ugh that was inappropriate, but funny as heck though...why post this on a hair site talking about how u do porn ect...is she serious!?:lachen:
her hair looks f*ckinig horrible so I guess she had no choice but to show her breasts to distract from the horrible job she did on her hair.
Wow...I am really embarrassed for her. Not only is she nekkid, but her hair is S O N O T
C U T E....

Makes me feel REAL good about my almost SL hair...lol
I saw this a while back, her hair looks bad..... but she's just trying to make her money :P she's a cam girl. and posts videos so that her costomers will follow her more and return... gets them active so they will watch her on cam so she can make money. That's why she is showin boobs, she even has a nother youtube video that actually has boob in it if you pause it.
okkkk..soooo not hating but an 80% IS NOT AN A...it is a B- :ohwell:

She is Canadian. Here 80% is an A- .

80-83 A-
84-86 A
87-100 A+

It's something like that. It doesn't really matter because we use percentages more so in highschool and post secondary school. The percentage is then changed to a grade on a 4.0 or 13.0 scale in post secondary or something. To help with conversion in other school systems. And please do not think that because we listed 80% as A- it's easier. My family has been in both school systems.
Oh and I am not defending that woman, or being defensive please. It's nice to just share some info on our school system.
well she said she was a drop out so that's why she was proud.

I am shocked at this video. I can't believe she was talking about porn. Serious? She's a lost soul, bless her little heart.

I agree I was laughing everytime she mentioned that thin lifeless mess on her head.

I thought the boobs were real...as a matter of fact that was gonna be my something nice, they look nice.

so she still does porn? Or scenes by herself? What is a cam girl?

I was just wondering why she had to be in lingerie on cam. I think the bras posted on here are so different, but to each their own. Besides we are all females so who cares if you see a bra and someones back, not like we ain't seen it before. But full on boobage on a hair site for 3 minutes....lost I tell ya, she's lost.

She was also babbling about maybe meeting a guy online. Idk I can't anymore, I won't.
Ew, it looks like she was almost trying to suffocate or breast-fed the cat :perplexed

ETA: DId she say she use to be a porn star?
Ew, it looks like she was almost trying to suffocate or breast-fed the cat :perplexed

ETA: DId she say she use to be a porn star?

Yea...she said she dropped out of high school early and joined the porn business...but now she's stopped the porn thing and is going back to school to better her life...and her doing her hair was an accomplish for her..
Now when I first started my hair journey...my hair looked like hers so i gave her slack in that area...she's happy she did her hair. Now being in her bra & undies on video is inappropriate....one doesn't change over night...i'm happy she's making progress.
isn't that why she is on HairLista to learn hair care...everyone doesn't start w/ healthy APL hair
LOL Sharifeh, I think someone needs to weave it up as a PS for atleast 6 months. Yea when I started my hair was worse then that. I shouldn't laugh.

But i weaved it up til my hair was presentable.
WOW. That's all I can say.

She's something else! I was reading the comments and I hope she read them too.

I hope she does better.
This is one of the reasons why black women are still being portrayed as ghetto. We take a few steps forward just to fall right back.

Simply trashy SMH
Wow...I was just looking at her other video and she was talking about how you can become a Cam Girl Model or something....SMH...Its sad the way women exploit themselves for money
Nice boobs :look: (no homo)

But that was really weird esp with that kinda hair

Maybe she used to be bald

Lets be happy for her I guess :look:
This is one of the reasons why black women are still being portrayed as ghetto. We take a few steps forward just to fall right back.

Simply trashy SMH

I wouldnt say she was ghetto.

But i would say she is smoking sumting. She was Oh So Happy and i was like gurrlll? Reallllyyy????