Women don't stay over?

I stay at his place. My current place is not entirely my own so that wouldn't work. Plus I enjoy the freedom I have at his place. In the past when I had my own place they would stay at my place(more things to do).
Hahaha just came across this thread and remembered exactly what prompted this post. I'll come back once I find what I'm looking for...

.... Someone I knew only in passing stated they were looking for a roommate.

The apt was sorta small but in a highly coveted location. My room would've been close to the living room whereas the other person's room would be on the other side of the apt.

The person alluded to the fact that she was dating someone who stayed over from time to time. I kept thinking hmmm I wonder if I would have to step over them in the living room to get to my room and then have to hear them outside my room all the time.

I told her I'd talk it over with my dad. I talked to my dad about the apt leaving all this out of course and he pretty much stated that he didnt think it was a good idea without going into much detail. I also used him as my out.

I told the person that my dad didnt think it was right at this time. At this point I dont care if I should've mentioned him or not. She then texts me to not take something the wrong way which means she's about to say something outta pocket. Then proceeds to say something outta pocket like i let my dad have too much control or something or other. Meanwhile Im steaming mad and confused trying to figure out if I had complained about anything in our one and only convo ever prior to seeing the apt which would make her comfortable saying this to a perfect stranger.

Now I dont remember what all I texted back but I do remember saying something about women who have their heads stuck up a man's a--. I was like who in their right mind would comment on someone's family???? I seen b------ take their week old broke a--- boyfriend's sorry a-- opinion into consideration and you mean to tell me I shouldn't respect the opinion of my father who has had my back since birth??? Not to mention if ish hits the fan with her dumb a--...who do you think I'd need to bail me out? Dumb b----.

Soooo just a few months down the line...we'll say Nov meanwhile the date of the OP was in Aug mind you when I saw the apt I see a random post on FB that she lost her job and was moving back to GA. Sooooooooooo hmmm yeah your "man friend" who lived down the street yet laying up under you couldn't help you out? Mismanaging p---- bird a--- h-- :yep:

Plus!!! I think she was african. Im like you really sittin here commentin on family? ***
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I've only stayed exclusively at men's places. No man have ever slept in my room, because it's mine :look:
But now I live with FH so there's that.
I was raised to believe that only hussies let men sleep in their rooms :lachen:
where is your kid?

You're nosy lol
I don't be feeling like going to other folks places. I have my own place and I love it here. And all my stuff is here. We live 45mins away from each other. I don't feel like driving. Ever. To anywhere. So, you either gonna drive the 45mins, twice, in rush hour traffic, then drive it twice to take me to work the next day and go to work yourself.....or you gonna sleep over here mostly. And I don't even want him to do the first option because that's entirely retarded and way too much driving lol. You just drove 4hrs for me to complain about not being at home. You stupid :lol:

For me to sleep over there mostly, HE would need to buy ALL of the SPECIFIC, costly toiletries and beauty products I use. I'm not buying 2 of ANY thing. Where? Lol
I always used to do the opposite ,I d go to theirs . No one was allowed at my house for months or years even. I found it intrusive .
it depends. if i like my place better than his, if i have to go to work and my place is closest to my job and some other reasons, i would rather he stay at my place instead of me staying at his. also, i have a dog and i cant be staying at someone's place. yea i could bring my dog but its too much much to pack her food, toys etc.

FB, my daughter-in-law. :2inlove: