Would you go out with a guy you originally thought was suspect?


Well-Known Member
I think the guy has a texturizer, so he might be up on this board. :look:
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No. I wouldn't take the chance. I would risk passing up a chance for happiness with "may be gay guy" In favor of saving much heartache down the line.
If the conversation was the only thing that clued you in to the fact that he was gay, I would go ahead and date him. It's usually pretty obvious when a man is gay, at least to me. And if he's attractive, this dude you had the conversation with could have been interested, or hoping that he was gay, and was trying to keep you from being interested. That may be kind of a stretch, but it's possible.

Just check him out from a distance for a while. I'm not trying to stereotype or anything, but what kind of clothes does he wear? Does he always dress nice? What kind of mannerisms does he use when he talks? What does his actual voice sound like? Does he "hang out" with a lot of women? If he does hang out with dudes, are they gay?

It can be tricky to determine for yourself whether someone is gay or not if you're not used to doing it. Unless you're really attracted to this guy, I wouldn't bother with it.
I ended up dating someone I originally thought could possibly be or have DL tendencies at least...my reasons for thinking it though were a little unfair (a very stereotypical notion I had even before meeting him about a certain group of men) so I allowed myself to get to know him and that thought totally went out the window.
I use to know a guy and I thought he was just the sexiest man alive. We dated and he was so much fun to be with and wow so well mannered, great dresser, really cute and clean..just down right pretty he was always manly,,but my friends nicknamed him gay boy so I stopped seeing him..he was in the military so whenever we did see him out it was always with women..but I wonder sometimes is there somethings that people see that women who like a guy don't see. I didn't trust my Gaydar OP, do you trust yours?
We can date (me getting dressed up, leaving the house, have a good time at his expense) but there will be no coloring.
The guy is always hanging out with girls. He asked me what I'm doing next weekend. I don't find him attractive, but maybe that's because I was thinking he was gay. He doesn't dress particularly well... But umm, I don't know him that well to judge.
If I think he's 'suspect' we could go out for something to eat, but nothing else. If you're not attracted to him, then don't bother. I mean why waste your time, but if you think you're missing out on something, go out with him just once and find out for certain.
I called broke dude again, and told him what the situation was. He told me that yeah, he thought the guy was gay and normally when a man talks "like that," he eventually comes out. Just as I thought. Now I've gotta figure out how to deal with the guy nicely without saying what I'm really thinking.
God gave women intuition for a reason. Anytime you hear your innervoice telling you something, you should listen. Each of the times I had ever went against my intuition, it bit me in the ***.
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