Woman Raises Money To Defeat Racist Inlaws

What I want to know is who donated $1k and $500?

The story doesn't make sense but then again the kind of people who would date for 8 years usually have the craziest family stories.

I've seen people pay attorneys less than $50K for murder cases so there's some serious padding on that gofundme amount.

I looked up her dockets with Dekalb county court and there's a whole lot of contempt in the comments. There's two cases.

She said the lawyer is 35k, the other 15k is for forensics.
Idk if she edited to add this in:

"Now, for those that may be wondering "What has Joel done to help you throughout this?", I wanted to answer your inquiries.

Aside from voluntarily having zero contact with his family for over 2 years (including missing his grandmother's funeral), when the initial arrest happened, my husband paid my bail ($5,500 of the $50,000 bond; you pay a percentage to the bail bondsman). Additionally, he has assisted me in taking care of my sick parents (preparing meals, buying medical supplies, driving to doctor's appointments, etc). He has also been by my side at every court proceeding and been involved with every attorney meeting (even if he was at work & had to participate by phone). Also, he has kept working to keep a roof over our head. Joel has also been a witness at every hearing and helped compile evidence (he, too, has received threatening communications). For those that say he should have confronted them years ago, he did confront them about their racism & actions on multiple occasions, but it feel on deaf ears. We decided not to let their hatred affect our relationship. As for confronting them after April 2017, that would be considered "indirect contact", so I would go to prison for a year.

So, before you assume that he is sitting idly by and "letting" this happen to me, know that Joel has sacrificed so much to help me prove my innocence and vows to stay by my side through it all (and beyond)."
But I would venture to say that MOST (pretty sure all) Criminal cases are flat fee . . .the price leading up to trial, and the additional cost for trial. A lot of it is a la carte. For example, people thought Phaedra accepting cash in the parking lot was sketch, but it's actually not. It was for a Probation Violation hearing. These are actual Criminals and accused Criminals! :look: :lachen: They know they'd better come up with that cash if they don't have or want a Public Defender! By the way, some of the BEST private CD Attorneys are former Prosecutors and Public Defenders! My friend had a murder case and charged 30k (which people told her was on the low side). What I'm saying, is that the billing is different and varies based on the charge. For example, you can't even make a Contingent Retainer (pay if you win) in Criminal and Domestic actions.

I honestly can't think of ANY reason why a Terroristic Threats fee would be 50k . . .unless you're an actual Terrorist. :look: :lachen:

This is how I know that she did something. If her record was clean and there was no evidence, the case would've been dismissed. Let's say she did send an angry text or two . . .pre-trial diversion (one-time class, community service, fine, with possibility of getting record expunged). Let's say she took it a little further and assaulted someone . . .negotiated plea and probation, and they can (and often do) impose no-contact restrictions on the defendant.

Lastly, :lachen: at the bolded (no offense to you). If it's one thing they DON'T mind doing, it's walking away when people stop paying. :lachen:

Anywho, I'm just disgusted at her getting involved in all of this drama for some mitch-made whyte boi.
I'm thinking it's the terrorist thing. I mean a decade ago ppl were in jail indefinitely just by association and could not defend themselves. That alone is going to be a much bigger deal than anything else. Especially now when people are trying to stop these things before they happen by reporting people ahead of time, etc . Still the price is super high (lawyer).
My question is basic because maybe I'm missing something.
How does someone's whole life get flipped upside down because of accusations with no proof?
They had to have found SOMETHING because this would mean we all can get screwed over by crazy folks. So I can go out there ruin someone's life like this too? I'm confused...
I'm thinking it's the terrorist thing. I mean a decade ago ppl were in jail indefinitely just by association and could not defend themselves. That alone is going to be a much bigger deal than anything else. Especially now when people are trying to stop these things before they happen by reporting people ahead of time, etc . Still the price is super high (lawyer).

I meant terrorist as in an actual threat to national security. :lachen:
Is Atlanta that small that they keep running into his parents/relations? Do they not take him seriously when he first called them out? He needed to be firmer after the first incident and call them out on it and cut ties with his family.
I meant terrorist as in an actual threat to national security. :lachen:

Forgive typos I am on my phone :giggle:
I got it. I think they use the term loosely now for domestic terrorists. Meaning if they didn't stop her next stop murdered family with a extra drive by say, the church to target others and shootings for extra measure.

I just copied one of her charges and it isn't just threatening it refers to terrorism: day shy of our 5 month wedding anniversary, my in-laws had me arrested for 'sending terroristic threats'.

They can't possibly know the famili y is prejudice or that charges were fabricated because they would not still stand to defend. No way would I give her money because I don't know if what she is saying is completely true, nor am I interested in taking sides on this.

As for the domestic terrorist thing: It is probably manufactured b.s but they still have to take it seriously and the lawyers will probably have to bring out the big guns just to defend a charge of this magnitude no matter if frivolous or nah because they don't know that. Hence the big amount.

The whole situation is troubling on so many levels. This is why I do not believe in love over coming relatives. If you cant at least be neutral in our response to each other no matter whether we like each other or not, it is just not worth it.

I am sure things escalated later after marriage but for the most part some indication of the b.s of that family had to be there. And because of everyone usually telling ppl to work it out and to let no one come between them, coupled with love, she took a leap. Some have and just cut off relatives with success, others have stood firm and worked through it, others have had their families driving wedges between them over time with b.s onslaught of their crappery, finally you have super toxic relatives and there you go. So really a lot of judging where ppl are dealing with crazy in laws just on a smaller level could've ended similarly. This could happen no matter the color. My ex.fiance was 1st gen Haitian American and his mom was fine until it was serious making it known that as a black American I would never be acceptable. And when she kept pushing and he kept staring helplessly I was out. And it sucked but oh well. So I feel for her somewhat but still no dude is worth alladat for me personally.
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Why is she still married to him? My happiness and peace of mind are more important than being married to that white man. There are other men.

Just finished reading the OP. Didnt think this could've gotten even sillier. The justice system is ruining her life, her in law are ruining her life and her husband is like a sitting duck? Leave!

why did she get married to him to begin with.
There isn't a man in the world that is worth all this mess. I wouldn't give her a dime. She should have cut her losses after 8 years of dating packed her bag and moved on.

Does she not have any family to handle this? This situation should have been handled long before she got married.
I guess one of my questions is, what was happening BEFORE they got married? These folks dated for 8 years, so I'm sure it would've been easier for the family to cut up before the marriage in hopes of stopping it rather than after.
Furthermore, if we're dating 8 years and I still decide to marry someone like this, dude better have enough money to take me (and my family) away from alladis.

I'm saying that she signed up for some of this. No way these people just started getting this bad right after marriage.

She chose this life. *Kanye shrug*

ETA: I really can't see myself going through this much foolishness for ANY relationship, even blood. We'd have to do something else. :nono:
See, this is why I'm pro bw expanding their options but anti swirl nut. They excuse and support all kinds of mess as long as it's not a bm doing it.

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What about this situation is worth supporting with your hard earned money?

After being in Chris’s group at one point sadly I’m not surprised. There’s some good and crazy. Unfortunately too much of the crazy is what gets retained.
Personally I think their broke asses needed money and knew #swirlnation would fall for the bs and donate

Reminds me of the young black girl who pretended to be a MAGAt, claimed her parents kicked her out becaus eof it, she was homeless etc and the Magnats all sent money to her, I believe it came to over 100K. Difference is that girl is smart and this one is pathetic.
If she has all this evidence, then they should be seeking several filed charges against his family?
Why do I feel like this story is fake news? If his family has had her arrested, charged and taken to court several times for what are, in her version of events, baseless accusations...in the blackest of black counties....and no judge, attorney or anyone has called BS or advised her to get a restraining order or file for defamation etc....

Anyway, if all of it is true and we had no kids I would be GONE. No man, black, purple, white, Idris Elba, billionaire is worth the headache. They want their son so badly they can keep him.

And it’s her fault for not seeing this after 8 years of dating.