Woman Raises Money To Defeat Racist Inlaws


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Jacked...bolding not mine:


GoFundMe User Vandreena Cotton-Meeks Says Husband’s Racist Family Is Terrorizing Her


May 31, 2019

There’s been a GoFundMecampaign-circulating on social media because of how absurd and exhausting the explanation behind it sounds. Vandreena Cotton-Meeks wants to raise $50,000 to help her fight her husband’s racist family in court.The woman says they’ve been placing bogus charges against her like ‘stalking’ and making ‘threats’ in order to ruin her life because she’s Black.

She’s even lost her job behind the madness and now she faces a year in prison.
But PLEASE…read for yourselves how Adreena says her marriage might be the end of her freedom (FYI, none of it mentions WTH her husband’s been doing to help her):

It's long yall:

“Good evening everyone & thank you for reading this. As you can tell from the title, my husband Joel & I need financial assistance raising money to pay for legal representation. Here's a quick breakdown of what happened.

* Joel & I are an interracial couple. After 8 years of dating (and an extremely negative reaction from his parents), we got married in late 2016.

* Approximately 6 weeks into our marriage, Joel's brother & his brother's wife accused me of sending death threats (but had zero evidence or forensics). Their reasoning for blaming me was because we "don't get along".

* Between January 2017 - April 2017, my brother-in-law & his wife called my job, stalked me at work and complained about me to my manager (whom they didn't know).

* A day shy of our 5 month wedding anniversary, my in-laws had me arrested for 'sending terroristic threats'. During this, we learned that they did not have evidence and the police went through my phone without a warrant. My bond at the time: $50,000. I ended up missing a day of work, but was released after 21 hours.

* A month later, I was served and had to appear in DeKalb County court for the same charges, but as a TPO. The judge in that case ruled in my sister-in-law's favor "to help her sleep at night" and my husband & I were barred from having direct & indirect contact with his family, extended family & their friends - or being within 100 yards of them - for one year.

* Just before the scheduled date of the trial (October 2017), I was fired from my day job. When I asked the manager why, he stated I was no longer a good fit "after speaking with your in-laws". Yes, my in-laws complained to my manager enough to get me fired from my well-paying job (that I had a stellar review for one week prior).

* Since I am a caregiver for my mom - and I know how the justice system can behave towards people of color - I made the decision with my lawyer to forego the trial and take several months of anger management instead. This allowed me to avoid one year in prison if I would have lost the case.

* Around January 2018, my lawyer received notice that I was being charged with contempt in Fulton & DeKalb counties. If I were found guilty of contempt, I would be listed as a felon & would be required to serve one year in prison. The reason for the contempt allegation: my in-laws claimed I 'liked' an Instagram post of theirs. After going to a bench trial in Fulton, the judge found I was NOT in contempt and informed my in-laws they could not send me to jail because they didn't like me (especially since they never presented evidence or forensics that I had done anything they alleged).

* In February 2018, we had the contempt hearing in DeKalb and the judge agreed with Fulton that there was no contempt. However, when we met back in his courtroom in May 2018, the judge reiterated the 'help her sleep at night' narrative and agreed to extended the aforementioned TPO through May 2021.

* In early November 2018 - after Joel & I captured a promo video for a state park - we saw his mother, father, brother, sister-in-law & his parents' best friends at a restaurant in Helen, GA. Luckily, we saw them immediately after we arrived at the hostess stand and left to eat at another restaurant, which we have on video from the restaurant security camera, (but not before his brother chased after us with his phone to take pictures, told the staff not to serve us and asked an employee to follow us; he talked very loudly).

In December 2018 - we started receiving harassment in 2 ways: police & process servers were coming to our house daily (and trying to tamper with our security cameras) and we were receiving fake, negative reviews on WeddingWire for our photography business (which is one of our only sources of income). Unfortunately, gigs aren't guaranteed & a negative review could ruin our business. Luckily, WW removed the reviews, but we were also receiving harassing comments on our blog (which we moderate, so the public never saw them).

* In January 2019, the harassment continued - this time with a phone number registered to his mother's best friend. The messages started with "don't have a baby", "we'll ruin you & your livelihood" and statements along those lines, but they soon turned to us receiving pictures of a shot up bulls-eye and promises to "hang [me] from a tree" (i.e. lynching). We never engaged with these messages and they always came from his mother's best friend (even though she did CC his family on a few messages as well, but her tone was 180 degrees on those).

* And that brings us to today when I received a letter for a felony indictment in the mail. From what I've read & been told, that means they went to a prosecutor, which had a grand jury hearing in order to file these felony charges against me. The charges: terroristic threats & stalking. The dates these allegedly took place: the same dates they sent us death threats.

After all that, Joel & I need your help. As I mentioned above, I have been out of steady work since 2017, so Joel is our sole breadwinner. Our current plan was to hire the same attorney we had for the Fulton case, but I know he charges at least $50,000 (the $35,000 is for the attorney fees & the additional $15,000 is for the digital forensics experts). If you know us, you know we don't like asking for help and normally go through trials & tribulations on our own. But with the hearing taking place in 2 weeks, we need to raise those attorney fees ASAP. My family literally can't survive if I go to prison (and that's not an understatement).

We would appreciate any funds you could part with to help us, from the price of a cup of coffee to a tax return - no amount will be turned away. If the Lord blesses us with a large financial windfall, we will do our best to pay you back and know that we will be praying that blessings come to you as well. You can also feel free to share this fundraiser & keep us in your prayers; we honestly don't know what else to do.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and let me know if you have any questions or want to see evidence of the statements above.

- Vandreena & Joel Cotton-Meeks
I have so many questions, namely how a white family was able to use DeKalb and Fulton county courts against a black woman for something frivolous like this. And if she's innocent, why did they make ger take anger management? And why did her husband allow his brother to chase them out of a restaurant?
She needs to be using that money for a divorce attorney.

According to her, you're just a hater :lol:

One interesting thing I've noticed: out of all the comments we've received, everyone who has told me to give up & divorce him is a woman of color. I feel like there's some something there, but I've got too much on my plate to worry about haters. From here on out, I'm ignoring (and possibly deleting) negative comments and only making this a space of love & support. - Vandreena Cotton-Meeks
Something about this feels like nonsense to me. If your in a loving relationship and your husband actually loves you. Why isn't he just as proactive as her. Where is he in all this. If his family is constantly putting his wife in danger an running her lively hood. Would he cut them off and go away as an ultimatum. She talks about what they have done to her, but nothing about how he is dealing with this. What has he done to defend her.

It's just her being vocal and not him. This story feels fishy.
See, this is why I'm pro bw expanding their options but anti swirl nut. They excuse and support all kinds of mess as long as it's not a bm doing it.

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What about this situation is worth supporting with your hard earned money?

I’m lachening at that commenter promoting #swirlnation, while this lady is begging for money cause her swirling is about to land her in jail on a felony charge. Lol
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Why is she still married to him? My happiness and peace of mind are more important than being married to that white man. There are other men.

Just finished reading the OP. Didnt think this could've gotten even sillier. The justice system is ruining her life, her in law are ruining her life and her husband is like a sitting duck? Leave!
She lost her job and is a caregiver for her mom so her financial situation is precarious. I'm sure she's considered divorce but doesn't have the money to sustain herself and her mom. If her claims are true, the in-laws have caused lasting damage that could endure even if the marriage doesn't so I can see there being real uncertainty about how to proceed if the marriage is otherwise solid. For what it's worth, I think the husband cut off contact awhile ago because he didn't try to talk to them at the restaurant. He left with his wife immediately so she wouldn't be violating the restraining order.

Something has to give but I can't kick her when she's down like this.

In a city like Atlanta, I'd be surprised if an up and coming attorney looking to make a name for her/himself doesn't take on her case. It should be an easy case given all the false charges. She should be suing them for pain and suffering.
I do not relate to this plight. However I feel sorry for her. One thing I am becoming more cognizant of, especially as I get older, is how the world system is designed to defeat black women in particular by making us so disliked that by the time we are begging for help to overcome mistreatment or unfairness we are unheard because we are so judged and divided long before the trial(pun intended).

I don't care at all about swirling. I believe a man who is not in control of checking his family when they are in the wrong isn't qualified to head a household as a husband. However, a black woman being forced to prove her innocence when the system is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty is a major problem to me. Believing that naivety and foolishness makes her deserving of systematic harassment followed by jail time is also a problem for me. I hate when we as a group look bad based on the negative realities of people within our group doing stupid stuff as much as anyone else. However, more than that, I am taking a realistic look at how easy it for us as a group fall short of the support that we need and actually deserve when that support isn't derived from within. There are so many missed opportunities for the truth to be believed and enforced before it's our turn to have to overcome some foolishness that we should have been protected from in the first place.

I wish I could articulate my thoughts on this better, but my point is people in her same demographic not looking at her being harassed by the legal system because she is able to be dismissed as being "dumb" is a much bigger problem than her specific scenario. We as black woman have a hard time with legitimate grievances being dismissed based stereotypes designed to undermine our validity...based on stereotypes that allow foolishness "dressed on white" to not require merit.
See, this is why I'm pro bw expanding their options but anti swirl nut. They excuse and support all kinds of mess as long as it's not a bm doing it.

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What about this situation is worth supporting with your hard earned money?

Christelyn would never support such foolishness and would in no way want her name associated with either of these foolish women. Christelyn encourages black women to choose character over color; to go where we are celebrated, not tolerated; and to choose the best man for the job who is a provider, protector, problem solver, and a producer. Some swirlers may support this black woman married to a white man who is not stepping up, not protecting, who took 8 years to get married, etc., but not Christelyn, and not any woman with healthy self-esteem and critical thinking skills.

I will add that having compassion for someone is one thing. I don’t have any issue with someone wanting to help her. But that woman bringing up Christelyn is unfair as this is a situation that she actually discourages and often.
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My gf hit me up this morning after a date.

Date last night is white. He tells her shes good looking for a black woman. He says its not like youre ugly with a big nose. Growing up he was never attracted to most american black women but she has a tropical look and is classy. She politely got up and said good night.

He couldnt understand why. He texts her as she leaves and says" was it because I called you a good looking black woman" ?

That was it for her.

All it takes is one time. How sway after 8 years you marry that man?
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My gf hit me up this morning after a date.

Date last night is white. He tells her shes good looking for a black woman. He says its not like youre ugly with a big nose. Growing up he was never attracted to most american black women but she has a tropical look and is classy. She politely got up and said good night.

He couldnt understand why. He texts her as she leaves and says" was it because I called you a good looking black woman" ?

That was it for her.

All it takes is one time. How sway after 8 years you marry that man?
Not sure which is worse... being fetishized or "the exception."
I believe a man who is not in control of checking his family when they are in the wrong isn't qualified to head a household as a husband.

THIS ><. Dude would not be fathering my children.

I wish I could articulate my thoughts on this better.

Thought it was on point.

Date last night is white. He tells her shes good looking for a black woman. He says its not like you're ugly with a big nose. Growing up he was never attracted to most american black women but she has a tropical look and is classy. She politely got up and said good night.

Someone catch me.


I can't believe he was that clueless. Thank goodness your friend had the sense to take herself out of that situation.
What exactly is the "tropical" look? Sounds black exotical :confused:
I have so many questions, namely how a white family was able to use DeKalb and Fulton county courts against a black woman for something frivolous like this. And if she's innocent, why did they make ger take anger management? And why did her husband allow his brother to chase them out of a restaurant?

EXACTLY Sis?!!!! These are two of the BLACKEST counties in Metropolitan Atlanta, with several Black Judges in each (not that this guarantees anything, but I'm just saying . . .we're WELL represented). Furthermore, I work in Criminal Defense, and while I don't do high-level felony work (yet), some of my classmates do, and 50k for what?!!!! That's a retainer for a Murder. I'm not saying some Attorney wouldn't try to take that retainer, but that is oddly high, IMO.

Secondly, and I feel this must be said, but he ain't HARDLY worth the trouble, and CLEARLY they don't have the coins, if they have a GoFundMe. I would've bounced at the FIRST sign of trouble.

I have more thoughts, but these are the first ones I was compelled to post.
EXACTLY Sis?!!!! These are two of the BLACKEST counties in Metropolitan Atlanta, with several Black Judges in each (not that this guarantees anything, but I'm just saying . . .we're WELL represented). Furthermore, I work in Criminal Defense, and while I don't do high-level felony work (yet), some of my classmates do, and 50k for what?!!!! That's a retainer for a Murder. I'm not saying some Attorney wouldn't try to take that retainer, but that is oddly high, IMO.

Secondly, and I feel this must be said, but he ain't HARDLY worth the trouble, and CLEARLY they don't have the coins, if they have a GoFundMe. I would've bounced at the FIRST sign of trouble.

I have more thoughts, but these are the first ones I was compelled to post.


You see it too. Lemme ask you this...if the restraining order is against her only, does it make sense that she could go to jail for a year if her husband contacts his family?
Furthermore, I work in Criminal Defense, and while I don't do high-level felony work (yet), some of my classmates do, and 50k for what?!!!! That's a retainer for a Murder. I'm not saying some Attorney wouldn't try to take that retainer, but that is oddly high, IMO.

That’s definitely more than a retainer.
She said she wants to use the attorney she worked with before so maybe there’s some money already owed. I know plenty of attorneys who wouldn’t be bothered if they thought you didn’t have all the money to pay. It’s one thing to get the retainer but they don’t want to look like jerks for walking away when you run out of money. Also this attorney probably has a better understanding of all her legal entanglements and may be giving her a price for everything.

You see it too. Lemme ask you this...if the restraining order is against her only, does it make sense that she could go to jail for a year if her husband contacts his family?

No, she couldn't. They are individual.
ETA: they COULD try to make an argument that he is harassing them on her behalf, but this is highly unlikely. Also, an initial restraining order can be granted "ex-parte"(without the other party present) if the petitioner can show a recent threat or a likelihood of it reoccurring, BUT they must SHOW CAUSE for it to be extended, and BOTH sides have the opportunity to appear at the hearing. She did SOMETHING. I mean hey, anything is possible in Drumpt's amurica, but this is HIGHLY sketch.
That’s definitely more than a retainer.
She said she wants to use the attorney she worked with before so maybe there’s some money already owed. I know plenty of attorneys who wouldn’t be bothered if they thought you didn’t have all the money to pay. It’s one thing to get the retainer but they don’t want to look like jerks for walking away when you run out of money. Also this attorney probably has a better understanding of all her legal entanglements and may be giving her a price for everything.

But I would venture to say that MOST (pretty sure all) Criminal cases are flat fee . . .the price leading up to trial, and the additional cost for trial. A lot of it is a la carte. For example, people thought Phaedra accepting cash in the parking lot was sketch, but it's actually not. It was for a Probation Violation hearing. These are actual Criminals and accused Criminals! :look: :lachen: They know they'd better come up with that cash if they don't have or want a Public Defender! By the way, some of the BEST private CD Attorneys are former Prosecutors and Public Defenders! My friend had a murder case and charged 30k (which people told her was on the low side). What I'm saying, is that the billing is different and varies based on the charge. For example, you can't even make a Contingent Retainer (pay if you win) in Criminal and Domestic actions.

I honestly can't think of ANY reason why a Terroristic Threats fee would be 50k . . .unless you're an actual Terrorist. :look: :lachen:

This is how I know that she did something. If her record was clean and there was no evidence, the case would've been dismissed. Let's say she did send an angry text or two . . .pre-trial diversion (one-time class, community service, fine, with possibility of getting record expunged). Let's say she took it a little further and assaulted someone . . .negotiated plea and probation, and they can (and often do) impose no-contact restrictions on the defendant.

Lastly, :lachen: at the bolded (no offense to you). If it's one thing they DON'T mind doing, it's walking away when people stop paying. :lachen:

Anywho, I'm just disgusted at her getting involved in all of this drama for some mitch-made whyte boi.
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@Silkycoils I said they don’t want to look like jerks when they walk away. I know they have no problem doing it. I know it doesn’t sound like much if a distinction but it is.

As for the flat fee, I’m thinking the attorney sized up the family and knows it won’t be straight forward. Flat fees only work if you’re sure how much work is involved.

Also, it sounds like her taking anger management was part of a plea deal. Not the same as a guilty verdict but I’m sure it sets a precedent in this kind of case so her record isn’t clean given it’s relevance here.
What I want to know is who donated $1k and $500?

The story doesn't make sense but then again the kind of people who would date for 8 years usually have the craziest family stories.

I've seen people pay attorneys less than $50K for murder cases so there's some serious padding on that gofundme amount.

I looked up her dockets with Dekalb county court and there's a whole lot of contempt in the comments. There's two cases.