Women, Body Fat And Hair


Well-Known Member
Okay....I'm just going to ask because I've been wondering about something for a long time. I've concluded that most of the prettiest heads of hair that I see are on "overweight" women.

Now, I'm not saying thin/fit women don't have beautiful hair...this forum is testament to that. What I am saying is that I see a greater proportion of overweight women (black women, more specifically) with nice hair (not just online but in real life). I don't know why. :spinning:

My theories:

1. Heavy women work out less and manipulate their hair less. :look:
2. Body fat level are connected to hormones that regulate hair growth/texture.
3. There's a connection between metabolism and hair.
4. Caloric intake is connected to hair growth.

Ladies, what are your thoughts? Have you noticed this too? Please tell me I'm not crazy.
If this is the case I definitely haven't noticed.
If I must theorize, I'd think that perhaps if they are getting more calories than others, they are likely to intake more protein as well.*shrugs*

Heavy women work out less and manipulate their hair less. :look:

I'm sorry, but huh? lol.
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ummm ... not the case in kingston/st andrew Jamaica

also I wud assume that the majority of the calories consumed were empty calories and not necessarily from nutritious foods.
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I kinda see what OP is saying b/c I used to think that only overweight girls have longer hair (apl at least) and it SEEMED like the skinny chicks had skinny and short hair too (ie the skinner the less hair they had). I figured it was b/c overwieght gals were getting more nutrients from eating more too, but I guess not. I also reasoned it could've been a preference (to hide weight behind hair or frame the thin face/not over power the look), but I can understand what OP was saying. Now I know better THANK THE LORD!!

Bigger women just tend to eat more hence they receive more nutrients for proper hair building. Maybe if skinny b***** ate more they would have long shiny flowy hair as well

But seriously that makes no sense! I see women of all sizesm shapes and colors with long healthy hair.

Bigger women just tend to eat more hence they receive more nutrients for proper hair building. Maybe if skinny b***** ate more they would have long shiny flowy hair as well

But seriously that makes no sense! I see women of all sizesm shapes and colors with long healthy hair.

That is funny. I'm truly not trying to be offensive and I'm not a newbie here so I know that women of every size can have long flowing locks...it's just in my experience, I've seen MORE larger women with long hair. :perplexed On a side note, I've also seen more facial on on larger women...I'm just saying there may be a connection...IDK. :spinning:
If this is the case I definitely haven't noticed.
If I must theorize, I'd think that perhaps if they are getting more calories than others, they are likely to intake more protein as well.*shrugs*

I'm sorry, but huh? lol.

Regarding "manipulation"...Hair styles tend to last longer when I don't work out (sweat). Is that not the case for everyone?
OK teewhyare 2 things just made me almost choke on my cheese sammich .... ur location LOL WTF LOLOLOLOL

and ur siggi again WTF LOLOLOL
That is funny. I'm truly not trying to be offensive and I'm not a newbie here so I know that women of every size can have long flowing locks...it's just in my experience, I've seen MORE larger women with long hair. :perplexed On a side note, I've also seen more facial on on larger women...I'm just saying there may be a connection...IDK. :spinning:

lol dont worry I know your not trying to be offensive. I understand what you mean. As for the bolded it is most likely caused by hormonal & or PCOS issues. I have noticed this as well. I think it really just has to do with ones diet (i.e obese hispanic women probably consume alot of avocados = EFA and alot of them have really long hair) and well genetics has some play in it as well.
I've seen more facial hair on skinny women. My ex-cheerleader cousin had a full on mustache when I saw her at a family reunion.
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Okay....I'm just going to ask because I've been wondering about something for a long time. I've concluded that most of the prettiest heads of hair that I see are on "overweight" women.

Now, I'm not saying thin/fit women don't have beautiful hair...this forum is testament to that. What I am saying is that I see a greater proportion of overweight women (black women, more specifically) with nice hair (not just online but in real life). I don't know why. :spinning:

My theories:

1. Heavy women work out less and manipulate their hair less. :look:


2. Body fat level are connected to hormones that regulate hair growth/texture.

A bunch of women in India disprove this theory.

3. There's a connection between metabolism and hair.

4. Caloric intake is connected to hair growth.

Three and four seem to be saying the same thing. If this is your thesis I don't see the support for it. Some south pacificers have a lot of hair - and they tend to be chunky. However many Indians have a lot of hair too - and body fat varies - some are small and some are on the pudgy side.
OK teewhyare 2 things just made me almost choke on my cheese sammich .... ur location LOL WTF LOLOLOLOL

and ur siggi again WTF LOLOLOL

someone was told that counseling married women on matters in the bedroom would set loose the fornicating spirit in their church and was removed from their counseling duties. i loved the way it sounded and claimed it for my location. lol.

my siggy, lol... it's from true blood. here's a lank to it:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGpGxkAdaIc

Bigger women just tend to eat more hence they receive more nutrients for proper hair building. Maybe if skinny b***** ate more they would have long shiny flowy hair as well

But seriously that makes no sense! I see women of all sizesm shapes and colors with long healthy hair.

I used to believe the statement in indigo. :look: But one can suffer from malnutrition while skinny or fat. And I've heard folks tell long haired slim women "Wow, everything you eat must go straight to your hair". :lachen:
So which theory is correct?
I kinda see what OP is saying b/c I used to think that only overweight girls have longer hair (apl at least) and it SEEMED like the skinny chicks had skinny and short hair too (ie the skinner the less hair they had). I figured it was b/c overwieght gals were getting more nutrients from eating more too, but I guess not. I also reasoned it could've been a preference (to hide weight behind hair or frame the thin face/not over power the look), but I can understand what OP was saying. Now I know better THANK THE LORD!!

I think this is it. Not necessarily to hide the weight. Its more of playing up the good features they have. We all know that anyone can have long beautiful hair but I also know plenty of heavy women with great hair and great shoes and great purses. Its like all effort is put into things that have nothing to do with weight.

A slender woman is definitely more likely to be considered cute on her worst day i.e. hair in bun, sweats on, no makeup. A lot of heavy women won't go there.

Don't stone me. Its not me judging, just an observation. :look:
^^^what she said. PCOS is a hormonal condition which can be attributed to a lower metabolism/weight gain. it also causes cysts on the ovaries which produce excess male hormones which CAN lead to facial hair growth, and sometimes accelerated hair growth OR male pattern balding. Let's also not ASSUME that larger women eat more than smaller women, as there can be many factors to why people are overweight including medical conditions such as the one described. And I know several "skinny" women who can eat a "fat chick" out of house and home.

*side note* i'm sure no woman would voluntarily grow facial hair, or be overweight in exchange for accelerated hair growth...so let's be a little more sensitive. although i know it wasn't your intent to offend, OP...this thread is quite insensitive imo.
Okay....I'm just going to ask because I've been wondering about something for a long time. I've concluded that most of the prettiest heads of hair that I see are on "overweight" women.

Now, I'm not saying thin/fit women don't have beautiful hair...this forum is testament to that. What I am saying is that I see a greater proportion of overweight women (black women, more specifically) with nice hair (not just online but in real life). I don't know why. :spinning:

My theories:

1. Heavy women work out less and manipulate their hair less. :look:


2. Body fat level are connected to hormones that regulate hair growth/texture.

A bunch of women in India disprove this theory.

3. There's a connection between metabolism and hair.

4. Caloric intake is connected to hair growth.

Three and four seem to be saying the same thing. If this is your thesis I don't see the support for it. Some south pacificers have a lot of hair - and they tend to be chunky. However many Indians have a lot of hair too - and body fat varies - some are small and some are on the pudgy side.

Thanks Tiye. And I do not claim this to be some double-blind empirical study. :lachen:I noted that I've seen this primarily among black women. I'm talking about people I grew up around, went to school with, see at the mall, etc. I haven't seen enough fat Indian women to compare their hair to the skinny ones.

I don't think three and four are the same but I wasn't very clear. With three I'm talking about slow metabolism/fast metabolism. With four I'm talking about actually calories ingested. For instance, if you consume just what the body needs to maintain basic bodily functions then maybe your hair won't be so healthy...Perhaps it's the excess that goes to hair, nails, etc...feel me?
I think enough people here have told you they don't find your theory viable. Perhaps if you need more, you could google it.

Here's a link for you.

^^^what she said. PCOS is a hormonal condition which can be attributed to a lower metabolism/weight gain. it also causes cysts on the ovaries which produce excess male hormones which CAN lead to facial hair growth, and sometimes accelerated hair growth OR male pattern balding. Let's also not ASSUME that larger women eat more than smaller women, as there can be many factors to why people are overweight including medical conditions such as the one described. And I know several "skinny" women who can eat a "fat chick" out of house and home.

*side note* i'm sure no woman would voluntarily grow facial hair, or be overweight in exchange for accelerated hair growth...so let's be a little more sensitive. although i know it wasn't your intent to offend, OP...this thread is quite insensitive imo.

This thread was simply an observation about hair and not intended to convince anyone to "eat more sammiches" for accelerated hair growth. And you're right, I did not mean to be offensive (or insensitive really). To be honest, I think my question is valid...I think there may be a connection and I'm curious about it. I appreciate the info you posted regarding PCOS. I didn't know this. You provided scientific reasoning for some of what I've probably observed in real life. :yep: Thanks again.
Actually I was just reading in another post - forgot which one - where one of the posters said her male friend said the same thing - that bigger women always have prettier hair - because they focus on their hair as their best feature instead of their figure. Did that make sense?