WL 2011

1) What do you gals plan to do to celebrate reaching WL?
Smile, thank God and continue on with my Journey. Maybe even wear my hair down for a day :p

2) What are your plans afterward?
Keep supporting the ladies in here, and possibly move on to Hip Length with the help of God.

3) Before you began your haircare journey, what was your starting length?
I was about a little below APL I started after I got my hair cut on January, 15 2010

4) What's the one style you've always wanted to do with long hair?
Have a long braid, I mean a longgggggg braid, even a fish tail braid. I have always loved it. To me its beautiful.

5) Where do you see your hair at its ultimate goal?
I believe my ultimate goal would be a Healthy TBL, I believe I can make it... I just wouldnt believe my eyes, ((..Laughing..))
I stayed out of this thread becasue I didn't think that WL was going to happen for me this year (I had to cut off a few inches) but last night I was in the shower and my longest portion of my hair is about 2 inches for WL. I won't be full WL anytime soon but I may make it by the end of the year without any setbacks!

1) What do you gals plan to do to celebrate reaching WL?
End of the year straightening if I make my goal.

2) What are your plans afterward?
grow out my relaxed ends while maintaining WL

3) Before you began your haircare journey, what was your starting length?
neck length

4) What's the one style you've always wanted to do with long hair?
just nice curly layers in the front and long in the back

5) Where do you see your hair at its ultimate goal? right now full WL, maybe HL
1) What do you gals plan to do to celebrate reaching WL?
Whip my hair back & forth, Gloat in the mirror and brag to DH about how long my hair is!

2) What are your plans afterward? (on to HL, trims, color, etc)
I will probably join the HL challenge so I can get a nice healthy blunt trim back to WL

3) Before you began your haircare journey, what was your starting length?
Armpit length

4) What's the one style you've always wanted to do with long hair?
Long loose waist length curls (roller set)

5) Where do you see your hair at its ultimate goal?
Healthy WL

Updated pics!
hair 1.JPG
Hair 2.jpg
Hair 3.jpg
:hiya: Ladies!!!! I don't know if I posted but I'm about 2.5 inches from WL...Tonight I will be doing a DC and a steamer treatment and going back to my low manipulation style! Happy Friday Divas! :bouncy: :dance7: :bouncy: :dance7:
1) What do you gals plan to do to celebrate reaching WL?
I will take a lot of pictures to post on my blog...have to show off the length check! :)

2) What are your plans afterward? (on to HL, trims, color, etc)
I will grow my hair out a just little bit more. I will probably trim an inch every 2-3 months to maintain WL to allow my front to catch up with the back.

3) Before you began your haircare journey, what was your starting length?
Collarbone Length

4) What's the one style you've always wanted to do with long hair?
Tie between the braidout and huge bun

5) Where do you see your hair at its ultimate goal?
Healthy FULL WL
:hiya: Ladies!!!! I don't know if I posted but I'm about 2.5 inches from WL...Tonight I will be doing a DC and a steamer treatment and going back to my low manipulation style! Happy Friday Divas! :bouncy: :dance7: :bouncy: :dance7:

Happy Friday and congrats on the progress!
1) What do you gals plan to do to celebrate reaching WL?
Whip my hair back & forth, Gloat in the mirror and brag to DH about how long my hair is!

2) What are your plans afterward? (on to HL, trims, color, etc)
I will probably join the HL challenge so I can get a nice healthy blunt trim back to WL

3) Before you began your haircare journey, what was your starting length?
Armpit length

4) What's the one style you've always wanted to do with long hair?
Long loose waist length curls (roller set)

5) Where do you see your hair at its ultimate goal?
Healthy WL

Updated pics!
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View attachment 113183
View attachment 113191

Great progress on your ends/thickness
Currently deep conditioning...I'm trying to lay low on the shampoo to get to waist length so I will just rinse it out and air dry
:bump: :bump: :bump: How are you WL-in-training DIVAS doing? I'm taking my Nioxin vitamins, low-manipulation styling (Hiding My Hair) and trying to get these 2.5 inches by August...How about you?
Wow, I haven't been here in quite a while! I've really been keeping it very simple. I bun, JBCO every 4-6 days on roots, wash/co-wash/DC every 7-10 days and that's me. I am so busy right now I'm even falling behind on my final wedding (June 4) arrangements!!!!

Hope everyone is doing okay on their hair journey....

Awwwwww :blush: thank you!! I smile every time I see your posts because you are alway so positive and encouraging! We need more people like you in our communities!
I have been gone for awhile, but I am back, Janet' your hair looks great!!

I have a weave in right now, and I think I will leave it in for the rest of the year. This hair I have is great, and the products to wash it make it manageable, I hope my own hair will be close to waste length.. I will update with pics when I take it out in another two months (long time away)
Still taking care of my hair, still on no heat, still growing to WL. Still.

I'm about 2 inches from WL (grazing, not full) hehe. I'm full MBL now (was grazing at the end of last year. Not straighting til the end of the year, Kinda excited. WL is my final goal. I'm in layers now (shortest is SL) not sure if I'm not going to grow out the layers or cut them back. hmmm???
Bun Mistress...That's a dilemma of mine as well- to cut (layers or not). I think part of my issue too is that I have hairnorexia so even though I am about 2.5 inches from WL, I feel like my hair is still full SL...I really think that I am going to have to wait until I reach my next goal of HL to get some layers...but even typing that scares me...but I love me some layers!!!!
I hear ya ladies. My hair is sl to mbl to one or two strands from .5 from wsl. I have hair anorexia and some breakage. I hope to be full wl by december. My layers keep me from doing wng.

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Hello ladies! I seem to be grazing WL too! I have stands that are getting there, so I know I'll be there by the end of the year. Until then it's back to braiding it up and wearing some killer wig styles :)

Happy Easter everyone!
Though I will still be subscribed to this thread & cheering all of you ladies on, I must gracefully bow out of this challenge. After much thought I decided to touch up my Wave By Design (a.k.a. dry jheri curl) today. Because it had been 14 months since my last touch up, my chemical ends were very damaged.So, in the top I cut off all of the old chemical ends & in the back, I only kept about 2-4 inches of the old chemical.

As of right now, I'm officially chin length. I did have some hairs in the back that were grazing WL but my hair was so ratched that I had to go ahead & start over. I don't even want to think about how long it's going to take me to get back to where I was. I just want to make sure that this time around, I don't get lazy & I keep my hair healthy the entire journey.
Though I will still be subscribed to this thread & cheering all of you ladies on, I must gracefully bow out of this challenge. After much thought I decided to touch up my Wave By Design (a.k.a. dry jheri curl) today. Because it had been 14 months since my last touch up, my chemical ends were very damaged.So, in the top I cut off all of the old chemical ends & in the back, I only kept about 2-4 inches of the old chemical.

As of right now, I'm officially chin length. I did have some hairs in the back that were grazing WL but my hair was so ratched that I had to go ahead & start over. I don't even want to think about how long it's going to take me to get back to where I was. I just want to make sure that this time around, I don't get lazy & I keep my hair healthy the entire journey.

Awww DANG!!!! nakialovesshoes :bighug: :bighug: So sorry about this!!!! But on the bright side, you know that you can grow it to WL because you've done it before!!!!
Though I will still be subscribed to this thread & cheering all of you ladies on, I must gracefully bow out of this challenge. After much thought I decided to touch up my Wave By Design (a.k.a. dry jheri curl) today. Because it had been 14 months since my last touch up, my chemical ends were very damaged.So, in the top I cut off all of the old chemical ends & in the back, I only kept about 2-4 inches of the old chemical.

As of right now, I'm officially chin length. I did have some hairs in the back that were grazing WL but my hair was so ratched that I had to go ahead & start over. I don't even want to think about how long it's going to take me to get back to where I was. I just want to make sure that this time around, I don't get lazy & I keep my hair healthy the entire journey.

Sorry you've had this setback, but I'm sure you can grow it all back if you go hard with the regimen moisture.
I'm curious I never heard about this wave by design is it a curly perm or texturizer?
Sorry you've had this setback, but I'm sure you can grow it all back if you go hard with the regimen moisture.
I'm curious I never heard about this wave by design is it a curly perm or texturizer?

Its a curly perm by Design Essentials. My avi is a pic of what it looks like (before my setback).
nakialovesshoes, sorry to hear about your setback. Well, at least you know WL is in you. You'll get back there.

Jan 30th:


March 21st


April 23rd


And check out this shrunken comparison:

:eyebrows2under the dryer for the next hour. ROLLERSETTING this bad boy was a horrible experience and I hope next time it will be better. DH came in to save the day and got pretty good towards the end. Hense I would have been there all day w/o him. I owe him some

:eyebrows2:blondboob:dinner::kiss2::kiss::bdance: :Rose: