Would You Dump An Impotent Man?

What the hell???

I don't remember any of my friends complaining about this when we were in our 20s (back in the early 90s). I hate this is going on now. I really thought this was an older male problem.
I think for many young bucks, it's an online porn addiction till they can't psychologically relate to a real live woman. For others it's the "Tinder" culture of boinking 3 -4 girls a week that by the time they are 30, their wiener has the mileage of a 75 yr old man with ED from diabetes meds. Men have become used to assembly line hookups, till it becomes something to do and not something to aspire and look forward to do. Bang, next, bang, next, bang, next, rinse and repeat. They have successfully boinked themselves out of the eligible dating and marriage pool.

What the hell???

I don't remember any of my friends complaining about this when we were in our 20s (back in the early 90s). I hate this is going on now. I really thought this was an older male problem.
I think for many young bucks, it's an online porn addiction till they can't psychologically relate to a real live woman. For others it's the "Tinder" culture of boinking 3 -4 girls a week that by the time they are 30, their wiener has the mileage of a 75 yr old man with ED from diabetes meds. Men have become used to assembly line hookups, till it becomes something to do and not something to aspire and look forward to do. Bang, next, bang, next, bang, next, rinse and repeat. They have successfully boinked themselves out of the eligible dating and marriage pool.

There are studies that have shown some dudes engage in so much porn and masturbation that they are unable to have normal sex lives when they finally have a woman.
Hate to be the jerk but no I am not staying. Unless he is my husband I am not dealing with no sex cuz if that is the case we can be platonic friends.

That's what I'm talking about! Impotence after 30 years of marriage is one thing. That's a whole lotta sex that was happening during that time.

I can't imagine being young, single, and childless dealing with this. No way!