Would you press and curl a boy's hair?

Would you press and curl a boy's hair?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 2.7%
  • No

    Votes: 243 92.0%
  • Maybe/depends

    Votes: 14 5.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I think this is the kind of stuff that mother's who wanted their sons to be girls do, instead of just allowing their sons to be boys! I don't care how beautiful his hair is, this doesn't seem to be something that he wants...

When I see this type of stuff I think of those stories you hear/read about women who dress their sons in dresses while infants and toddlers, and then they have all sorts of sexual/gender issues later on in life.

I don't wish to seem extreme, but this is just...icky...
uhhh, am i the only one who noticed all the faces the boy was making when he was having the cream put in???? i havent gotten passed that part cause i'm making faces with him imagining someone yanking on my hair! ok. off to watch the rest

he was hamming it up, like kids often do.

eta: and did he really say "change it to almost indian hair"? :rofl:
NO, NEVER, NO!!! This incessant desire to feminize little boys is just terrible. When I saw the creator's photo on the video, I was :lachen:. When he said the purple stuff will make the hair like it's "Indian" I was :nono:
Okay, after I finished laughing at the Mr. T hair guru garb, I think the boy has beautiful hair. I personally don't like the straight hair look for men and boys, but I do notice quite a few young men wearing ponytails now. They used too much product and his hair did look limp. Some of the other models had better results.
His hair is beautiful. If he was my son he'd be bald. Its too much maintenance for a little boy. I don't see the point of making him look like a pimp LOL
NO, NEVER, NO!!! This incessant desire to feminize little boys is just terrible. When I saw the creator's photo on the video, I was :lachen:. When he said the purple stuff will make the hair like it's "Indian" I was :nono:

I agree, why won't these people let boys be boys, damn!!!!
No :nono: Did I mention No :noon:

My son has his hair cut in a low curly fro...he has about 3a/3b hair.....He does not like to take care of his hair or allow me to so that is what he gets until he gets responsible...then he can grow it as long as he wants or wear it as short as he wants

Braids, twists, cornrows...I'll live
But Pressing/curling....It is not gonna happen

Yup, my son has coarse, black-as-sin 3b hair, and I would never let him press or flat iron his hair.
ok, a) the product appears to be too heavy cause the end result looked greasy to me. it reminded me of when i used to press with blue magic. b) why they got that baby with kat williams hair??? he's not a pimp. he shouldnt look like a pimp. you want long hair, fine, fro it out or braid it up, but the pimp hair should stay with the pimps

The Stretch Creme itself isn't heavy at all, it's that flat iron creme and the other oil that's making his hair greasy and weighing it down.

And I'm cracking up at the Kat williams comment lol
To answer the question....NOPE sure wouldn't.

Anyone from the D here that can speak on whether this is a popular thing for males to do in that area in general?
My son, No. But I have straightened DH's hair. It's shoulder length curly and almost APL straight. It's SUPER fine 2c-3b (with some 4a). He likes it because it's easier to manage. He just throws it in a ponytail anyway. He looks a mess with short hair.:nono:

ETA: His hair is GORGEOUS!!! They should leave his curls alone.
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my current boyfriend used to have long hair and he did that mess for prom (i didn't know him then). i'm talking bone straight with flips :rofl: he looked like a plumb fool.
I dont like long hair on a little boy its almost as if the mother has fried her hair to hell and now has to live vicariously through her son. Like look my sons hair is longer than yours or something like that
I did it once for fun with my godson, but no way he's going to school like that :lachen:

I wouldn't press and curl neither my son nor daughter if I had one.
I don't mind long hair on boys or men but if I had a son his hair would be braided at all times and I would never press it. Boys and girls look alike and I don't want a child I might have being mistaken for the wrong gender. lol
my current boyfriend used to have long hair and he did that mess for prom (i didn't know him then). i'm talking bone straight with flips :rofl: he looked like a plumb fool.

ugh, i had an ex who did that for prom too!! (not my prom)

when i saw the pix i was so mad at him :lachen: i was like "what is wrong with you?" he was military when i met him so i only knew hime with a close fade and he made a comment about hair and i commented back smart a$$ like and he pulled out the pic and i was like "eeww" and then he said once he got out the military he was growing his hair out again and where it flipped and feathered. yeah, he gots none that nite with that image in my head
Well I voted no! I liked it in its natural state. I have 2 boys, eldest one with skin fade and the youngest long sometimes braided sometimes left out, but to press and curl nah!
Nothing wrong with the boy having long hair, why didn't they put it in braids!
Pressing is out, he has to grow up to be a man.
My son's hair is natural and mbl and I keep it in maybe 6 plaits (w 2 braids in front). He doesn't want to wear his hair like Corbin Blu, though he'd have longer, bigger hair than Corbin.

I wouldn't press and curl, it though, never. He'd go bonkers at the thought, lol. He's 8. Men in my family have always had lots and lots of hair...before it was ever popular, really. *shrugs*
This reminds me of my junior highschool graduation. One of my male classmates had flat twists with shirley temple curls in the back. This is when the style was brand new! It didn't help that he was a lightskinned green eyed negro. :nono:
What are these people thinking???