Would you press and curl a boy's hair?

Would you press and curl a boy's hair?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 2.7%
  • No

    Votes: 243 92.0%
  • Maybe/depends

    Votes: 14 5.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
I was looking for some BBD Stretch creme and came across this on youtube:


For some reason I wasn't pleased. I personally wouldn't press a little boy's hair even though I will admit that the boy in the video has beautiful hair.

I just kept on having flashes of him walking around the street /playground/school yard with his 'pimp hair' :nono:.
No :nono: Did I mention No :noon:

My son has his hair cut in a low curly fro...he has about 3a/3b hair.....He does not like to take care of his hair or allow me to so that is what he gets until he gets responsible...then he can grow it as long as he wants or wear it as short as he wants

Braids, twists, cornrows...I'll live
But Pressing/curling....It is not gonna happen
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^^^ Ain't his hair awesome!!! But no way my boy chile will be pressing his hair.... I like it better in its natural state though...
uhhh, am i the only one who noticed all the faces the boy was making when he was having the cream put in???? i havent gotten passed that part cause i'm making faces with him imagining someone yanking on my hair! ok. off to watch the rest
Personally, I'm not planning on pressing & curling my non-existent daughters hair. Not until they're grown up to deal with the upkeep.

I think I'm pretty open minded, but I don't like long hair on boys.
ok, a) the product appears to be too heavy cause the end result looked greasy to me. it reminded me of when i used to press with blue magic. b) why they got that baby with kat williams hair??? he's not a pimp. he shouldnt look like a pimp. you want long hair, fine, fro it out or braid it up, but the pimp hair should stay with the pimps
He look like he was just going along for the ride...Like Man why do I have to do this, but he better buy me a DSI game when I'm finished....Poor little boy...I bet he could't wait to wash his hair and get his to die for curls back...I mean I have really almost never seen more perfect curls....
Awwww....he was sooooo cute, but he looks as though he was being tortured :(

I don't know why they went through all that trouble to straighten it, all he's going to do is sweat it out playing :lol:
uhhh, am i the only one who noticed all the faces the boy was making when he was having the cream put in???? i havent gotten passed that part cause i'm making faces with him imagining someone yanking on my hair! ok. off to watch the rest

you're not the only one. that bothered me too.:nono:
I don't mind long hair on boys but I do mind boys with relaxed or pressed hair, so my answer would be a no. Something about it just seems slimy. Maybe because all the men I know of with such hair (Snoop Dog, Katt Williams, Al Sharpton) are a little slimy themselves.
Those faces! IDK whether to laugh or pull him out the chair!

ETA: I wouldn't buy it because of all the dang typos in the second part of the video. Silkey? The hair has "moister"? Get outta here.....
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That hair made him look like a girl in a few of those shots. If I saw him just walking down the street I would've thought he was a girl.

I would never do that to my son.