WL 2011

Another check in. I got a new camera because my old one was dying. I mean, look at this length check from Jan 30th:


Geez! It was a Canon A360, for anyone who's curious. I had it for about 3-4 years. Anyway, my hair was at the 9" mark then.

Yesterday, I measured where waist was on me on this t-shirt. It's at 10":

And this is this morning's length check:


So I've just made it! I have a straigtening and trim scheduled for May 7th. I'll probably grow another 1/2" before then, but I plan to get 1/2" trimmed then, so it should be about the same length. But if it looks obviously waist length, I'll make a thread about it, since waist was my ultimate goal. I intend to maintain at waist for most of the year to let some layers catch up. It'll be nice if/when my crown reaches waist, too.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh nice!!! Congrats!!!....and we're barely into the year too so I'm sure those other layers will be caught up by the end of the year.
Another check in. I got a new camera because my old one was dying. I mean, look at this length check from Jan 30th:


Geez! It was a Canon A360, for anyone who's curious. I had it for about 3-4 years. Anyway, my hair was at the 9" mark then.

Yesterday, I measured where waist was on me on this t-shirt. It's at 10":

And this is this morning's length check:


So I've just made it! I have a straigtening and trim scheduled for May 7th. I'll probably grow another 1/2" before then, but I plan to get 1/2" trimmed then, so it should be about the same length. But if it looks obviously waist length, I'll make a thread about it, since waist was my ultimate goal. I intend to maintain at waist for most of the year to let some layers catch up. It'll be nice if/when my crown reaches waist, too.

Congrats!!! !!!!
i'm frustrated.



seems like my hair is doing NOTHING! i've only used heat once in 6 mos!! i look hideous in these buns and protective styles hoping for amazing growth and (hopefully) some thickening. and still i get....

NOTHING!! arghhhhh!!! i need to scream again.

i have no idea what i'm doing wrong!!

on top of that, about to be out of the country for almots a month - should i weave it up? not sure. scared that the weaving will cause (more) thinning. HELP, Ladies!
Congrats on your progress!!! I can't wait to see your hair after your May 7th appointment!

Just relax and continue to be patient; growth will come. Have you increased your vitamin intake or considered doing henna treatments for thickening and/or wearing twist outs or braid outs since you don't favor buns?
TO EVERYONE!!! Just a few questions to spice up the thread :yep:. 1) What do you gals plan to do to celebrate reaching WL? 2) What are your plans afterward? (on to HL, trims, color, etc) 3) Before you began your haircare journey, what was your starting length? 4) What's the one style you've always wanted to do with long hair? 5) Where do you see your hair at its ultimate goal?

I'll start: I wanna do a photo shoot with my SO! He loves long hair and he's been great supporting me in my hair journey so he agreed a photo session would be a great way to celebrate. My post-WL plans are to continue to HL only so I can do a big cut back to WL. I plan to trim once I reach WL, but I want these layers out so I want to be able to do a U-shaped cut and be at full WL. Before my journey I didn't know what i was doin with my hair lol. I was just living day to day. My starting length was layered BSB. The one style I've always wanted with long hair was a braidout that still had length (i.e. that falls around BSL-MBL). And finally, my ultimate goal is full, thick U shaped WL. What about yall?:grin:
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I PLAN on trimming the straighter ends left as a result of a Brazilian keratin treatment , about 3-4 inches, as I grow out so hope fully by the time I reach WL i dont have to part with any length because I know I wouldnt want to do that. Again, I PLAN to do that, but once I actually reach full WL I plan on either coloring or highlighting, depending on what I feel is more complimentory. My natural hair color is a dark brown and my hairline turns blonde so I may play on that. I dont plan on getting married until I reach my goal and I'm glad we dont plan on getting married for a few years...lol I just want all of MY hair, I dont want to have any weave or extensions in my hair on my wedding night, thats part of my motivation. I was tempted to take my hair out today becauase my aunt wanted to see it since we were visiting, I whipped out my cell phone and showed her my pics lol... I'm on a mission and I have to stay focused, I have had too many set backs because I get some good progress, then I want to show it off... Im hiding my hair, sulfer mixtures, protective styles, scalp massages and vitamins...I'll be working aout and hopefully I will one day be someones hair inpiration....:grin:
mwedzi- your hair looks so beautiful and healthy!!!


1) What do you gals plan to do to celebrate reaching WL? I really haven't thought about celebrating but taking pictures, professional pictures would be a great idea. I have been wanting to do that for some time.

2) What are your plans afterward? (on to HL, trims, color, etc) I want to go on to Hip length. Why not? waist length hair has always been a dream for me and I almost had it once when I was a teen. I have learned a lot about hair growth on this journey so any thing is possible. :yep:

3) Before you began your haircare journey, what was your starting length?
Well, I started my original journey in 2002 to become natural. I locked my hair in 03 and in 04. I cut my locks off in 07. I have been focusing on length retention since 2008. My hair length at that time was APL. I have had a couple of setbacks and cuts. The last cut was almost one year ago when I was cut back to shoulder length to grazing APLin the back and now I am MBL.

4) What's the one style you've always wanted to do with long hair?
I am simple gilr, just a bone straight flat iron. Maybe some china doll bangs. :scratchch:

5) Where do you see your hair at its ultimate goal?
My ultimate goal is to grow out my thin spot in the crown and get my crown to atleast APL. I think that will help with the overall thickness of my hair. My strands are fine and I quite a bit so, sometimes my hair can look thick or thin depending on what's going on. Lastly, I want to see hip length hair swanging and to have my natural hair to fall at the shoulders for a wash and go.

Here is my update for this month. Not much growth about the same as feb although I had quite a bit of breakage.

1) What do you gals plan to do to celebrate reaching WL?

I'll take a dozen or so update pics from different angles

2) What are your plans afterward? (on to HL, trims, color, etc)

It's on to HL-TL for me maybe CL I'm not sure about that one yet cause I think I'll have my hands full with HL-TL and probably maintain there cause that's my dream length.

3) Before you began your haircare journey, what was your starting length?

Barely shoulder length and damaged and thin.

4) What's the one style you've always wanted to do with long hair?

A big wash and go with lots of hang time, elaborate updo's without needing a weave, 1 long braid down my back.

5) Where do you see your hair at its ultimate goal?

Straight: TL thick U shaped or blunt hemline
Curly: BSL-MBL
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1) What do you gals plan to do to celebrate reaching WL?

Wow...I hadn't really thought about it...hmm...I'll probably create a thread...That will be a BIG deal for me, lol!

2) What are your plans afterward? (on to HL, trims, color, etc)

I'm actually doing a dusting/light trim when I straighten tomorrow. I really LOVE layers BUT I think that I'm going to hold off on cutting until I reach HL. I already have color, so I'm good on that, :lol:

3) Before you began your haircare journey, what was your starting length?

My hair was full SL, it was pretty healthy but it was terminally there...(or so I thought)

4) What's the one style you've always wanted to do with long hair?

2-strand twists that reach APL
Pocahantas braids
Bantu-knot out
A twist out that falls below my shoulders

Too many styles...not enough hair (right now :lol:)

5) Where do you see your hair at its ultimate goal?

Straight: Tailbone Length with a slight V-shape with layers
Curly: I will be happy if it reaches APL, but I would be ecstatic if it would stretch to BSL!
1) What do you gals plan to do to celebrate reaching WL?

I'll probably wear my hair down for a few weeks and then begin my transition to natural

2) What are your plans afterward? (on to HL, trims, color, etc)

Ill probably go in to HL/TL but Ill have to see how it is on my bc Im short. Id like to transition to natural at that point.

3) Before you began your haircare journey, what was your starting length?

Shoulder length

4) What's the one style you've always wanted to do with long hair?

A fancy, complicated up do

5) Where do you see your hair at its ultimate goal?

at least MBL curly and WL or HL straight
1) What do you gals plan to do to celebrate reaching WL?
Buy myself some new clothes and hair accessories. Maybe a couple of new products. I want to ENJOY styling my hair as well!!! Big huge braid outs, buns the size of my head, long sleek flat ironed hair, curled, maybe clip in highlights. And of course take a gazillion pics!

2) What are your plans afterward?
Waist length is my ultimate goal. I can't say what I want to do next until I get there. but for now my plan afterward is to maintain waist length with regular self-trims.

3) Before you began your haircare journey, what was your starting length?
Extremely damaged neck length. But i still thought my hair was the bit-ness

4) What's the one style you've always wanted to do with long hair?
a big fluffy braidout. Or curled with a curling iron. Anything with lots of texture and volume. Pin straight waist length hair would be pretty drool worthy too. I think basically just having healthy waist length hair PERIOD is an amazing style in and of itself.

5) Where do you see your hair at its ultimate goal?
Waist length relaxed...so once I reach this ultimate goal of waist I'm done growing and in retention mode. But again, at one point I thought I would be satisfied with BSL. Well I'm here now and want longer lengths. So it could always change when I get there.
Hey Ladies here's my mini update:

I ditched the wig .. I couldn't take it anymore :spinning:

Lately I've been wearing braid outs/twist outs and in the future rollersets and perhaps even twists (if I can get them to stay in) :ohwell:

WL isn't my main goal anymore I really just want bigger hair but I realize that the longer my hair gets the bigger it will be so I'm still in it.

I wash and style my hair every week or so I'm trying to get my sets to last me 2 weeks but when they start to get old I just put it in a bun.

1) What do you gals plan to do to celebrate reaching WL?

Not sure yet maybe I'll band it and wear it out to work to show those haters that I have hair and its long :lol:

2) What are your plans afterward? (on to HL, trims, color, etc)

I want to do a 2 in chop to make it all even but who knows I may not

3) Before you began your haircare journey, what was your starting length?

Layered between SL and BSL

4) What's the one style you've always wanted to do with long hair?

A BIG braid out! or Twists

5) Where do you see your hair at its ultimate goal?
Gorgeous WL curls .. no more wigs
I did a length check today! I am 5" away from WL!!!:yay::grin::yay:
Hopefully I will be there or very close to it by my birthday in October! :pray:

1) What do you gals plan to do to celebrate reaching WL?
I will wear it out for all while! :yep: Maybe get it professionally straighten.

2) What are your plans afterward? (on to HL, trims, color, etc)
Add some color and move onto TBL!

3) Before you began your haircare journey, what was your starting length?
Shoulder length

4) What's the one style you've always wanted to do with long hair?
Too many...Elaborate buns, wash n go with length, natural pin ups, etc.

5) Where do you see your hair at its ultimate goal?
Healthy soft brown TBL hair with layers :lick:

mwedzi Congratulation!!! Your hair is gorgeous!
1) What do you gals plan to do to celebrate reaching WL? Take family pictures showing my length with my hubby and baby due this fall!

2) What are your plans afterward? My goal is to wear my own hair I need a break from ps 24/7.

3) Before you began your haircare journey, what was your starting length?
Around 6-7 inches.

4) What's the one style you've always wanted to do with long hair?
Flat iron it straight to see the length.

5) Where do you see your hair at its ultimate goal?
To retain what I grew hopefully still wl.
1) What do you gals plan to do to celebrate reaching WL?
Wear it out for a while and just enjoy it!

2) What are your plans afterward?
Just maintenance and more fun with my hair

3) Before you began your haircare journey, what was your starting length?
Btw collarbone and apl. Never got any longer than that, but my hair always seemed like it wanted to be long. (if that makes sense)

4) What's the one style you've always wanted to do with long hair?
The farrah fawcett look or a really high ponytail, long and swinging. Or a huge Kurlee afro :drool:. Like HUGE

5) Where do you see your hair at its ultimate goal?
Like longhairdontcare. If I could get it like that, you couldn't tell me anything!
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1) What do you gals plan to do to celebrate reaching WL?
Have professional photos taken with hair draping/covering boobs especially for DH - I have visions of a Cleopatra-type photo shoot, lol.

2) What are your plans afterward?
Once my hair is at it's optimum condition, I'd like to go with blonde with highlights. I absolutely loved the way I look with them, but I wouldn't dare do it now, I'm still on my journey...

3) Before you began your haircare journey, what was your starting length?
I was BSL and decided to transition from that length.

4) What's the one style you've always wanted to do with long hair?
I want Pocahontas hair, complete with center part, which flows all the way to my cheeks (butt, that is). I've been rocking this style for years, but I want it at Hiplength, thank you.

5) Where do you see your hair at its ultimate goal?
Hanging at hiplength with healthy, HEAVY hair ~ I CAN NOT, just can't wait to be a Hippie! It feels great just saying that :^).
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1) What do you gals plan to do to celebrate reaching WL?
Prob nothing but join the HL challenge :lol: I do one goal at a time. Oh and Ill post a siggy pic :yep:

2) What are your plans afterward?
Keep up with my regimen and grow more.

3) Before you began your haircare journey, what was your starting length?
a 1.5 inch twa I cut back in 2003. I could have been WL a very long time ago but I was pretty crazy with trims up until late 2009

4) What's the one style you've always wanted to do with long hair?
Very high pony :yay:

5) Where do you see your hair at its ultimate goal?
HL with blunt cut in the back and layers in the front