WL 2011

^^Ow I was looking into the split ender last night and I want one, BADLY! lol Man I want everything, I got a long wish list of hair tools including the split ender, a steamer, a pibbs 514, and enzo milano 25mm curling wand(I dont need it, but I want it, lol).

Anyways, I can't wait to take down this install, it's been in for nearly 10wks, and its been 12wks since my last flat ironed length check. Im keeping this install in for an additional 6wks. I hoping for a major surprise in length when I take it down. Hopefully its a good surprise and not a setback lol Take down date Sep 1st, and please believe imma be posting major pics. I should be Full MBL by then *crosses fingers*, and then on to at least grazing waist length by Dec 31st, 2010 hopefully.

Full WL 2011 Im claiming it for next year
depending on the weather, and my level of laziness, i will either be straightening my whole head or a section of my head (for a length check) this weekend. i'll post pics with my cell phone (fail) lol
I'm trying to keep my crochets in for 5-6 weeks. It'll be 4 weeks this Sunday. I'm really itching to straighten my hair when I take my crochets down, to see my true length, because I haven't straightened it since my last relaxer 1 year ago. However I live in FL so it'll probably be pointless to do it anytime soon. I'll probably hold off and stick with my original plan to straighten during the Thanksgiving holiday..*sigh*...just seems like such a long time. :)
I was going to reveal in December but I am doing a personal 6 month hide your hair challenge. Starting August first week until February :D

MM&I I pray no set backs either, how do you keep your hair under during the installs what do u do to avoid set backs ? :D

My sister gifted the Split ender to me I am glad cause it was too much for my liking :D
JJamiah I just co wash my hair every couple days some times I spray my braids with scurl. Just started using my mt/mn mixture everyother day and the other days I add oils to my scalp. I don't use a net over my braids so that makes things easier. I've never had a setback from doing things this way but then again I've never left it in for 16wks the longest is 13wks and I usually just leave it in for 10 because I can't take not seeing my hair any longer. But I've never had any matting or tangling when I take down so hopefully that won't be an issue this time either. Hiding my hair is the only way I seem to really retain length.
So what do you do for any itching? I have on my to get list Scalpecin, Vital or vidal Braid spray, what is your magic.

I am really trying to the 4 on and 2 off method and see if this works for me. I am nervous of itchy scalp syndrome. So how do you combat this?

JJamiah I just co wash my hair every couple days some times I spray my braids with scurl. Just started using my mt/mn mixture everyother day and the other days I add oils to my scalp. I don't use a net over my braids so that makes things easier. I've never had a setback from doing things this way but then again I've never left it in for 16wks the longest is 13wks and I usually just leave it in for 10 because I can't take not seeing my hair any longer. But I've never had any matting or tangling when I take down so hopefully that won't be an issue this time either. Hiding my hair is the only way I seem to really retain length.
I'm still coming up with a regi...wet bunning got me from apl to mbl within a few short months, but I wasn't doing something right because I had ssk galore when I finally straightend.

I think I'm gonna adopt a 'no direct heat' kinda regimen. I think it's time to perfect me rollersetting. I just hate waiting for it to dry :sad:.

Here's what I got so far:

cowash when I think I need it.
clarify when I think I need it
DC with heat once a week
wet clip...no elastics, when I go to work
and rollerset once a month to keep the knots in check.

If any one has any suggestions I will gladly be all ears :grin:
I have been using Jane Carter Solution products for the past couple of days and my hair loves it! This stuff is amazing... Wore a wet bun today. Plan to co-wash tomorrow.
I washed my hair today (3rd day in a row with clarifying shampoo) I think I will give the pool a break, :)

I am anticipating my braid up and then sporting my pieces :D
@JJamiah I don't really get a lot of itching, not more than I would if my own hair was out, which would be little to no itching at all. Maybe my scalp doesn't itch because I cowash so often idk. That's the only thing that makes sense to me.
Hey Ladies, I am back in the game while my last two wigs fell through on purchase I ordered 2 more last week. Short bobs, I ordered the MEsh wig cap. I also purchased 3 LF on the exchange so that is 5 in total coming my way. The first two are human hair and the other three are future meaning I can still use my iron.

MY PLANS for the rest of 2010 and all of 2011 is as follows:

I will wear my hair 4 weeks with beehive and wear a LF/Wig ontop
I will wear my hair out 2 weeks in between refreshing my braids
I will relax every 4 months as usual
after my relaxer I will wait 4-5 weeks to get my hair braided, during this time I will go to the DOOBIE shoppe and enjoy my hurr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monthly - Nexxus Treatment/DC
Except week before relaxer where I will give myself and aphogee treatment
Daily or every other day - Spritz with a good spritz, or my own mix
Low Agitation of braids while they are in
Ok...I'm posting in BSL 2010 (I'm officially BSB), MBL 2010 and WL 2011...Trying to keep it together...I just finished PS'ing and I will be wearing a low-manipulation style (twist-out) for the upcoming week. I am trying to NOT focus on length, but it's so hard!
Well I tried cowashing often and wet buns for a week but my ends hate them. My ends are obviously stuck up and need pampering in the form of roller sets and wraps. So I will go back to rollerwrapping since that is what got me this far anyway. I'm avoiding setbacks like the plague! ABSOLUTELY NO DIRECT HEAT since March of this year! I'm trying to keep this up until I reach WL. Jesus help me. I gave away my flat iron to resist the temptation. I know that's extreme but I had to do what I had to do.

here are my short term goals:

APL by August 31, 2010 (I'm an inch away)
BSL by December 31, 2010 (I'm 4 inches away)
WL by December 31, 2011 (I'm 8 inches away)

So my biggest challenge is meeting my BSL goal by end of this year.
I have 5 inches to reach WL and 3 inches to reach MBL:)

My hair does get nice growth from July to NOvember so :D grow grow grow!
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I have 5 inches to reach WL and 3 inches to reach MBL:)

My hair does get nice growth from July to NOvember so :D grow grow grow!

When I get home, I need to check my inches till MBL and WL...I'm excited and nervous...will be back to report.
yeah, that's so good of you ladies to get it all defined in inches and all.:yep:

meanwhile, i'm just looking down my back and going "over there, yep, that'll be about right"!:lachen:

don't get me near a measuring tape....:blush:i won't put it down if i do!:drunk:
^^^ Yeah right!!! I'm pushing it with the SL and APL challenges for 2010 and 2011 :lachen:

no, seriously hun!

i always thought BSL would be it for me, but sitting here waiting for it to get to BSL is a bummer, so aiming for WL makes BSL a breeze!:yep:

it takes the pressure off of getting to BSL, so now it seems easier since i'm headed for WL.:spinning:

plus, as fast as your hair grows, it might just surprise you.....:grin:
Grow, there's no convincing Nikki. We'll just have to say "I told you so" next year when she is swangin her WL hair in our faces! lol

right?! it's always the ones who say they can't do it that end up wrapping their hair around their bodies it grows so long!:yep:

oh well, LaFemme, we tried!