
Active Member
I'm really not one to throw someone under the bus or be negative:look:.....however... this mess is crazy and I had to share with ya'll. If you want a quick shocker or a chuckle..look no further than the following link.


To Minnie: Boo, if you wanted to do a video like this fine, but WHY post it on hairlista?

WOW. I'm speechless. I'm minding my own damn business trying to watch hair videos and watch this mess??

Thx Complex....for those not members of hairlista..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZH5yaLRpdUc&feature=player_embedded
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Wow, she even moved the camera down so you can focus more on the boobage! :eek:

What is she babbling on about anyway, I thought it was supposed to be a hair video? smh
Wow, she even moved the camera down so you can focus more on the boobage! :eek:

What is she babbling on about anyway, I thought it was supposed to be a hair video? smh

Girl, I KNOW! .Im so glad Tracyee reviews all videos before it posts to her site. I'm telling you.. in my 2 years of reviewing videos and hairboards..OMG!! I just had to share. I was not expecting that. Did you read viewer comments? Hilarious :lachen:
I did indeed - it's exhibitionism at it's finest! :nono:

lmao and what about that bit at the start of the vid where she lays down on the bed to emphasise her body even more? I damn near thought she was going to give us a view of her draws too for a minute! :lol:

Someone should tell her about xtube.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh, I get it. She wants to put her porn career behind her. This is a transitioning stage in her life. In a few months, she'll be comfortable wearing more clothes :yep:

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I was watching one vid where she got $20 for some work as being a cam girl! Wow I didn't know it paid so well!

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she look old enough to know what she doin. She need to understand she aint makin nobody jealous by showin of the tatties.

She need to focus more on them books and finish school. KMT!
Wooow ... just woow. I was expecting to see someone post a video that had a weave trying to pull it off as theirs on hairlista. Boy was I wrong. This girl is begging for attention. :nono:
I despise it when people say edumacation :nono: I feel embarrassed for her :perplexed

Apparently she poses in her bra and panties in all her videos :lol: Just look at her other videos.
I get the feeling that the only way Minnie knows how to be loved is with her clothes off.

Hopefully she will "transition" back to reality soon.... :rolleyes:
I've seen one of her videos before. I was disgusted at how dim someone could be and that she is from Toronto. She admits that those are implants in the video I saw before.
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Meh...to me it's similar to the pics on this site that people post of themselves in their bra's or completely bare (is it necessary to be in a bra? i think the question can be applied to both situations) Anyhow, I try not to judge the women who do that on this site, so I'll try not to judge her either.
^^^^ i think that they're trying to show that they're bsl. that's different. but this chick is barely nl. she didn't have to show her boobies like that. and the women that are showing that they're bsl are only showing their back.
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Meh...to me it's similar to the pics on this site that people post of themselves in their bra's or completely bare (is it necessary to be in a bra? i think the question can be applied to both situations) Anyhow, I try not to judge the women who do that on this site, so I'll try not to judge her either.

Yeah, I have definitely seen some length shots in bras that were a little too revealing but to each her own.
^^^^people do that? i think that they're trying to show that they're bsl. that's different. but this chick is barely nl. she didn't have to show her boobies like that. and the women that are showing that they're bsl are only showing their back.

I'm gonna have to agree with Complex :grin:. If she really wanted to talk about hair, she was fine in the first few seconds...showing her head and hair, then she intentionally moved the camera down so we could see the goodies.

Bottom line (for me anyway)... I'm not trying to be critical. She is a grown *** woman and can do what she pleases. It just shocked me because I'm on Hairlista....(not boobies.com) and I clicked on this link thinking I'm gonna see a hair update. I'm not trying to knock the girl down... I just thought it was peculiar and wanted to share with my LHCF ladies!
I've seen one of her videos before. I was disgusted at how dim someone could be and that she is from Toronto. She admits that those are implants in the videos I saw before.

Really? From what I see they don't look too bad. I actually thought they were all hers. Good job. That's a positive. :look: