaching or at the very least supporting with logistics and other assistance. PM me when you have a chance. Would love to help in any way I can. :yep:
this is a great idea!
i think its important to teach people how to take care of their natural hair and maybe then they will appreciate it more instead of counting down the days to get a relaxer.
As Ediese suggested, I hope you do consider how you can franchise it! Dave Ramsey does this with his Financial Peace classes. Why couldn't you do it with your natural hair classes? His medium or method to distribute his information is via all kinds of churches.

Why not design and deliver your information through all kinds of salons. Salons are plentiful as well. Good luck to you! What a wonderful win win situation for everyone involved!

This is an Excellent Idea!!! Maybe after a while of teaching I'll be able to put together a hair teaching class.

Once you have your flyer done, you might mail them out to your favorite makers of natural hair products & ask for discount coupons to offer your students. Or maybe refer to the discount thread here for ideas.

I will look at the discount thread for ideas. I think the class would like some free samples. My Sorority was able to get J&J to send some samples to an event we held for the community.

Thanks to everyone for adding your input!
I would. But would anyone take my advice :-x lol

But honestly, I think that is a great idea!If I got a penny for every single time someone told me they were natural, are natural, or would go natural but they wouldn't know what to do then I'd probably be a thousandaire or atleast a hundredaire!
Wow what a fantastic idea!

I would do an overall hair care course on how to take care of your hair. Maybe break it up in two sessions, one for naturals and another for people that are interested in transitioning to natural.
You are so right about being a thousandaire or hundredaire! They would take your advice if they saw that big natural fro! I hope and pray they'll listen.

I would. But would anyone take my advice :-x lol

But honestly, I think that is a great idea!If I got a penny for every single time someone told me they were natural, are natural, or would go natural but they wouldn't know what to do then I'd probably be a thousandaire or atleast a hundredaire!

I am not sure about the transition to naturals I would have to do some research on that. I just kind of cut my hair off. Once people get the hang of DCing and keeping the new growth lovely I'm sure they would.

I was too excited to see the kids in my daughters class natural. Although there were some in the 1st grade that were permed bone straight. I was like I have some real work to do!
That is a wonderful idea, but I'm nowhere near qualified enough to be teaching anybody anything about natural hair care...... I still have too much to learn myself.
I would love to attend such a class though.
I would get some kind of certification in teaching and in basic haircare and would then do so...if I wanted to deal with unmerited hatred and spite....People around my parts hate change. Sigh.

This IS a good idea, however.
Hey Everyone!!! I wanted to give ya'll an update. I met with the director of the community center today and he said I can start the classes in December.
Wait there is more... He asked if I could speak to the girls every week to help them get their self-esteem up about their hair. He told me many of them are burning their hair and doing everything bad with their hair.

Also he said that because there is a need and they have money available that he can list me as an instructor and pay me from their budget. Woo Hoo!!!!! I'm so happy I said the first thing I will buy them all is big wide tooth combs.

Anyone know where I can get some bulk wide tooth combs???
Wow, MsWoman! That's great news! Any updates? Have you started yet? Or still not until December?
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Hey Everyone!!! I wanted to give ya'll an update. I met with the director of the community center today and he said I can start the classes in December.
Wait there is more... He asked if I could speak to the girls every week to help them get their self-esteem up about their hair. He told me many of them are burning their hair and doing everything bad with their hair.

Also he said that because there is a need and they have money available that he can list me as an instructor and pay me from their budget. Woo Hoo!!!!! I'm so happy I said the first thing I will buy them all is big wide tooth combs.

Anyone know where I can get some bulk wide tooth combs???

Congrats lady.

If you need someone to review your materials or give you input you know where to find me!!!!!!!!!!!!

You GO TEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!