Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymore?


Well-Known Member
In the other post regarding the man that was divorcing his wife of 1 year, someone posted that another man was unhappy with his wife's weight gain and wanted to leave her cause he didn't find her sexy anymore ( or something like that).

Do women feel the same way regarding men? I have never heard a women say she is leaving her man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymore.
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

In the other post regarding the man that was divorcing his wife of 1 year, someone posted that another man was unhappy with his wife's weight gain and wanted to leave her cause he didn't find her sexy anymore ( or something like that).

Do women feel the same way regarding men? I have never heard a women say she is leaving her man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymore.

I know women who have but they shouldn't be the pot calling the kettle black if they are also out of shape. Some couldn't be bothered in taking the initiative to cook healthier meals, join the gym, or make it a habit to go jogging/running/walking in the morning to show support and encourage her man in his weight loss. Instead they complain, point fingers and take the easier way out by jumping ship.

True love and commitment never gives up that easily.
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

I would not leave my Dh for that reason. He has actually lost alot of weight, I think he could stand to gain about 40 pounds, that's my preference.
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

I wouldn't - initially.

I'd help him in any way I could to regain his boyish figure and his health, and I'd give him a good 2 to 4 years to get his stuff together - and this is assuming a gain of above 50 pounds.

After that, if things haven't changed, I'm out. While I'd be willing to put my morbidly obese, unable to feed or wipe his own arse husband on a very calorically limited diet, it's not something I'd want to do.
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

I have warned my husband to remain in shape cos if he loses his taunt figure there may be other things he'll lose. And although he has surprisingly been very conscientious of staying trim if he did get for example a pot belly, I'm not sure I'll be turned off to the point of having to divorce him.

Having said that my husband could eat a horse every day of the week and be thin
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

No ... but I'd encourage him to eat better and work out more. My SO's body is nothing short of perfection, very sexy and statuesque physique, but he's very much into working out, and he also has a very fast metabolism. I have a hard time picturing him gaining a lot of weight. But if he did, I wouldn't leave, I'd just really encourage him to loose some of it.
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

No. As a divorce attorney who sees people leave one another for all myriad of reasons, that is not one of my biggies. I love my boo, and he has gained and lost weight, and so have I. Of the things I'll likely trip on, that's just not one of them. Now, if he loses any more weight, I'll get on him about that! I'm like dlewis in that regard.
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

I wouldn't. My man is overweight now and I met him that way, but I'm not going anywhere. Sometimes I get annoyed by his eating patterns, but I get over it. Being that I believe men are meant to be more stout than women, I don't have a problem with a big man just as long as he doesn't have rolls for days and is morbidly obese. I enjoy a little extra fat along with muscle. I do admit that women have it harder when it comes to weight. So, I can see why a man would have a problem with a woman's weight since women are meant to be the visual beauty creatures.
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

Question, I can absolutely understand why it wouldn't be grounds for divorce but - how do you reconcile this with physical/sexual attraction? If the weight gain (or loss) brings you to a point where you are no longer physically/sexually attracted, what do you do?
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

Question, I can absolutely understand why it wouldn't be grounds for divorce but - how do you reconcile this with physical/sexual attraction? If the weight gain (or loss) brings you to a point where you are no longer physically/sexually attracted, what do you do?

Honestly, I would work with him. If he was a great husband is every other way but gained alot of weight. I would work with him.

That being said, I know Dh would never gain that much weight because it would effect his quality of life (hunting/ fishing/ lovemaking). All of his siblings are overweight yet he works to keep his weight in check. I tell him, he is built just like his sister. If he gains alot of weight, he'll look just like her. Big broad shoulders, big belly, no butt and skinny hips and legs. AND HE KNOWS HOW I FEEL ABOUT THAT LOOK.
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

Honestly, I would work with him. If he was a great husband is every other way but gained alot of weight. I would work with him.

That being said, I know Dh would never gain that much weight because it would effect his quality of life (hunting/ fishing/ lovemaking). All of his siblings are overweight yet he works to keep his weight in check. I tell him, he is built just like his sister. If he gains alot of weight, he'll look just like her. Big broad shoulders, big belly, no butt and skinny hips and legs. AND HE KNOWS HOW I FEEL ABOUT THAT LOOK.

What a visual you just painted..
And worse...
You said his sister looks like that, awwww, I feel for her :sad:
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

I know, I couldn't really say what I wanted to sooo I had to go a different route.
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

My DH has gained at least 30-40 lbs since we've been married and it's never crossed my mind to get a divorce because of it :lol:

He is though in the process of losing the excess weight, because he's getting older and wants to perserve his health--he's ready, and we've been working out together, I've been cooking healthier meals, and not buying any junk food. He's lost about 20 lbs and is looking like his old self.

His weight has never bothered me because he's just so darn sweet to me :).
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

^^^^Aww...you are a sweety Honeycomb:grin:
I wouldn't leave either. As others have said I would try to encourage him and cook healthier meals...work with him because the extra weight would probably bother him. DH wants tolose 20 lbs now and is in the gym every morning and runs every night
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

Gosh then why get married Weight is something that can be changed Good grief. I know men can be very shallow on this issue though
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

Gosh then why get married Weight is something that can be changed Good grief. I know men can be very shallow on this issue though

Yes this is why I asked the question. I guess it is because men are more visual. But if Women are willing to work with their men, shouldn't the men do the same?
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

Please don't lynch me. I've been an athlete my entire life, so it's very hard to be with someone that doesn't have the same workout habits. I don't think a weight preference is shallow, but different ppl like different things (my example below).

I can't even believe I'm going here but I will...
I know this may be a little out of the ordinary but for me personally, I'd rather be with a guy that has a mediocre career ($60-$80k range) versus a 270lb millionaire. Weight is a huge deal breaker for me. Anything over 240 is too heavy IMHO....

Of course, a man's morals, ethics, personality, drive/ambition, integrity - all come first but if I had to choose between money and weight, I would go with weight (below 240lb)

I don't like big men at all...ugggh. I would want someone to hold me to the same expectations I hold them to...

It's just my opinion.
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Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

IMO...just speaking for this fat gurl ricght...I mean ricght...here...

FH know he cain't go over 235lb...I'm the big gurl and we laugh all the time about it because at 6'3, 235 he's my perfect...but thats us...and let me add if he had a weight requirement for me...NO....I wouldn't care about it but his a$$ would workout right along with me...

and whats crazy ya'll is when I dated I didn't date big guys or anyone over 235lbs...and you couldn't be 5'8 with that weight either...call it vain but its what I prefer...I'm used to dating athletic types/athletes
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Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

My dd has probably gained a good 40 lbs in the last 8 years. I have never cooked unhealthy but he likes to get fast food and eat carbs like chips at night(couch potatoe). I've tried to workout with him but he won't. It's diff for me to be honest bc he looks 7 mos preg at only 35...But, we r getting a divorce ..it's NOT bc of the weight gain but many other issues..but the weight issue doesn't help..
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

No, I don't think that's a valid reason for divorce.

Unless he weighed like 600 pounds and refused to do something about it.

I prefer a man that is into health and takes pride in his appearance, but we can help eachother reach our fitness goals...sometimes I need a kick in the butt too! :yep:

A smoker is different, I wouldn't even date a smoker! :lachen:
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

yes, i'd leave my man if he got big. now i said man, as in bf or fh not dh. if my dh gained alot of weight it would be a MAJOR problem b/c i can't stand fat. it makes me sick. i wont even date a guy who has a slight gut so...

if my dh were to become morbidly obese then yea...i'd have to throw up the deuces. i dont believe in divorce but i dont think someone should stay w. someone they're repulsed with.
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

im not married but i will not be with someone who is fat im sorry i like a tall brother that at least workout some.
I dont care if we are married it is the worst when you are not sexually attracted to your mate
Re: Would you leave your man because he gained weight and didn't find him sexy anymor

fat is very feminine to be. I like being a big body girl, myself, for just that reason but I'm not out of shape. I like large tall men, but not fat.
I wouldn't marry a fat man.