Does your partner like your wig look?

I'm single currently, but my past BF met me with a wig so he had no other option to caompare it to

Do you let the SO touch or play in the wig?

I totally teat my wig as normal hair, so I would not prohibit touching - I think he didn't because he knew the average black woman is picky about her hair - reall or fake

Is the wig left on or off during bedroom games?

Stayed on - although it may have been up in a ponytail or bun

Is his reaction (to a WIG) different or the same as a weave or extension braids?

Since I'm single - here's my observation:

I've always felt that extension braids (or twists) get a FAKE HAIR pass for some reason, while a loose weave or wig is viewed more harshly - althought all of it was paid for
Checking in, I am now in an omega part wig
I want to graduate to a full wig. Can someone recommend a wig company for large headed women???

I was having a problem finding large enough wigs myself... not because my head is too big but because it is getting hard to fit all of this hair under a wig.

I found Big Mama brands wigs :perplexed but I found them to be ugly styles, for double the price I am used to, with totally :nono: marketing. I am not paying for anything called Big Mama Mable, no way no how.

What I did was buy some stretchy weave caps, 2 bags of weave hair and a closure from savebeauty. I have been sewing the weave hair onto the weaving nets (I used 2 on top of each other) with the plan to make a wig out of it. It will be sure to fit me then! :bookworm: I am so proud of this idea I can hardly stand myself. :clap:
I was having a problem finding large enough wigs myself... not because my head is too big but because it is getting hard to fit all of this hair under a wig.

I found Big Mama brands wigs :perplexed but I found them to be ugly styles, for double the price I am used to, with totally :nono: marketing. I am not paying for anything called Big Mama Mable, no way no how.

What I did was buy some stretchy weave caps, 2 bags of weave hair and a closure from savebeauty. I have been sewing the weave hair onto the weaving nets (I used 2 on top of each other) with the plan to make a wig out of it. It will be sure to fit me then! :bookworm: I am so proud of this idea I can hardly stand myself. :clap:

Have you tried to strech a wig on a enclosed ( maybe wrapped with hand towels) wig head? :look: Not sure, if this will way, but worth a try!
Still wigging it! It's been 4 weeks now since I took out my braids and started and I'm still loving it.

Does your partner like your wig look?
Doesn't saying anything one way or the other.

Do you let the SO touch or play in the wig?
NO. That is not really an option. Besides SO prefers to play in my own hair.

Is the wig left on or off during bedroom games?
Off. I don't wear the wig at home. Plus I am maintaining the integrity of the wig so I take it off and put it up so it won't get tangled, etc.

Is his reaction (to a WIG) different or the same as a weave or extension braids?
Yes. SO prefers the wig because I can take it off and my hair is still accessible as opposed to a weave or braids.
I've been wearing Polly & Tammy by Outre when out and about, but I put a hat on b/c I don't feel like blending. Plus Polly's color doesn't match mine

I'm having a hard time finding 1/2 wigs & ponys that are an F4/27 so I'm not really into the challenge like I could be
Here is my omega part wig, it was wavy and I wanted straight so I put it in hot water and now its straight :P I love wigs because I am 15 weeks post and stretching has become a breeze

Ebony do you have any pics? Is it comfortable?

Just wanted to share my pic of Outre Jewelry



It is the same as a half wig for me, except the hair I leave out is in the center rather than the front. Also, it only has 3 combs (maybe that is just mine.... :blush: ) but, it is secure, and easy to put on and take off. I really like it, I feel like I really cant justify getting sew ins anymore.
Ebony, that is really cute. I was thinking to myself that it looked like a weave, but how nice that you can take it off on the regular.
Still wigging. I wore Outre Yasmine this weekend for V-DAY and loved it. Back to my work wig this week.
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I looove Tammy!I'm getting pretty deep into my stretch,so I'm going back to half wigs.I like being able to get to my hair and care for it properly.
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:peek2: Hello? Got room for one more?

So far I've been wearing a baggied bun beneath a phonytail. I went to the bss to get a new phonytail and stumbled onto this:

I love it! I've braided my hair down and am going back tomorrow to try it on. I'm also going to look for this style:

I'll be sporting a full head baggy beneath a wig for awhile (as long as it doesn't start looking too wiggy). Looking forward to my shopping trip tomorrow.
Just checking in. Still wearing my wig daily baggying underneath. It has become so comfortable that I forget to take it off when I get home LOL.
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Checking! Still wigging. You know my friends from high school actually thought Tammy & Yasmine was my real hair. I understand why because that's what my hair looks like when it was long, but geez. I was like people you just saw pics of me from November. I mean my hair grows fast but not that fast. :lachen:


Has anyone bought any wigs from rockeytrading.com yet? I just bought 8 Sensationnel 1/2 wigs, 2 Sensationnel ponys, and 1 Sensationnel lace front for $111. This site is going to be my go-to site for ordering wigs from now on b/c I'm going to be doing this challenge for a long time.

Update: I've been wearing the HZ-7037 by Sensationnel and I LOVE It. No pics yet. But will take pics of them ALL when I get my order.

Also...I have a big head so I don't know yet if the lace front will even fit. If it doesn't or I can't make it work by turning it into a 1/2 wig, then I'd be happy to pass it on to someone less Dometastic than myself lol
Just placed my order 7 half wigs, 1 lacefront and the gold n hot flat iron for 7.99. I don't flat iron at all but needed 2 dollars more. Figured if anything I could practice on a wig with the cheapie flat iron.
checking in. still wigging it too.

anddddd i finished my wig ya'll!!!

its' a big afro - kinky, curly wig.

i'll be updating with pics soon!
checking in

Just having fun switching up wigs by the month. My new nickname at work is now wiggy. lol

Also, my hair is long enough for flat twist so I'm going to sport that under my wigs but also wear half wigs since I am wearing flat twists.
Good Morning Ladies,

I have been reading and really excited. I have been stalking youtube videos on wigs and took the plunge. I ordered the Model Model Carmen and the Sensationel Lace Front Lauren, from hair sisters. I have been ordering from therer years and have never had a problem. I hadn't gotten to this thread before I made the order. I hope all goes well.

HOWEVER, I am nervous about wearing the wig. Now, I did wear full sew-in weaves for about 3 years with no problem. Now, this righ here..THIS RIGHT HERE...Is new!!! I have a fear that somehow the wig is going to fall or fly off. I only have to go into work two days a week and I always wear my phony pony and hairs is always twisted.

SO, I am attaching pics of Carmen. I LOVE HER, but I am not ready. I am going to have to do a couple of things before I am ready. Ride in my truck see how I feel. Go to my mothers house for her to REALLY tell me what it looks like. LOL. My co worker told me about Carmen and wore it to work on Tuseday, so I can not wear mine to work. *BLANK LOOK*

How do you take the shine out of the WIG? I do not like shiny wigs AT ALL because they look SUPER wiggish to me. I want to dull it out a little.

Please be honest with me ladies. Do I look crazy in Carmen?


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