Would You Date Your Coworker?

Would you date your coworker?

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Well-Known Member
Would you date your coworker? Why or why not? What's your experience with this (if you have any)?

My coworker has been trying to pursue me. He seems really sweet and he does small stuff for me to show his interest. If I mention my check engine light is on he'll offer to take a look at my car...if I mention being hungry he's trying to buy me lunch...if he sees me carrying something he'll come over and take it off my hands. Compliments. Little stuff like that. I'm not ready for a relationship at all, but when I'm emotionally available again I might give him my number. I think it might be awkward at work though...thoughts?
My answer is no. For every person that says it worked for them there are 9 with horror stories. The proximity is cute when you're infatuated but if you can't spartan up and show no feelings if ya'll break up and he starts up with the next woman then just leave it alone.
I wouldn't while I'm still working there just because the vast majority of relationships...end. Lol. You don't want any drama at your work place. However, there is nothing wrong with keeping in touch. Maybe you two could talk at a later time.
no- I don't sh!t where I eat.... I seen it happen TOO many times and it ended in disaster. Side note- there is a whole bunch of married white people at my job... it is odd... They try to contain themselves but sometimes it doesn't work.

I've heard this a lot. That's why I won't even let him buy my lunch or give him my number lol
I may be in the minority but I guess it depends. My current SO and I met at work and actually worked together in the same building for a couple months. Now we still work for the same company but I was promoted to a different building closer to home but we're still coworkers.
But you don't see him at all at work anymore right?
How closely do you work together? Are you in the same department or working on the same team? Or do you see each other everyday in passing but don't interact with each other over work?

We see each other in passing daily. I never have to work directly with him. Another thing is...I'm assuming he doesn't make as much money as I would like. But he added me on Facebook and I see that that's not his only form of income. He flips houses and whatnot.

I don't plan on being in my current position after I finish my degree this summer. Maybe I'll give him my number before I leave.
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We see each other in passing daily. I never have to work directly with him. Another thing is...I'm assuming he doesn't make as much money as I would like. But he added him on Facebook and I see that that's not his only form of income. He flips houses and whatnot.

I don't plan on being in my current position after I finish my degree this summer. Maybe I'll give him my number before I leave.
If you don't work together then you should see where it goes when you're ready. Make sure he knows that you take the job seriously and will put him on the curb if you start hearing about it from other people.
only if you work in departments that have nothing to do with each other and you don't regularly cross paths....otherwise its a set up for disaster
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Ive done it....the relationship eventually ended but we were both gone from that place by then. It was nice. I think we needed each other at that time and it worked out well for both of us. I grew apart from him after a while because got to me when I was fresh off a 5 year relationship.

Funny thing is, as much as we tried to keep our business to ourselves, our coworkers would snicker and say "we know y'all like each other or dont you see the way he looks at you, he's smitten...lol ...Meanwhile we were deep into each other already. We'd go home and talk about every damn body and what they were saying. Then others would eventually say...we knew all along y'all were together, y'all wasnt foolin' nobody. Anyway I enjoyed it but I think it has to do with the type of people y'all are and your work environment. It will make or break you. I've seen many workplace relationships go TERRIBLY wrong. Especially with the marrieds.
I did, although technically it was just flirtation until he left the location; then we began dating. I would see him occasionally at other locations but it was generally brief. We never disclosed our relationship at work. Luckily, I left the company a year and a half later. I'm a pretty private person and wasn't down with the chatter of "Are they or aren't they?" that had started brewing Lol