Why Men are not eager to get married today


Well-Known Member

Recently I came to the conclusion that a lot of our men are no longer eager to get married. I believe they have their reasons and like most of them say, they never have enough money for the wedding day and maybe afterwards.

That makes me realize that we may not have prepared our men enough for marriage, to help them understand what measure of blessings are poured down on the man who chooses to take the bull by the horn and trust God enough to go into this institution that has been ordained by God himself.

I am yet to see anyone who consulted God before getting married, and didn’t pull through despite all the lessons that we learn on the way which gives us room to grow up.

I can understand some of the reasons why men don’t want to marry these days, but the one I find strange is when I discover that some men don’t actually want to get married because they are ashamed and very uncomfortable about the size of their penis.

One of the texts I have been bombarded with lately says “Dear sir, can small Penis satisfy a woman with big buttocks? How many inches is long, and what do you consider as short. You may flash me and I will call you so you can tell me”.

I later found out he has not tried to get close to anything called marriage because he thought he will be ridiculed for the rest of his life. What do you make of that? Meanwhile I will like to take you through some of the reasons why some men don’t get married.

1. They can get sex without marriage more easily than in time past.

A lot of men realize now that they can get sex more easily than in times past, when women insisted in getting married before sex. I am a man and I can tell you that a lot of women have lost it when it comes to keeping themselves whole.

I am not so sure who is more promiscuous these days anymore, because it seems women offer sex like no man’s business this time around. There are women now who are sleeping with about 4 men at the same time and probably accommodate more if they can.

When women come to me to tell me how their husband was caught in Adultery, and seek my opinion as per if they should leave him, I always reassure them that most men who commit adultery these days, don’t go out looking for these ladies, but that the ladies seem to be everywhere making themselves available and have removed the fun we men use to have chasing them, since they are just there not to be chased but to be taken and dropped.

When men realize that they can have all the sex they want without getting married, they just don’t see the point GETTING MARRIED.

2. They can enjoy the benefits of having a wife by cohabiting rather than marrying.

I believe it must have come to your attention now that a lot men and women are living together now without being married to each other. It came to my own attention through my counseling sessions.

By the time I ask the lady or man where the husband or wife will be right now, they go like “actually Jerome, I think there is one more thing you need to know and that is we are not legally married, but are just living together”.

Now that blows my mind, because you are not legally married, you are living together and also have a child or two, in Africa, yes in Africa!

I know some of these starts on Campus where a lot of girls are just not staying in their hostels, but have moved in with their boyfriends who probably have a room at the BQ of the lecturer’s Quarters on Campus or in their rented apartment in town, and most of their school mates consider it acceptable.

Please note that this is also happening amongst those who profess to be religious on Campus as well. So continuing in that way of life isn’t a problem later. How do you expect these men to consider getting married when they have found a short cut to it?

3. They want to avoid divorced and its financial risks.

The rate of divorce is on the increase and lot of financial implication to go with it. So the guys figure out why marry if it can cost you more than having a family and catering for them at the end.

4. They want to wait until they are older to have children.

Most men today don’t express “burning desire” for children, saying they are not ready yet. Another factor may be at play, “They know they will have to be there equally with a wife and provide hands-on child care.”

5. They fear that marriage will require too many changes and compromise.

Most of the time you will realize that a man just wants a wife “to look good, provide great sex, join in his recreational activities and tell him he is wonderful, while the Women’s requirements are much broader.” They want affection.

They want to feel loved. They want a great conversationalist, a man who is funny, a good father for their kids, someone who is attractive, a good sexual partner, a man who is ambitious and successful and God fearing.

And most men are simply not” all these things. For them to do this, a lot changes may be required which some men are not just ready for.

6. They are waiting for the perfect soul mate and she hasn’t yet appeared.

Let me describe a SOUL MATE using what D.H. Lawrence said; “You are the Call and I am the Answer. You are the Wish, and I the Fulfillment. You are the Night, and I the Day.

What else? It is perfect enough. It is complete. You and I.” What I realize here is that you may never find a compliment until you are capable of complimenting. Most of the time, we are looking for someone who will compliment us without the intention of complimenting anyone.

I guess we may wait for a perfect soul mate forever until we change our attitude and go out to look for someone to compliment.

7. They face few social pressures to marry.

Men face few social pressures to marry compared to what the females have to face. So at the end of the day, they don’t think it’s a big deal after all. One reason young men balk at marriage is “they don’t yet get it”, the problem is they just don’t realize what is in it for them.

We have not done a good job of selling marriage to men. They don’t know all the good things that will change their lives. Married men are healthier than single men, wealthier, they live longer and happier lives, they have more sex, they have somebody who knows them, and tolerates them anyway.

8. They are reluctant to marry a woman who already has children.

Most of the time single men are reluctant to marry a woman who already has children for a lot of reasons and one of them being that his family will object to it, the other reason could be that he begins to wonder how many men she has been with and abortions she has had before being forced to have the child with her now, and yet another reason can be that, he is not sure he will be comfortable with her having any form of contact with the father or fathers of the child/children when he is married to her.

Men feel this way forgetting that they can be worse when we talk in terms of morality. It’s more of the case of the pot calling the kettle black. Unfortunately they get away with it, because no one is holding them to ransom.

9. They want to own a house before they get a wife.

So some men say, but it’s just another way to avoid becoming a responsible person. What a lot of men may not realize is that marriage is a vision that is bigger than who they are and all they have to do is give themselves to it with the Almighty God as a witness and then begin building together with their wives as they obtain favor from the Lord.

Men have to realize that when we are children age 0-11 we have privileges, then from age 12-21 we retain our privileges through responsibilities e.g. if you want to take your father’s car out, be ready to refill the tank after using up the fuel in it otherwise, don’t ask for it the next day since you are not ready to be responsible.

Then from age 21- what we have left is responsibilities, and a lot of us fear that, I mean being responsible. So you find a lot of irresponsible men out there, who can change if we start to prepare our younger generation for the real life out there.

10. They want to enjoy single life as long as they can.

Well, some people just don’t want to grow up, do they?
Sometimes, the answer to the question goes no farther than this:
10. They want to enjoy single life as long as they can.

Well, some people just don’t want to grow up, do they?
(even though I don't think it's becuase they don't "want to grow up" as much as like their life the way it is). Not everyone has some deep, complicated reason for not wanting to get married.
Sometimes, the answer to the question goes no farther than this: (even though I don't think it's becuase they don't "want to grow up" as much as like their life the way it is). Not everyone has some deep, complicated reason for not wanting to get married.

Exactly... plus, there's a lot of people who get married who haven't "grown up". Getting married does not always mean you are more mature than someone who is single.
Word. I guess I'm tired of women trying to diagnose men's reasons for not wanting to get married. If you want to get married, does it really matter why he doesn't? Move on and find someone who does.
Word. I guess I'm tired of women trying to diagnose men's reasons for not wanting to get married. If you want to get married, does it really matter why he doesn't? Move on and find someone who does.
Exactly because they are out there. I think SOME women are more intrigued by the "difficult" men. The ones giving them a hard time...the challenge. Just my $0.02
Word. I guess I'm tired of women trying to diagnose men's reasons for not wanting to get married. If you want to get married, does it really matter why he doesn't? Move on and find someone who does.

Girl you know it ain't that easy in our communities. In fact black women are the least married women. So I can definitely see why some women do try to diagnose the problem.
Sometimes, the answer to the question goes no farther than this: (even though I don't think it's becuase they don't "want to grow up" as much as like their life the way it is). Not everyone has some deep, complicated reason for not wanting to get married.

I agree.

There are 2 guys I know right now that have no interest in entering committed relationships, never mind get married. One is 36, the other almost 46.

The 36 year old said he just doesn't feel he needs another person to complete him. Fair enough.

The 46 year old said he was open to it, he got to a certain point in life where it hadn't happened and he lost the desire to. I get that too, cuz I'm almost there at 34.

Nothing deep or complicated there.
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This list sounds like a lot of wonen i know. Why not just change the title to people?

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i think alot of times men are not so eager to get married, because women give them all benefits without the ring. My mom use to say getting the milk without buying the cow. Men get comfortable when they getting all the incentives but not having to make the commitment.

Another thing is I dont think men are not eager I just think they are not on the "time clock" as some women are. We having the marriage clock, the baby clock, the career clock etc but alot of men are alot more laid back with these things. Women stress out because we not married by 26. Men still feel like they are in there "bachelor" stage at 26. To some women age is an issue, but with men alot of times it not.
i think alot of times men are not so eager to get married, because women give them all benefits without the ring. My mom use to say getting the milk without buying the cow. Men get comfortable when they getting all the incentives but not having to make the commitment.

Another thing is I dont think men are not eager I just think they are not on the "time clock" as some women are. We having the marriage clock, the baby clock, the career clock etc but alot of men are alot more laid back with these things. Women stress out because we not married by 26. Men still feel like they are in there "bachelor" stage at 26. To some women age is an issue, but with men alot of times it not.

This makes me wonder if childbearing in women did not diminish with age would women be more lax with getting married later. I definitely agree that at 26 men still want to be the "bachelor".
Word. I guess I'm tired of women trying to diagnose men's reasons for not wanting to get married. If you want to get married, does it really matter why he doesn't? Move on and find someone who does.
:thankyou: :thatsall:
This list sounds like a lot of wonen i know. Why not just change the title to people?

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I agree and I also think people on both sides are getting married later cause some think they are more awesome than they are. You have men/women that have a little success and then start acting like they are the 1% and can't mess with nobody that isnt perfect.
Word. I guess I'm tired of women trying to diagnose men's reasons for not wanting to get married. If you want to get married, does it really matter why he doesn't? Move on and find someone who does.

Sometimes, the answer to the question goes no farther than this: (even though I don't think it's becuase they don't "want to grow up" as much as like their life the way it is). Not everyone has some deep, complicated reason for not wanting to get married.

^^AMEN!! :amen:

i think alot of times men are not so eager to get married, because women give them all benefits without the ring. My mom use to say getting the milk without buying the cow. Men get comfortable when they getting all the incentives but not having to make the commitment.

Another thing is I dont think men are not eager I just think they are not on the "time clock" as some women are. We having the marriage clock, the baby clock, the career clock etc but alot of men are alot more laid back with these things. Women stress out because we not married by 26. Men still feel like they are in there "bachelor" stage at 26. To some women age is an issue, but with men alot of times it not.

^^EXACTLY!!! :yep:

Good points. I was also going to mention too about the whole biological clock timing. I think one of the MAIN reasons why men aren't as "eager" to get married is because they know that when THEY eventually do decide to settle down w/a woman...another cute young thing who is "fertile" is going to be available and able to bear his children.

We women aren't so fortunate! I bet if men's sperms dried up after age 35 I think THEY too would be a little more "eager" to settle down, get married and start a family too! :lol:
Granted...not every man OR woman wants to have children, but you have to admit that when your grandmom or mom or whatever tells you: "Girl...you better start getting married soon..." most of the time they are thinking about children, grandchildren, and your ability to have them the older you get. :look: If you notice, men hardly ever get as much pressure to settle down at get married at age 26....:nono:

I think by age 40 if a woman's son STILL isn't married, THEN she may start trying to "hook him up" or desiring him to settle down, but honestly..men just don't have the same pressure because they don't have the same time constraints women do. And don't even get me started on blk men... :ohwell:
I agree with this:

"Most of the time you will realize that a man just wants a wife “to look good, provide great sex, join in his recreational activities and tell him he is wonderful, while the Women’s requirements are much broader.” They want affectiion.

They want to feel loved. They want a great conversationalist, a man who is funny, a good father for their kids, someone who is attractive, a good sexual partner, a man who is ambitious and successful and God fearing.

And most men are simply not all these things. For them to do this, a lot of changes may be required which some men are not just ready for.
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I agree with this:
"Most of the time you will realize that a man just wants a wife “to look good, provide great sex, join in his recreational activities and tell him he is wonderful, while the Women’s requirements are much broader.” They want affectiion.

They want to feel loved. They want a great conversationalist, a man who is funny, a good father for their kids, someone who is attractive, a good sexual partner, a man who is ambitious and successful and God fearing.

And most men are simply not all these things. For them to do this, a lot of changes may be required which some men are not just ready for.


i read somewhere that men *think* they want just the bolded, b/c those satisfy their most basic needs. but when you do only that, you have a very basic relationship, and even though men might not realize it, they have a hierarchy of needs, and deeper stronger relationships result when you can meet those higher level needs. like deep down they want someone who is supportive, loyal, inspires them to be better men, etc. i know you've been married for awhile so i wanted to get your thoughts on that.

i read somewhere that men *think* they want just the bolded, b/c those satisfy their most basic needs. but when you do only that, you have a very basic relationship, and even though men might not realize it, they have a hierarchy of needs, and deeper stronger relationships result when you can meet those higher level needs. like deep down they want someone who is supportive, loyal, inspires them to be better men, etc. i know you've been married for awhile so i wanted to get your thoughts on that.
I know you didn't ask ms but I think more or less the telling guys the are wonderful is the same as being supportive, loyal, inspiring them. When i talk to guys about that that is kinda all the same thing to them at least the ones I talk to. If you think they are those things that will inspire them (if they are any decent guy) to prove you right that you believed in them.
I have found that many (not all) women want more from men than they are capable of giving, and women give too much and sacrifice too much within a relationship in hopes of the man reciprocating when 1. They are not capable (or willing) and 2. They didn't want alladat anyway. Look pretty, be sweet, keep the house decent (perfect is not required) and most men are good. Many women (again not all :)) want men to be romantic, attractive, ambitious, successful, protective, God-fearing, side with them on everything, read their minds, know their hearts...

Most men just aren't everything we want them to be. Women crave so much from their men but most men are pretty basic creatures. For many men women are a part of their lives, a wonderful part, but nonetheless, a part. Whereas for many women their man is their life. We want our men fully integrated into our lives. Part of it is that men and women think differently, our brains simply work differently. And most women are more developed than men emotionally. When I saw the movie, "The Grey," I realized how important it was for men to be how they are. These men were fighting off wolves, they were so brave, so basic. And I thought if I were in that situation would I want a thoughtful, sweet man? No ma'am, I'd take Liam Neelson and his manly basicness lol.

I think it would be really hard to be the kind of husband most women want. And I know this does not pertain to everyone, I know, I know, I know, so if someone disagrees that's fine, but I'm not debating back and forth, this post took enough of my time and energy. Theo, HTH and answers your question.
I will also add that I believe fatherlessness plays a big part too because girls without daddy's end up having this huge void and crave a man's love and affection. Secondly, with no decent man around, you don't really get or understand men.
I will also add that I believe fatherlessness plays a big part too because girls without daddy's end up having this huge void and crave a man's love and affection. Secondly, with no decent man around, you don't really get or understand men.

Some of the most messed up women I know grew up with their fathers. I know there's always talk of missing fathers f-ing up women on this board, but I think its unrealistic to think that people's parents' relationships cannot also have an effect with a similar result.

There is no silver bullet to life problems or relationship issues and that includes having a daddy around.
Lots of women don't even need men to be providers. Now, more women are graduating from college or grad school. The salary gap between men and women is getting slimmer. I don't know about others but I tend to make a higher salary than the men I've dated in the last few years. The guys who make well into the 6 figured are huge jerks.... At least the ones I've encountered.

That whole exchange doesn't even work. A woman keeping the house while the man is at work bringing home the bacon. Doesn't exist.

Aside from being a good companion, what else do men have to offer that women don't? It's like an equal playing field but now it benefits the men.
Some of the most messed up women I know grew up with their fathers. I know there's always talk of missing fathers f-ing up women on this board, but I think its unrealistic to think that people's parents' relationships cannot also have an effect with a similar result.

There is no silver bullet to life problems or relationship issues and that includes having a daddy around.

Completely agree.
Some of the most messed up women I know grew up with their fathers. I know there's always talk of missing fathers f-ing up women on this board, but I think its unrealistic to think that people's parents' relationships cannot also have an effect with a similar result.

There is no silver bullet to life problems or relationship issues and that includes having a daddy around.

I think the statement should be...having a jacked up father..whether completely absent or physically present but mentally absent causes daddy isssues.

We can agree on that one right?