Worth the wait..you don't have to put it on him...

I'm not giving up 21 minutes of my life to watch this, but I do agree. Not every man expects sex prior to marriage. I have a personal friend who did not have sex with her now husband until their wedding night. They have been together for about 15 years total, married for about 10 years.

I've known them for many years and I'm pretty certain that he was faithful the entire time.

I have a few other friends/family members who are the same, including my SIL.

ETA: She did not wait until marriage to have sex. If I heard it correctly, she decided to not have sex with this particular man until they get married. She did not say that she was a virgin at age 36.
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I saw this earlier today, I'm one of her subbies. I'm waiting until marriage and to know that they're are still men out there willing to wait is encouraging to me.
It is nice to hear from people who have waited (even though I only watched like 1 minute of the video haha). It's crazy to me that it's now something that's considered "different" and more and more people have something negative to say about it.
Most of my friends and me were virgins when we married. It's super normal to me. It gets harder once you hit 22 for some reason...those hormones.
Honestly, if I could do it all over again, I definitely would have waited until marriage. My line sister waited until marriage. She was 23 when she married and that was like 8 or 9 years ago. They were together for like 2 years before that. They are still happily married with two beautiful children.
I need to know if he can work the middle before I decide to be with just you the rest of my life. But I guess you can't miss something you never had or compare lovers if you are a virgin. Good for them, it's a good idea.
It was a very nice video and loved her passion about it though I felt it could have been 10 minutes shorter - She started repeating herself a bit.
I think waiting is awesome if you're doing it for you.

I think waiting is silly if you are doing it to prove something or to "make him work for it".

My bff was a virgin when she got married. It used to crack me up when people would say "Oh, that's so awesome that you waited for you husband!" because she would say, "Eh, not really. He didn't wait for me." :lol:
for him to put a ring on it..

Interesting video that I stumbled upon, a youtuber got engaged after 8 months and she decided to share her story. What do you think?


Sure, you don't have to swallow his upper and lower tonsils (ahem!) in order to get married to him in a stable and loving relationship. If a man cannot respect that type of relationship with a woman, then he is not worth being with. Anybody who would pressure you in any way is just not worth it, imho. Besides, they are focusing on non-sexual communication which will carry the marriage much farther because they have started developing other strengths.
How sweet. I really hope that women are making decisions about sex based on what THEY believe in not what society says is or isn't normal. No you don't have to give it up, and you don't have to wait.

I think waiting til marriage is very sweet though, for women AND men.
How sweet. I really hope that women are making decisions about sex based on what THEY believe in not what society says is or isn't normal. No you don't have to give it up, and you don't have to wait.

I think waiting til marriage is very sweet though, for women AND men.

I agree. I hope EVERYONE makes the decision to wait or not to wait for themselves, not for their parents, boyfriend, pastor, bestfriend, sister..who ever:look:
I am waiting for everything! First love, first relationship, first date with a guy I am very attracted to .STILL at 26 going on 27 next month! This is SO REFRESHING to see that there are women and men who are still doing things in the right order and the right way and not all about sex sex sex! God does bless you for being obedient if more people did it the correct way then relationships and marriages wouldn't be so broken. I believe. Thanks for this thread!

ETA: AAHHHHH she's 36?! I thought she was late 20's early 30's I hope I don't have to wait that long. :look:
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I am waiting for everything! First love, first relationship, first date with a guy I am very attracted to .STILL at 26 going on 27 next month! This is SO REFRESHING to see that there are women and men who are still doing things in the right order and the right way and not all about sex sex sex! God does bless you for being obedient if more people did it the correct way then relationships and marriages wouldn't be so broken. I believe. Thanks for this thread!

ETA: AAHHHHH she's 36?! I thought she was late 20's early 30's I hope I don't have to wait that long. :look:

I'm waiting for all of that too. I'm 18. Lmbo when I learned her age I thought the same exact thing! :look: I know that our timeline isn't God's #1 priority but...
My close friend got married (she is 25), she never had a boyfriend and the guy she married used to be very sexually active before he gave his life to God...But they never even held hands, or kissed and anything..and they got married and they are very happy now..so its possible..it depends on the type of guy as well.. if you have someone who values you he wouldnt mind waiting.
My two ex bfs proposed marriage and I was a virgin so it can happen. However ssex is a personal choice.
My close friend got married (she is 25), she never had a boyfriend and the guy she married used to be very sexually active before he gave his life to God...But they never even held hands, or kissed and anything..and they got married and they are very happy now..so its possible..it depends on the type of guy as well.. if you have someone who values you he wouldnt mind waiting.

Also, this is another thing that made me reconsider my decisions. While she waited he was with half the town.
Oh ok. It's just something I always wondered about. I also looked skeptically at the guys who proposed to me because I always felt like they were just trying to get into my pants.
I know right..at one point in time, a woman was valued when she didnt want to sleep with a guy that wasnt her husband..now she is look at as a shrewd...

Oh ok. It's just something I always wondered about. I also looked skeptically at the guys who proposed to me because I always felt like they were just trying to get into my pants.
my bro is 21 and he told me hes waiting until hes married to have sex. and its crazy because hes extremely handsome and he has girls throwing themselves at him left and right but he be doing the heisman on them :lol: he's only had one gf his whole life,the dude doesnt even drink he thinks alcohol is the devil lol.its rlly hard to find guys like tht
Most of my friends and me were virgins when we married. It's super normal to me. It gets harder once you hit 22 for some reason...those hormones.

OMG I'm glad I'm not the only one who found this out... I turned 22 in October and it's been a constant battle ever since lol. I thought it might've been because I graduated college and had a lot more time on my hands :lachen: I have to keep reminding myself why I decided to wait in the first place!
I don't advocate waiting until marriage, but i'm not against it either. always say if you feel super comfortable with the person and yourself then go for it.

the earliest I ever put out was 7 months and it was a great relationship while it lasted, so do what makes you comfortable.
Not a fan of the video, she's not saying anything that hasn't been said a million times on here before and I found her slightly annoying and smug. She's only been with this guy for 8 months and isn't even married yet and so I feel some kind of way about her posting this video like she's some kind of relationship guru. Especially when from some of the things she's saying about her past relationships it seems clear where they might have gone awry e.g. having to check ex boyfriends phones, e-mails etc and find out where they are and always worried about if they are cheating. Yet now she's not having sex she feels there's less drama.....so some paynus makes her crazy??:look:

I respect people waiting or not waiting for their own personal reasons but I think sex plays as much of a role in a relationship as you let it; it doesn't have to be a big deal if you're having sex or waiting unless you make it so. If I got engaged now, I wouldn't go on youtube talking about how I sexed my boyfriend daily, nightly and oh so rightly and that's why he's put a ring on it. There should be so many more variables other than sex or lack thereof for why your relationship is working. All the things that she talked about that was good in her relationship e.g. trust, fidelity, honesty, respect, romance etc should be in every relationship regardless of sex. What I got from the video was that for her not having sex helped her to tone down the crazy/drama and establish a good foundation.