WL 2011

@PeculiarDaye, sugar YOU are the one who leads the way in making people feel good about themselves and i just follow your lead, hun!

i appologize for my terrible spelling (i live in italy and we spell everything phonetically, so when i go to spell in my own first language...i forget...no spelling bees over here, lol!).

i should have written Homeopathy! it is a holistic approach to healing and my parents (in the states) have found it to work wonders!
i found a link for you that explains a bit of how it works and some natural steps that can be taken to alleviate this pain. there are many other links to good info on the page, but you can try a google or bing search to find what best suits you. hth.


you are too kind. Though I believe you were doing it in your own way before I came along and started :yep: But I am thankful that you have found the encouragement system that lies in your heart. Its is a beautiful glow about you :yep:
and thank you for seeing it in me as well :yep:

How is it in Italy? I always wanted to go there.

I was reading and now I have to pay attention to when my migraines come, and how long they stay. Thank you so much for that, you are truly amazing. You've got a kind heart :Yep:

@grow @parculiardaye

The best way to describe it is Painful :look:
I was having pain with my hair that day and it was pulling at my tender scalp.
So far after I washed it and DEeeeeeep conditioned it, So good.
I am just not one for head pain. I can take any other pain, I can give birth and breath my way out of that, this pain is like straight to the head!!!, but the when I say I am tenderheaded, The slightest tug hurts. and it was definitely long thread no control and just going places.


I understand, not that I'm tender-headed but Ive witnessed enough tender-headed people in family. Its definitely a tough situation.
I still believe you can do it, it just requires more patience and gentleness. Things that I'm sure you do now.
Whether you decide to go to Hip Length or not I think its going to be a beautiful length on you, and you would be able to handle it just fine.

PeculiarDaye grow OMG! this made my day! I'm so glad you both will grace us with your leadership! Thanks so much for being so willing and leading us to Hip Land in 2012! I can't believe I just said that, me with hair that long. WOW!
Okay, I hope I'm not raving too soon but my hair is big time thanking me for trying out the Joico K-Pak line for the first time yesterday :yep:

I used the shampoo and then the Deep Penetrating Reconstructor followed by the Intense Hydrator. No leave-ins were used afterwards in order to see the true results and my hair was air-dried in a plait pony.

can you say STAPLE!!! :grin:
@PeculiarDaye @grow OMG! this made my day! I'm so glad you both will grace us with your leadership! Thanks so much for being so willing and leading us to Hip Land in 2012! I can't believe I just said that, me with hair that long. WOW!

No thank you for putting the offer out there for us to have. I am very grateful that you seen us in that light, and spoke on it.
Youll definitely be there, and I hope to see the smile on your face in your pictures when you make it :yep:
Thank you again :look:

Okay, I hope I'm not raving too soon but my hair is big time thanking me for trying out the Joico K-Pak line for the first time yesterday :yep:

I used the shampoo and then the Deep Penetrating Reconstructor followed by the Intense Hydrator. No leave-ins were used afterwards in order to see the true results and my hair was air-dried in a plait pony.

can you say STAPLE!!! :grin:


I am happy that it worked for you, I thought about buying it about a month ago and decided against it because I started using my other conditioner that works wonders for me. I am very happy to know that it is one you love :yep:
you are too kind. Though I believe you were doing it in your own way before I came along and started :yep: But I am thankful that you have found the encouragement system that lies in your heart. Its is a beautiful glow about you :yep:
and thank you for seeing it in me as well :yep:

How is it in Italy? I always wanted to go there.

I was reading and now I have to pay attention to when my migraines come, and how long they stay. Thank you so much for that, you are truly amazing. You've got a kind heart :Yep:


I understand, not that I'm tender-headed but Ive witnessed enough tender-headed people in family. Its definitely a tough situation.
I still believe you can do it, it just requires more patience and gentleness. Things that I'm sure you do now.
Whether you decide to go to Hip Length or not I think its going to be a beautiful length on you, and you would be able to handle it just fine.

@ PeculiarDaye-I too suffer from migraines like crazy! Hasn't been that bad since I cut out MSG from my diet but I'm anxious to try some natural remedies myself!
Been gone FOREVER!! But life is easier now. I got into my Law school and joint degree program of choice =) (University of Miami!!!!) so I am kinda coasting through the rest of my senior year of college now. My hair is currently straight. But I am avoiding taking pics for a while. I have about 2 1/2 - 3 inches left till WAIST!

- Just wanted to drop in and be a presence again =)
Been gone FOREVER!! But life is easier now. I got into my Law school and joint degree program of choice =) (University of Miami!!!!) so I am kinda coasting through the rest of my senior year of college now. My hair is currently straight. But I am avoiding taking pics for a while. I have about 2 1/2 - 3 inches left till WAIST!

- Just wanted to drop in and be a presence again =)

Congrats on law school!! And so close to waist length! Get it girl:-D
@ PeculiarDaye-I too suffer from migraines like crazy! Hasn't been that bad since I cut out MSG from my diet but I'm anxious to try some natural remedies myself!


Where have you been partner? How are things going?
Ah you suffer from them too, I dont ever take medicine for them seeing how they dont help when I do, like right now I have a little one because of the light. Hopefully we find something that works for us :).

Do you know where yours comes from?

Been gone FOREVER!! But life is easier now. I got into my Law school and joint degree program of choice =) (University of Miami!!!!) so I am kinda coasting through the rest of my senior year of college now. My hair is currently straight. But I am avoiding taking pics for a while. I have about 2 1/2 - 3 inches left till WAIST!

- Just wanted to drop in and be a presence again =)

Black Hoya Chick

:congrats: on getting into Law School, I'm happy for you.

Your right at Waist Lengths door, I understand you dont want to take pictures now but I hope when you do make it we get plenty :yep:
:congrats: again!
grow AND all my fellow stretchers, let me tell you the Tangle Teezer from sally's is magic! i'm 12 weeks post and i just washed my hair. no plaits this time, i just parted my hair down the middle and shampoo/conditioned each side separately. I literally only had the conditioner on for max 2min (and no pre-poo either) and the tangle teezer slide right through like butter. I was so amazed. then when i rinsed my hair out and got ready to put it into plaits, I put my leave-ins in and used the TT again. Straight through from root to tip. THEN i counted the number of strands in the TT....no joke, 4 strands of hair and my hair was tangle free. I highly recommend it (got it at Sally's), especially if you're doing a long stretch!
PeculiarDaye,italy is a nice country i like alot, thanks for asking! of course, living overseas has its difficulties as well, like finding that TT bigbrowneyez is having such great success with!

i'm so glad you've found something that gets those tangles tame, stretching buddy, but sally's does not deliver overseas, so i'll have to stick with finger detangling for the time being, but thanks for the tip!

bebezazueta, i totally get what you mean about it sounding a bit strange to talk hip length hair when referring to oneself! i'm still working on accepting the fact that my hair can truly even BE that long...whew! that's alot of hair! it's easier for me to see it for you and others than it is to see it for myself.
however, thank you for believing in PeculiarDaye and i for next year's!
let's do this ladies!

JJamiah, i agree with PeculiarDaye in that the HL would look marvelous on you, but you know your tender head better than any of us. we'll support you in whatever you choose to do. there must be tender headed scalps and solutions, but as with any new thing, we all have to see if what works for others will work for us. every head is different.

exubah, i'm glad ur joico is working out! thanks for reminding me about that! i have them, but had forgetten about them....


Where have you been partner? How are things going?
Ah you suffer from them too, I dont ever take medicine for them seeing how they dont help when I do, like right now I have a little one because of the light. Hopefully we find something that works for us :).

Do you know where yours comes from?

@Black Hoya Chick

:congrats: on getting into Law School, I'm happy for you.

Your right at Waist Lengths door, I understand you dont want to take pictures now but I hope when you do make it we get plenty :yep:
:congrats: again!
@ PeculiarDaye-Hey partner! I've been depressed still-yeah I know I need to get over it! LOLZ! My cousin is having a party on the 30th soooo I am really dreading these braids(haven't done them yet!) Yep I'm taking this particular set-back really hard! (I Know)...

As far as my Migraines- I know dark chocolate -(not white) brings them on! Any dark alcohol brings them on as well... I stopped usig MSG in my foods last summer and they have lightened up quite a bit!
FYI-no meds helped me until my Dr. put me on a seizure medication known to help PREVENT migraines(Topamax) They also gave me something just in-case I have one-(Dolgix) worked wonders-both of them,but... I no longer have medical insurance right now so I havet had my meds in a while!
How your braids holding up!???
Been gone FOREVER!! But life is easier now. I got into my Law school and joint degree program of choice =) (University of Miami!!!!) so I am kinda coasting through the rest of my senior year of college now. My hair is currently straight. But I am avoiding taking pics for a while. I have about 2 1/2 - 3 inches left till WAIST!

- Just wanted to drop in and be a presence again =)

Congrats!! That's a major achievement and even better you'll be WL by the time you start law school.

@grow AND all my fellow stretchers, let me tell you the Tangle Teezer from sally's is magic! i'm 12 weeks post and i just washed my hair. no plaits this time, i just parted my hair down the middle and shampoo/conditioned each side separately. I literally only had the conditioner on for max 2min (and no pre-poo either) and the tangle teezer slide right through like butter. I was so amazed. then when i rinsed my hair out and got ready to put it into plaits, I put my leave-ins in and used the TT again. Straight through from root to tip. THEN i counted the number of strands in the TT....no joke, 4 strands of hair and my hair was tangle free. I highly recommend it (got it at Sally's), especially if you're doing a long stretch!

Thanks for the review...sounds like this will be my next purchase.
Hi Ladies I have been ducking in the forum for about 5 minutes here and there. I am doing some renovations on my house and haven't had any time. The Clean up is a You know what. I fell back in January and my knee is still sore. So bending is not cool nor is Kneeling. Anywho I am still trucking and trying to complete it all by MAY 27, 2011.

Anywho Grow and PD I am just going to let my hair do it's thing. Wen, Hair one, Alter Ego Garlic Conditioner, Silk Elements Megasilk Treatment and my Tangle Teezer are my allies. It helps to keep this hair in CHECK.

So I will still trim because that seemed to nip the tangles in the bud. Yet, I have no goal other than Healthy Hair at this time. So who knows. :yep:
@PeculiarDaye,italy is a nice country i like alot, thanks for asking! of course, living overseas has its difficulties as well, like finding that TT @bigbrowneyez is having such great success with!


Your welcome! Ive heard it was a pain, but I did not know that they didn't deliver that way, that stinks. I'm sure there is something just as good sold out there :yep:

PeculiarDaye-Hey partner! I've been depressed still-yeah I know I need to get over it! LOLZ! My cousin is having a party on the 30th soooo I am really dreading these braids(haven't done them yet!) Yep I'm taking this particular set-back really hard! (I Know)...

As far as my Migraines- I know dark chocolate -(not white) brings them on! Any dark alcohol brings them on as well... I stopped usig MSG in my foods last summer and they have lightened up quite a bit!
FYI-no meds helped me until my Dr. put me on a seizure medication known to help PREVENT migraines(Topamax) They also gave me something just in-case I have one-(Dolgix) worked wonders-both of them,but... I no longer have medical insurance right now so I havet had my meds in a while!
How your braids holding up!???


Aw, I did not know I apologize. I know a big cut can be depressing, but don't let it beat you up. Your stress may affect your growing and we don't want that :nono:
As far as the party goes, I'm sure you will look beautiful in your braids if you decide to get them before hand, and if not the same still stands :yep:

I don't think any foods trigger my migraines, its most likely when something bothers me of some sort. Also I don't drink or smoke so that doesn't do it for me either. Its going to be interesting to see when mine come along, I did notice sometimes its from light or lack of sleep. I still have to figure out the others :yep:
I hope you get back to your doctor and get some more meds since they actually work for you, seeing how you should always use what works :Yep:

As far as my braids, they arent holding up at all, ((..Laughing..)) Its been two weeks and it looks like Ive had them in for a month, the frizz and new growth are showing, I know its from working out so I am taking them out tomorrow. :Yep: Thank you for asking.
I haven't posted in awhile but I'm still around. I am in twist to help me keep my manipulation to a minimum. I will try to steam roll them today. I plan to retwist them in another week or so and then keep them for the rest of the month.

HHG ladies...grow&retain :yep:
My Hair is loving the break I am not loving the styles though. LOL

I am going to do a beach wave set this week :)
After a good steaming, and a nice sit down and relax DC for 2 hours.
Hi Ladies!! Checking in. I have had some breakage and continued breakage from too much protein. I have been moisturizing daily but i have overdone the protein. My hair is in twist with front flat twisted. I will keep my hair in constant twist for about a month or so to help get it back on track. I don't want to cut again!! I will make it!!!
Hey checking in! I relaxed on Tuesday after a 12 week stretch and I'm a half inch away from BSL! But 4 inches from WL! Excited. My hair is just starting to feel long. I'm doing a 3 month growth bootcamp to take advantage of my summer growth spurt! Let's do this
Here's my update.

Hey checking in! I relaxed on Tuesday after a 12 week stretch and I'm a half inch away from BSL! But 4 inches from WL! Excited. My hair is just starting to feel long. I'm doing a 3 month growth bootcamp to take advantage of my summer growth spurt! Let's do this
Here's my update.



CONGRATULATIONS, @bebezazueta!!!!!!

you made it and you made it well!

your hair looks so strong and healthy!

not to mention the shine and thickness!

you say a half inch from BSL? i think i see some ends already touching the top of that brastrap myself...:scratchch

it is so nice to come back on lhcf and see all this beautiful hair!

speaking of "seeing" beautiful hair..... @JJamiah, you KNOW we wanna see that gawgeous beach wave set you're gonna do!:yep: PLEEEEZE take pics to post....with your freshly henna'ed gorgeous hair, i know it is gonna look fab!:grin: (then you know we'll be asking you how you did it, lol!):lol:

@BillsBackerz67, curled or stretched, just to be only 2 inches from WL is a GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENT!!!!:grin: CONGRATULATIONS!

@PeculiarDaye, i'm sad you don't feel your braids are holding up.:sad:
every time i've seen them in pics, they look fab.
actually, i tried braids too and had to take them out after just 9 days, so 2 weeks is sounding really good to me!
how do you keep them from matting up together? i found i had alot of shed hairs which had wrapped themselves around my ng hairs, so detangling was a nightmare.:cry2: i think i lost some hair.

@DesignerCurls, @prettynatural, i was thinking of trying some twists to get a low manip style i can keep in as an alternative to braids, but have never done twists.
do you all have any pictures showing what they look like? if so, thanks alot!

hhj ladies!
Congrats! bebezazueta on wonderful progress!

grow I took a some pictures to post...so here they are :grin:
I hope they are clear enough


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I don't even know if i should join this challenge. I did a 29wk stretch last month and my stylist had to cut 3 inches off. She said my ends were really bad. In fact she wanted/wants to cut more. I really feel so discouraged. But it's my own fault too because i've been lacking consistency for the longest. This is so ridiculous, i've been on this journey too long not to be WL by now. So many ladies have reached WL a couple of times (Bc'ed, transitioned and started around the same time as me with a similiar length) and i can't even reach it once. I mean really!
^ Awww, Wheezy, you'll get there, I mean, you haven't thrown in the towel on your dream, so it's still attainable. I just had 2 inches cut tonight, myself. I hated the fact that I lost the length, but my hair was a nightmare. I had a hard time detangling, today. My hair curled on itself and I lost too much hair to mention - again. This was AFTER steaming. I must have done something wrong... I dunno.

I'm just staying on this train until I arrive at my destination (and it WILL be in 2011). We can encourage each other on our journey. What do you think? (My hair is about the length of yours in your avi. )

I will reach my goal of natural, superthick and manageable waistlength, no HIPLENGTH hair. In Jesus' Name, I WILL!
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Hello Ladies,

Congrats to all you ladies on your progress!!!!

I have not been on here since..... well it seems like forever :look:.... but I am in this challenge and here is a little update. I am about an inch and a half away from MBL and 4 to 4 1/2 away from WL so I am definitely on my way to my goal of WL by December 2011!!!


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^ Awww, Wheezy, you'll get there, I mean, you haven't thrown in the towel on your dream, so it's still attainable. I just had 2 inches cut tonight, myself. I hated the fact that I lost the length, but my hair was a nightmare. I had a hard time detangling, today. My hair curled on itself and I lost too much hair to mention - again. This was AFTER steaming. I must have done something wrong... I dunno.

I'm just staying on this train until I arrive at my destination (and it WILL be in 2011). We can encourage each other on our journey. What do you think? (My hair is about the length of yours in your avi. )

I will reach my goal of natural, superthick and manageable waistlength, no HIPLENGTH hair. In Jesus' Name, I WILL!
Thank you so much for the encouraging words, i really needed it. I guess i can do it. I had a cousin measure me (i don't even think she knew what the hell she was doing) and she told me i need 5.5 more inches til WL.

Then you you rant to a IRL person, they look at you like your crazy and say, "But your hair is still really long." Atleasy you ladies know how i feel. It's just a real bummer to stretch that long and have all your progress cut off at reveal time. You're right, thanks.
Congrats! @bebezazueta on wonderful progress!

@grow I took a some pictures to post...so here they are :grin:
I hope they are clear enough

DesignerCurls, really appreciate your lovely pictures!:thankyou::sweet:

you have alot of hair and it's got a beautiful color!

do you ever have difficulties taking out the twists?
how do you prevent tangling?

i'd love to try it, but i've had alot of detangling issues lately, so wheezy807, and Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll, i really empathize with what you're saying.

when people tell me "but your hair is already long", it's because first of all, they aren't lhcf members :lol: and second of all they have no idea how inspired i am to have REALLY long hair!

if i could settle for hair at this length, it would not be a problem, but wanting it to be WL means i wince every time i see or hear a break.

apart from my second henna treatment in 2 weeks (i plan to do 2 a month), i've been getting back on my acv rinses hoping this will help seal and flatten the cuticle so that tangles disappear.

my hair feels smoother since my last acv rinse, not to mention much much stronger for the henna!:yep:

maybe what we have with this detangling issue is a porosity problem. :perplexed

and what about clarifying? how often do you ladies clarify?
i read where that helps.

i clarified before my henna (giovanni tripple treat) and this time my greys became deep copper. the first time i henna'ed 2 weeks ago, i had not clarified first and my greys did not take to the color....some were still grey, others were orange. so i believe the clarifying helped it to sink in more thus, strengthen more.

it just makes me think of all the other "strengthening" conditioners and tea rinses i've been doing without clarifying regularly and i wonder if i let them get the maximum efficiency or not.:ohwell:

my hope is that clarifying and properly laying the cuticle flat will help the moisture and protein retention and keep the tangles at bay.

what do you ladies think of this game plan?

thanks ladies and hhj!:yep:
grow No I don't have any problem with detangling at all. But my daughter who has a finer, silkier hair texture tends to get tangles easier if I use a heavy products in her twist.

Grow, Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll & wheezy807 (or anyone else this might help).
I don't know if you ladies are using one already or how the water is in your area but a house water filter or shower filter made a tremendous differences with the condition of my hair and even how my hair responds to products. I used a shower filter for about 6 years and now I'm using a whole filter. Before using one I swore off Aubrey Organic with proteins or any protein treatment for that matter, and henna. And it doesn't take alot to moisturize my hair anymore...now I need to work on keeping the scissors out my hands due to habit! :drunk:

SN: I have learned that the chemicals and deposits in the water damages the cuticles of the hair! Those chemicals are what the hair & skin absorbs and we breathe in when we take our hot steamy showers.

Here are a couple of links if anyone is interested:


grow, DesignerCurls you ladies are on to something.

I haven't paid attention to my hair's porosity and I certainly haven't clarified in a while. I actually hate clarifying because I feel it will make my hair to difficult to detangle. My hair has always been a detangling nightmare - even when relaxed. I had sooooo much hair, and it only detangled easily up to 2 weeks after relaxing.

I will look into a filter because I'm in Houston and that H stands for Hard as Heck Water. In Louisiana, my family's water system is super soft and it shows in their skin and hair. When I go there, they have to MAKE me get out of the bath and shower. I'm serious. I come back looking as though I've had an upscale spa treatment. No Joke.

Thanks for the tips. I have Porosity Control and I'll use that in a few weeks. I just went to a salon - a new salon - so I"m trying to keep this hair up.

And, yeah, you know it just rained.