Naturals On The Verge of Giving Up, PLEASE READ!

LMC, may I ask you suggestion on something. I workout 5-6, sometimes 7, days a week anywhere from 1 to 2/3 hours and I sweat in my head. I have been thinking about just water rinsing my hair and applying my moisturizer mixture and sealing but wondered if the salt would dry my hair out even more.
I do this daily with twists and shampoo only once per week, it works great for me. I have my hair in twists, I don't manipulate it other than to put butter on my twists after the rinses...and I tie them up at night. I rinse really well with my hair in a stocking cap.

ETA: I forgot some times I spray my twists after a water rinse with a water, aloe, glycerin, conditioner mixture...that's really good too.
Hmmm...never thought to spray the twists!

I do this daily with twists and shampoo only once per week, it works great for me. I have my hair in twists, I don't manipulate it other than to put butter on my twists after the rinses...and I tie them up at night. I rinse really well with my hair in a stocking cap.

ETA: I forgot some times I spray my twists after a water rinse with a water, aloe, glycerin, conditioner mixture...that's really good too.
Lil Chocolate Ma,

I am so sorry that happened to you at work. I too want to know when he is picking up his new set of dentures. Thank you for being an inspiration to us all. I will not give up. I have been natural since '03 and will stay this way til I die. I made the commitment and I will follow- thru. There have been ups and downs but more ups than downs. Hang in there.
I do this daily with twists and shampoo only once per week, it works great for me. I have my hair in twists, I don't manipulate it other than to put butter on my twists after the rinses...and I tie them up at night. I rinse really well with my hair in a stocking cap.

ETA: I forgot some times I spray my twists after a water rinse with a water, aloe, glycerin, conditioner mixture...that's really good too.

thanks AtlantaJJ! I am going to rinse daily and just apply a moisturizer b/c cw my hair every day is just too much manipulation.
Ahh girl, i share ur pain. Know that you are NOT the only one going through this. I go through this at least 2ce a year, lol! Right now, it's working for me because I found a style that works (twists) where i do my hair and leave it alone. know that your hair IS growing!! It has to! But i hearya! and when i'm ranting i'm callin on u to get me through, lol!

THAT nasty man! Such an a hole. I swear, men can be so disgusting but sure nuff i bet when u walk by he's all in it so whatever. Be proud of you and continue to hold ur head high!!
BTW, u guys r right! I'm really just trying to keep it really simple right now, because u realize all that PJing (that i do love lol) sometimes doesn't really do anything than set back your routine. i've been doing twists, leaving them in for up to 3 weeks-the most(i don't think i'll keep it in longer than 2 weeks, my hair can become tangled sometimes). I moisturize my ends and hair, spray my scalp and go.

I do have a question: Do you think that EVERYONe should be doing Conditioner washes or rinses during the week? For me, i hate the way it makes my twists or braids look and my hair ends up feeling extremely dry So i just try to stay away from them and wash my hair once a week depending on the style.
BTW, u guys r right! I'm really just trying to keep it really simple right now, because u realize all that PJing (that i do love lol) sometimes doesn't really do anything than set back your routine. i've been doing twists, leaving them in for up to 3 weeks-the most(i don't think i'll keep it in longer than 2 weeks, my hair can become tangled sometimes). I moisturize my ends and hair, spray my scalp and go.

I do have a question: Do you think that EVERYONe should be doing Conditioner washes or rinses during the week? For me, i hate the way it makes my twists or braids look and my hair ends up feeling extremely dry So i just try to stay away from them and wash my hair once a week depending on the style.


To answer your question,When In braids and cornrows, I either wash with acv/water or diluted shampoo. I condition and deep conditioner. I use Nature's Gate Daily Herbal Conditioner and this week when I deep conditioned- I mixed 3 heaping tbls of mayonaise, honey and some Aussie conditioner- put on my plastic cap and sat under the dryer for 40 mins. HTH
Y'all....that dude had me livid. I didn't speak to him for days. *******. I didn't tell anyone he said it b/c he's rude overall, and a comment like this was to be expected from him.

Kiya, there are a few things that I have changed:

1. I don't co-wash every day anymore, maybe every 4 or 5 days. I noticed that after using glycerin/water spray on my hair for two or more days in a row, without washing, my hair was softer then ever. I had to ask myself, why am I co-washing on a daily basis, only because it works for everyone else??

2. I started plopping. Before, I would kind of just throw products in my hair freely. Now, I make sure to really get them in the hair, and not to mess with my ends to much.

3. Speaking of ends, I try not to touch my hair too much at all. I used to stick my hands in it all the time, "finger detangling" it and not even realizing it. The less I play in it, the less random pieces of hair have ended up on the floor.

4.I stopped using solely Mizani, Keracare, Redken, etc. I needed more simple products, so I started using more Oyin, and other natural-ish products. They say KISS, and that's what I am trying!!!

I couldn't co wash either. I tried it a few times and it didn't help. I was just walking around with a wet head all day for no reason. I wash and DC once a week. That's good enough. I agree with the KISS and leave it alone methods.