Woman finds out her ex husband cheated from his NYT Wedding Announcement


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When romantic relationships end, it can be hard, especially when they end abruptly without explanation. Nikyta M. found herself in this situation when her marriage of almost two years abruptly ended. Nikyta and her husband Rob who had been married in a civil ceremony and had been planning a big wedding. Her family from London and Trinidad flew into Dallas to meet Rob’s family a few months ahead of the big wedding date. But after they left, Rob abruptly changed and soon asked for a divorce.

Nikyta was blindsided as it was completely out of the blue and she had no clue what happened. She spent the next two years in the dark until Rob’s wedding announcement was posted in the New York Times. Rob’s meet-cute love story happened before Nikyta and Rob’s marriage ended. Here is an excerpt from the New York Post, to which Nikyta told her story. The NYT announcement called it Rob’s first marriage.
The husband got married in August of this year and apparently the (new)wife is a mover and shaker a CEO of a marketing company. Said new wife is moderating comments on her IG.

The ex wife got the last laugh the new wife is humiliated and the ex husband is outed.

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I can't believe him. Her husband is a piece of work. He was no doubt lying to the second wife about his relationship status. I'm glad the ex wife created that article and outed him. She went through a lot and to get a miscarriage too. Uh! I'm glad she found happiness with someone else.

I had to look for the New York Times article that posted his new marriage. I posted it below.

**Spoiler Alert**
He aint worth a penny. Apparently he likes to meet women at the gym and made the first move. He sounds like a user, because he moved in with his first wife after only a few months of dating and moved into his second wife's town home shortly after dating her too. I don't know how much the second wife knew but I feel sorry for her too because she has two kids, and married to this bum.
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Between Reps at the Gym, a Strong Connection


When Lauren Maillian joined the New York Sports Club in Harlem, her intention was to work out. Robert Palmer had the same desire.
In January 2017 that goal changed for both.
“I had seen Lauren around. She’s one of the few women who lifted weights and she was stunning,” said Mr. Palmer, 30, the owner of Be Exceptional Fitness, a fitness and wellness business.
When the trainer she was working out with walked away, Mr. Palmer went over to chat between reps. Witty banter ensued over the next 10 minutes. Mr. Palmer shared his number. Ms. Maillian, 35, who owns the LMB Group, a marketing and brand advisory company, promised to reach out. She did, and texted him within the hour.
Two days later they met at Mist, a local coffee shop. Their first date turned into two.
“We talked for three hours,” said Ms. Maillian, who, during the date, learned Mr. Palmer lived a block from her. “We both had meetings so we had to leave. We got together again that night. We sat in my car on the West Side Highway at 96th Street talking and looking out at the river until we got kicked out. We went back to my apartment and talked until 3 a.m.”
Things were going so well that Ms. Maillian suggested they take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, a personality test, on their phones.
“Out of 16 different personality profiles, both of us were ESTJ-A,” said Ms. Maillian. “I couldn’t believe we are both the executive mind-set. That reinforced a compatibility.”

Ms. Maillian was divorced with two children, Chloe, then 7, and Jayden, then 9. Mr. Palmer was five years younger than Ms. Maillian. Still, their connection was undeniable.


Over the next four months they saw each other two or three times a day. That May, Mr. Palmer moved into her townhouse. A year went by. There were vacations, school graduations and holidays spent creating their own traditions.
“Being with Lauren and her children felt so natural and honest,” Mr. Palmer said. “You don’t realize how many layers there are to your soul until someone peels them back. I could trust her on everything.”Mr. Palmer proposed on Dec. 29, 2018, in their living room. After she said yes, he asked her children if he had their permission, and if he could marry them as well.“I wanted the kids to know I wasn’t half in and half out. They showed me so much love. I wanted to commit my life to them and her,” he said.Then 2020 brought two derailments: Mr. Palmer needed emergency knee surgery to repair a ruptured patellar tendon, and the pandemic hit. It became clear their choices were a digital wedding or wait until 2021; neither option garnered enthusiasm. Ms. Maillian’s friend, Shari Lebowitz, offered a solution. The Museum of Contemporary Art, in Westport, Conn., had closed during the pandemic. Ms. Lebowitz, who is the vice president of the museum’s board, offered the space.“The museum had never hosted a wedding,” Ms. Maillian said. “We never thought we would be able to have our wedding in a space that’s really unique to who we are.”On Aug. 2, 25 guests, dressed in black tie, gathered in the Helmut Lang exhibit. The couple were married by the Rev. Roxy Birchfield, a minister of the Evangelical Church Alliance.

“I said I wouldn’t get married again, but Robert supports me in a way I’ve never felt supported before. He is everything I thought wasn’t possible,” Ms. Maillian said.
Mr. Palmer said Ms. Maillian was “the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. This is the most meaningful, deep connection I’ve ever had.”
Correction: Aug. 11, 2020
An earlier version of this article misstated the previous marital status of the groom, Robert Palmer. Mr. Palmer had previously been married.
Random thoughts

He has a type.

The second wife doesn't seem to have earned the humiliation that being involved with this dude got her.

I have thoughts about the miscarriage that may seem insensitive but I'll leave it at the universe was looking out for the first wife.

Even with this story out there, this dude could be on to wife number 3 in a minute.
Thanks for posting the article @NaturalEnigma. And I agree with you @Crackers Phinn he definitely has a type. He is a grade A opportunist. And yes, could be onto wife 3 in no time. @vevster I feel sorry for the 2nd wife too, very sad for both women. But it’s heartbreaking that he involved the second wife’s two children in this. She thought she’d really gotten her fairytale. I’ve said this many times but believing in fairytales will get you got every time. Believing in love and having hope is not the same thing as believing in fairytales. It’s a damned shame.
Thanks for posting the article @NaturalEnigma. And I agree with you @Crackers Phinn he definitely has a type. He is a grade A opportunist. And yes, could be onto wife 3 in no time. @vevster I feel sorry for the 2nd wife too, very sad for both women. But it’s heartbreaking that he involved the second wife’s two children in this. She thought she’d really gotten her fairytale. I’ve said this many times but believing in fairytales will get you got every time. Believing in love and having hope is not the same thing as believing in fairytales. It’s a damned shame.
I don't think most people mean that literally. It's an expression people use when it comes to finding Mr. Right and getting married. It's a love story narrative. After dating a lot of jerks, finding Mr. Right can feel like a "dream come true." Obviously he's not Mr. Right and I'm sure wife 1 and 2 regret marrying him.
He's really a piece of work. Can't believe this last part at the end of the article. I want to kick him in the shins for her.

(Robert told The Post: “Nikyta and I were separated and both consented to a mutual and amicable divorce. This is all very surprising to me and I was unaware that there was ever an issue. I’m happy with my family and I wish Nikyta the best.”)
I don't think most people mean that literally. It's an expression people use when it comes to finding Mr. Right and getting married. It's a love story narrative. After dating a lot of jerks, finding Mr. Right can feel like a "dream come true." Obviously he's not Mr. Right and I'm sure wife 1 and 2 regret marrying him.

I think most women mean it more literally than they realize. I’m inclined to believe she was hoping for a fairytale. I say that because of her lack of vetting. She pretty quickly moved a man into her home with her young children. After just five months. What was the rush? It seems to me that she wanted someone to save her from being single and being a single parent. He was like her knight in shining armor. Young, handsome, adored her children, etc. Swept her off her feet. Everything she’d been dreaming about and hoping for. I’m not blaming her at all. I’m pointing out the importance of looking for a real human man, not Prince Charming. Take the time to get to really know the person. Especially so when involving children. I think lots of women get caught up in the fairytale. It’s spoon fed to us from the time we are little girls.
I think most women mean it more literally than they realize. I’m inclined to believe she was hoping for a fairytale. I say that because of her lack of vetting. She pretty quickly moved a man into her home with her young children. After just five months. What was the rush? It seems to me that she wanted someone to save her from being single and being a single parent. He was like her knight in shining armor. Young, handsome, adored her children, etc. Swept her off her feet. Everything she’d been dreaming about and hoping for. I’m not blaming her at all. I’m pointing out the importance of looking for a real human man, not Prince Charming. Take the time to get to really know the person. Especially so when involving children. I think lots of women get caught up in the fairytale. It’s spoon fed to us from the time we are little girls.
And apparently never visited or spent the night at his home where she would have found a whole wife.
I read this a couple days ago so blame my memory but the time line seemed wonky because they went on that trip in December, dude left in January and the first wife learned she was pregnant in May.

And apparently never visited or spent the night at his home where she would have found a whole wife.
I read this a couple days ago so blame my memory but the time line seemed wonky because they went on that trip in December, dude left in January and the first wife learned she was pregnant in May.

I think she lost the baby in May.

And apparently never visited or spent the night at his home where she would have found a whole wife.
I read this a couple days ago so blame my memory but the time line seemed wonky because they went on that trip in December, dude left in January and the first wife learned she was pregnant in May.

According to the article, the first wife says her family flew to Dallas to meet his mother in December and he left three months later which would be March. She found out she was pregnant the same month and miscarried in May.
Husband is wiggedy wack. A tiny man who acts small. Tragic.

This sucks for both 1st and 2nd wife. 2nd wife just wanted to marry her personal trainer in peace. She was co-owner of a vineyard with her ex husband so she has lived the nice life, and I guess she wasn’t expecting that from this dude, who clearly is all smoke and mirrors.

As for 1st wife, I’m glad she found love and all but I think it’s wild she aired the situation out like this. It was embarrassing that he left her out of his announcement and cheated and lied, but I probably wouldn’t have told my story if that was it. He clearly tempted fate by unceremoniously dumping her but wow lol.
Everyone looks bad by association but I don’t think it’s embarrassing for the first wife. She was embarrassed being pregnant and not knowing why her marriage was ending. Outing him is a favor to the new wife. Now she knows to beware and work on a postnup if she didn’t get a prenup.

The husband is the only one who should be embarrassed but that’s not how this works. The new wife should be embarrassed because it’s clear she’s a mark.
The two wives definitely favor each other, that's wife #1 below.

He picked the wrong time to announce his two timing ways, cuz with this pandemic, people have nothing better to do than to focus on trivial things. Kinda crazy how viral this is going and getting picked up all over the place. I feel sorry for the 2nd wife who just thought she was getting regular married and all this comes out.
This story has gone viral. Even CNN picked it up. I feel sorry for the 2nd wife. Total humiliation.

Agreed. She's likely blindsided. But at least she knows what she has now. :oops: (in a man/relationship)

I think most women mean it more literally than they realize. I’m inclined to believe she was hoping for a fairytale. I say that because of her lack of vetting. She pretty quickly moved a man into her home with her young children. After just five months. What was the rush? It seems to me that she wanted someone to save her from being single and being a single parent. He was like her knight in shining armor. Young, handsome, adored her children, etc. Swept her off her feet. Everything she’d been dreaming about and hoping for. I’m not blaming her at all. I’m pointing out the importance of looking for a real human man, not Prince Charming. Take the time to get to really know the person. Especially so when involving children. I think lots of women get caught up in the fairytale. It’s spoon fed to us from the time we are little girls.


And apparently never visited or spent the night at his home where she would have found a whole wife.
I read this a couple days ago so blame my memory but the time line seemed wonky because they went on that trip in December, dude left in January and the first wife learned she was pregnant in May.

I decided to respond here to the bolded in both of your posts as a reflection on this whole issue.

For @hopeful ,
I have no issue with the timeline but I do with the lack of vetting. I know you mentioned that they needed to vet better and I'm all for that. The rush thing? I know couples who marry quickly without problems and those who take years. The key seems to be the vetting and gut instinct over the amount of time. Time can pull people into a false sense of safety and so can all these steps when the key really is to see clearly. We can feel we waited the appropriate time and did everything right only to find that we are still going in a circle if we haven't developed the appropriate skills to vet and to listen to instinct. I don't think we have to become jaded to do this either. I can kick you out with a smile on my face knowing I've made room for an amazing guy to come into my life. Though we may not agree on the timeline I agree with you and @Crackers Phinn on proper vetting and blaring red flags that ppl really want to overlook for whatever reason.

In this case: The first red flag is that he was mia in the beginning because some how she neve r visited his home but he visited hers, even months later because he was still with the first wife. And of course there was a reason as there was no way to visit him as he was living with a whole wife there and a whole other life. He was just coming to her home and I guess making excuses. And sitting in cars talking to her. All of that had to be odd to say the least. It had to make her feel like something was being held back. And I'm not interested in finding excuses, that's just time to move on.

Also: It's important to know the person and the people around them. The first wife says that her ex's relatives apologized to her. I'm sure when the new girflfriend was around the family, there were looks and or uncomfortable quiet. She had to pick up on that. Men are not as complex as women. They quickly unravel if you pull at the seams if something isn't right. :lol: With a few questions, I'm sure his façade would fall a part. And that's by listening to what he says and what he doesn't.

nd even with a good liar, if she had common sense enough to be in his life properly there is no way he could have a separate life because she would have already saw his place, family, friends and picked up on any red flags. Tbh he would not get that far when she showed up with coffee/tea or a sandwich impromptu, because she was in the area, at his place and his wife answered. That happens when you're in a relationship. Instead he was making excuses all the time and showing up at her place. There are only so many excuses one could make, "my place is being remodeled" ...really? where are you now? "My place is being fumigated" really Where are you now? "I'm still at the gym." Okay ...see you in a few minutes I still have time :lol: . Hey this is a relationship not just some random dude so even though he's doing more to court you, you're still showing you care by showing up in little ways here and there. If he always has an excuse then he's just not that interested, or something else is going on because this is supposed to be a relationship, right? :lachen:

I think vetting is not something that takes forever. But it does require honesty, following your gut, and also clearly looking at a situation in addition to seeing and desiring the romance part.
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