Would you have given Monty a chance?


Well-Known Member
:grin: So I'm here watching Daddy's Little Girls. I'm sure most of you have seen it. As much as Tyler Perry makes us root for these types of men ie. the "hardworking, blue collar, tough past" kind of guy, I try to put myself in the woman's position. So let's say you're Julia, partner at your Daddy's law firm, 32 yrs old and would like to be in a serious relationship. Would you have given Monty any serious attention? For those who haven't seen the film, Monty:

has three daughters for whom he is trying to get custody
was falsely convicted of raping a 17 yr old girl and has served time for it
has an unbearable "baby mama"
treats his daughters, and you, like absolute queens
now has his own mechanic shop and is very hardworking
wonderful personality - caring, passionate, makes you feel safe
oh and has the looks/sexual appeal of Idris Elba....since he is....Idris Elba lol.

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at my age, no.

if i was 30+, maybe.

at 19, i will not date someone with kids. tbh, his baby mama is enough to make me want to have nothing to do with him. that woman was so.damn.ghetto. i could not believe it.

and i dont remember all the details of the 17 y/o girl rape deal so i'd have to find out more.
Not with 3 kids and a crazy baby mama, no.

As far as the rape, the girl (who was white) lied about her age, her father caught them so she lied to save face.
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I loved that movie! I'm a sucker for a happy ending. I probably wouldn't have given him a chance like Gabby/Julia did but I'm glad she did in the movie. I hope they worked out! :yep: I just don't know if I could do it because, as someone said, that babymama was a NIGHTMARE...

On his statutory rape...I think it ended up that the girl consented but she lied to her father about what happened when he found out. So, he basically took the fall for something...she lied about her age too. So, he wasn't really guilty in the mens rea sense.
Nope and nope. I do not even care that he is not white collar. All of that other mess and drama. No. I only watched the first...half, I think. Didn't his girls also have attitudes? Yes, it was proaly understandale given their situations, ut his whole ....mess...would have een too much for me.
No.. Honestly no.. there are somedeal breakers there

- He has been to jail ... i mean i know that it wasnt his fault that he was behind bars, but he did experience prison life, and that hardens someone in ways that i dont want to deal with. ETA- after reading the rape charge, i have less sympathy for him... she said she was older than what she was.. he shoulda tested that out b4 getting all in that..

the unbearable baby momma is something i can't tolerate.. if she was a normal woman who was co parenting then yes... But a crazy baby momma.. nope

-he has 3 kids... naw dog.. I got one child..3+1=4.... and i do not want to deal with all that... if it was 1+1..ok, we can do that but 4 is a no go

- I don't find Idris sexy, so that works against him here

- on the plus, he owns his own mechanic shop so he has gotten his life together.. but just not really for me in other realms
Like someone else said, at this age, no. Not dating a man with kids. I think there are many men like Monty out there, and I give kudos to the women who give them a chance.
Not at any age for me (well, maybe over 50 when the kids are grown, lol), and ugh, Tyler Perry's storylines are sooo contrived.

I might root for the character, but it doesn't make me root for the "hardworking blue-collar man." Ugh.
No I wouldn't. He has entirely too much drama in his life. And I don't want 3 prerelational children either.
I love this movie and I watch it often. I've thought about this before. Whether or not I would date Monty. Honestly, I can't say what I would do because I haven't experienced it. I mean, my logical rational self says "NO, absolutely not. I would not date Monty" For the obvious reasons. But, who knows what would happen if I was actually in that situation.

So... My answer is, I don't know.
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I love this movie and I watch it often. I've thought about this before. Whether or not I would date Monty. Honestly, I can't say what I would do because I haven't experienced it. I mean, my logical rational self says "NO, absolutely not. I would not date Monty" For the obvious reason. But, who knows what would happen if I was actually in that situation.

So... My answer is, I don't know.

Ditto, I think women in "comparable" situations get written off too quickly and unfairly. I'd would have address a man in his situation on a "Jesus, take the wheel/one step at a time, basis."
OP, I'm glad you started this thread. I also watched Daddy's girls last night and I love this movie. It's funny I thought about LHCF the whole time I was watching. To be honest I have seen different versions of this story play out in real life. Right here in DC I see many "professional and degree'd"(yes I made up a word) women hook up with and marry Monty's. I think it depends on the individual situation. As a single woman over 35 with no children this scenario is still NOT my ideal. I try to avoid dating men with children. So depending on the man and who is TODAY I might consider at least getting to know him and take it one step at a time.
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Him being a hard working blue collar guy, sure. I like those types, I like a little grit on my men.

Him having 3 daughters, with attitude? :nono:, I'm not ready for all of that...and a crazy baby momma to boot! That is too much drama for my life.

Him having a prior jail record even though he was innocent ...... I don't think I could get past that either...maybe if he didn't already have those 3 kids and baby momma stuff...but a man like Monty has way too much baggage for me.
Him being a hard working blue collar guy, sure. I like those types, I like a little grit on my men.

Him having 3 daughters, with attitude? :nono:, I'm not ready for all of that...and a crazy baby momma to boot! That is too much drama for my life.

Him having a prior jail record even though he was innocent ...... I don't think I could get past that either...maybe if he didn't already have those 3 kids and baby momma stuff...but a man like Monty has way too much baggage for me.

Girls always scare me. For the longest I wouldn't date a man who had a sister. :nono:
I cant be bothered with foolishness so iwould say hell no im going up in age so my tolerance for certains things is cut down to a minimum
The daughters were starting to really like Gabby/Julia by the end of the movie! :grin: Also, their trifling Mama went to jail so she became a non factor.

I still don't think I could do it. 3 GIRLS!!!! My 1 daughter gives my enough attitude but she's mine so I have to deal with her.

The whole situation is just really to much drama. Just to much.:nono:
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I still don't think I could do it. 3 GIRLS!!!! My 1 daughter gives my enough attitude but she's mine so I have to deal with her.

The whole situation is just really to much drama. Just to much.:nono:

I agree its a lot to take on! That's why I said if I liked the guy and how he treated me I'd THINK about it. But on the flip I see a lot of men take on and wed women with multiple children. Many times when they marry women with kids they take care of the new girlfriend/wife and her children and NOT take care of their own (children they had before they got married). I've seen this many times.
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I agree its a lot to take on! That's why I said if I liked the guy and how he treated me I'd THINK about it. But on the flip I see a lot of men take on and wed women with multiple children. Many times when they marry women with kids they take care of the new girlfriend/wife and her children and NOT take care of their own (children they had before they got married). I've seen this many times.

I know, I was one of those kids (my father took better care of someone elses kids than he did his own). I guess thats why I strongly believe in the father being in the home if at all possible.

I don't like to share and I was mistreated by my step parents. I have always felt I wouldn't be fair to a child who's not my own soooo I didn't date men with kids.:yep:
I know, I was one of those kids (my father took better care of someone elses kids than he did his own). I guess thats why I strongly believe in the father being in the home if at all possible.

I don't like to share and I was mistreated by my step parents. I have always felt I wouldn't be fair to a child who's not my own soooo I didn't date men with kids.:yep:

Wow D, I had no idea. I know that was rough. I'm sure that is why you make that extra effort to be a great mom and wife. You are doing an EXCELLENT job. So you have broken that cycle.:yep: :kiss:

ETA: That is also one of my main reasons for not wanting to date men with kids. Especially young children. I just feel he should be concentrating on them. If he's dating me I want all of his attention. Men IMO are not good a juggling. But I may end up with a man with children because I rarely meet men without kids now. :(
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Stayed up till midnight watching this too. As sexy as Idris is, the answer will have to be a NO. I just couldn't.:nono: Too many "hoodisms" going on that I would not know how to handle.

I watched this movie for the first time last night, and I enjoyed it!

Anyway, no Monty would not have gotten any play from me. He had WAY too much drama in his life.

#1 Baby Mama Drama
#2 Smart mouthed kids
#3 Rape conviction

Nevermind the baby mama going to jail, nevermind the lil girls 'warming up' to Julia later on, nevermind the rape conviction is due to him being falsely convicted.

I don't have patience for drama and nonsense. Even though they weren't a couple at that time, I would have permanently stepped after viewing the fiasco at the hospital with the baby mama and drug dealing boyfriend!!

Dealing with them smart mouthed girls would have definitley taken the cake! I don't want to deal with other folk's bad *** kids.

Yes, he was falsely convicted, but unless I missed something---at the end of the day, he still has a record. With RAPE on it. And it will be there FOR LIFE, unless he is exonerated and it's removed from his record.