Why is there so much hate for Jesus Christ and christianity on a whole?


New Member
Its like every where you go (even on LHCF) I feel there is hate towards Jesus. They never flat out say it but their views towards christiany are very tellling. It seems like every other religion is welcomed with open arms for discussion but once Jesus and christianity comes into the mix people feel to need to say how much they dislike chirstians, the bible etc. Yes we do have a lot of hypocrisy in christianity but that comes with everything in life. Its like every where you go no one wants to even hear the name God:nono:
I think its because a lot of people do bad things (sometimes in the name of the Lord too) but profess such a deep love for God and their fellow man. After a while people begin to develop a disdain for God and the church in general.

JOHN 15:18-20 Jesus said: If the world hates you, remember that the world hated me first. If you belonged to the world, then the world would love you like it loves its own people. But I have chosen you out of the world. So you don't belong to the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember the lesson I told you: A servant is not greater than his master. If people did wrong to me, then they will do wrong to you too. And if people obeyed my teaching, then they will obey yours too.

"You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved. Matthew 10:22
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For me it has because interacting with Christians has mostly been unpleasant compared to that of other religions. I don't hate Christians but they are not my favorite group of people either.
I don't think I've ever heard anyone say they hate Jesus, but that they dislike some people who represent Christianity.

The reveals about the Catholic Church hasn't really helped either...

But I never heard anyone say they hate Jesus or what Jesus taught.
Um, I'd disagree...Judaism gets more hatred. But the world no longer wants to largely identify our Creator...many people are anti-g-d.
I have never heard anyone express any negative opinions on Christ or His teachings. I have heard people expressing discomfort or irritation at what they perceive to be condescension or pity coming from Christians. I have heard complaints that some Christians want to force their beliefs on others. That is clearly not the way of every Christian, but most people I know who are anti Christianity are just tired of being told it's the only way to be. Nobody is hating on Buddhists because there are no followers of Buddha telling you how to live. Just my opinion.
For me it has because interacting with Christians has mostly been unpleasant compared to that of other religions. I don't hate Christians but they are not my favorite group of people either.

I think it's the other way around. Truly. :yep:

Jesus represents the 'Truth' and the Truth is what hurts.

I realize that many folks who profess to be Chrisitans have come off as 'offensive' however, these professors' are not necessarily Christians as they profess. They are actually no different than the world.

On the other hand, no matter how loving or kind or giving a 'true' Christian is, as soon as one mentions 'Jesus', all hell and negative attitude breaks loose.

I've noticed this as well, 'non-believers' or fake believers, are fine with Chrisitans just as long as a Christian 'agrees' with another's sin... everything is okay.

However, as soon as a Christian says, gay is not okay, or getting high or cussing or whatever is not okay... folks get offended because they cannot handle the conviction of being aware of their sin; they do not want to give up their sin...

Well.. it's as I said in my opening statement... :yep:

I have more to say... but I won't. At least not now. :look:
It's not hate for Jesus. It's hate for the all of the bible thumping hypocrites infesting the earth. Dropping it low to "No Hands" in the club on Saturday & Asking me why I wasn't in church on Sunday :look:
I'm going on the premise of the people who genuinely serve God and are spreading the Gospel:

14And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about. 15And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.
16And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.
17And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written,
18The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
19To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
20And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him.
21And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.
22And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth.

A rejection of the Gospel is a rejection of Jesus Christ Himself - no matter who is delivering this message of Truth. That is why God gave us all different gifts of the Spirit - to cast a wide net, to reach all. Jesus had 12 different disciples, each assigned with a different purpose.

Its like every where you go (even on LHCF) I feel there is hate towards Jesus. They never flat out say it but their views towards christiany are very tellling. It seems like every other religion is welcomed with open arms for discussion but once Jesus and christianity comes into the mix people feel to need to say how much they dislike chirstians, the bible etc. Yes we do have a lot of hypocrisy in christianity but that comes with everything in life. Its like every where you go no one wants to even hear the name God:nono:
Jesus said, Iam the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me. He also said enter in at the narrow gate, for wide is the gate that leads to destruction.

The Truth hurts when we want to do it our way. The word offends those who are choosing their own way and they dont want to hear the truth because they know that they are accountable for it.

I can be a hyprocrite all day long, that does not change who Christ is nor does it change the word of God. You still have to give an account for your own life. God will deal with the hyprocrites but what are YOU going to do about your own soul.

Hypocrites will not be an excuse for you when you know the Truth but refuse it.
I think that it's because many people, whether online or in their real, actual lives, have not heeded the exhortation that Paul gave to Timothy: to watch your life and doctrine closely, and to persevere in them in the hopes of saving self and hearers alike. It is not enough to believe the right things; one actually has to live the right way. There are people who post about their relationship with God and then turn around and have absolutely no problem calling other women the most base, despicable names. If that's what they're able to do online in the comfort of their own homes, imagine how it is in their actual lives. :nono: Amongst many of the reasons that people do not like Christ - that is, aside from the reasons others have already cited, such as resistance to the truth and the simple fact that if people hated Christ, they will hate Christians - is the sad fact that many Christians make a mockery of His teachings through their lives.

Even as a Christian, I find the vast discordance between the beliefs people espouse and their conduct here and in real life to be puzzling, galling, and downright disheartening. I say this not because I'm perfect; I will be the first to admit that I'm not, and I strive every day to lead a life worthy of the calling I've received. But I also made a commitment to myself that I would strive to comport myself online in a manner that brings glory to God. If the extent of your Christianity ends where man can see you, then how weak is your faith! :nono:

This is why I do admire Shimmie a great deal. Even on the very rare occasion that I might disagree with her, her posts are full of grace and fundamental decency extended to others.
God will deal with the hyprocrites but what are YOU going to do about your own soul.

Hypocrites will not be an excuse for you when you know the Truth but refuse it.

And another thing... Some so-called Christians love to pretentiously condemn people to hell & tell them that they need to "watch out for their soul". That approach is all wrong. God is not condescending or brash. This is why all judgement should be left up to him. I can't speak for others, but I keep my relationship with God between him & I. It's a very good relationship & I'll keep it that way by avoiding tainted outside influences. Unlike some... I like to show my devotion through actions and practices & not hot air.

The pretentious "holier than thou" (and many times hypocritical) attitude of some Christians is the reason why there's a lot of animosity towards the religion.

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And another thing... Some so-called Christians love to pretentiously condemn people to hell & tell them that they need to "watch out for their soul". That approach is all wrong. God is not condescending or brash. This is why all judgement should be left up to him. I can't speak for others, but I keep my relationship with God between him & I. It's a very good relationship & I'll keep it that way by avoiding tainted outside influences. Unlike some... I like to show my devotion through actions and practices & not a bunch of hot air.

The pretentious "holier than thou" (and many times hypocritical) attitude of some Christians is the reason why there's a lot of animosity towards the religion.

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The word of God tells us to work out our own soul salvation with fear and trembling. The word of God is for me as well. Why would I not speak the word. Jesus told us to go and teach. If you are a Christian you should be concerned with speaking truth to your neighbors. I am not trying to be conscending. The same truth that I speak applies to me and I am in need of Christ daily like anyone else. I am not holier than anyone, Christ is the Holy one. It is not my holiness.

I did not say you were going to hell. But souls are important to God. The word says He that wins souls is wise.
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It is because the devil is the ruler of the world right now. 2 Corinthians 4:4 says he blinds minds so the message the Christ has doesn't reach people's hearts. 2 Tmothy 3:1-5 basically sums up the attitudes people would have and it focuses on people loving pleasures rather than God.
The word of God tells us to work out our own soul salvation with fear and trembling. The word of God is for me as well. Why would I not speak the word. Jesus told us to go and teach. If you are a Christian you should be concerned with speaking truth to your neighbors. I am not trying to be conscending. The same truth that I speak applies to me and I am in need of Christ daily like anyone else. I am not holier than anyone, Christ is the Holy one. It is not my holiness. So what are you talking about?

It seemed harsh because like I said earlier Truth will offend.

How convenient for you. You can say whatever you want, judge whomever you want, & condemn whomever you want... Yet it's ok because if it's harsh, it MUST be the truth. Yes, very convenient.

Every type of person in the entire world could find bible verses to support however they chose to act & however they feel... & ignore others that don't support how they feel. There are many contradictions in the bible. I believe God made it this way on purpose. He wants to see how we choose to interpret it. I know I'm choosing wisely.

There's no debate here. You cannot change how I feel... and I don't want to change the way you feel. I'm just stating my truth.

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I have to say this:

When Christ asks you on judgment day why didn't you hear His voice and follow him, telling him "because I didn't admire you're followers" is NOT going to be a good excuse.

I think people (including myself) are often too lazy to carry their cross and follow Christ, and we deflect by blaming others for our idleness.
No judging here. I am in need of Christ just like anyone else. The word deals with me as well. I do not want to start a battle with you, you are my sister in Christ. Thanks for your input, I will check myself in all of this.
I don't get the hippocrite angle of why people dislike Chrisitians. I've met Jews, Muslims, non-believers, ect who at one point or another have not lived up to what they profess. It is human nature. I don't get why Christians get so much heat for not being perfect. After all, the main belief in Chrisitanity is that we are imperfect beings who need devine intervention.
Christians are either hypocrites or too intolerant...people will always find a reason to turn away from Christ. I was the same way...but the day I was overwhelmed by darkness, I cried out to Jesus and he saved me and ever since then....

Christianity is about relationship with Jesus, at it's core, it's not religion, we are straight up followers of Christ (and Children of God of course) and I think if people never see past the religion label then they will find a reason to criticize it because it makes no sense to them. That and I think God has given them over to whatever they want to believe as he said he would in his word.
I don't get the hippocrite angle of why people dislike Chrisitians. I've met Jews, Muslims, non-believers, ect who at one point or another have not lived up to what they profess. It is human nature. I don't get why Christians get so much heat for not being perfect. After all, the main belief in Chrisitanity is that we are imperfect beings who need devine intervention.

People need to find a tangible excuse to why they are too lazy to follow Christ.

I don't buy the whole "I am not Christian because there are hypocritical Christians out there." For example, many of these same people are proud to be Americans even though this country has done atrocious and destructive things in its name.

Go figure.
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I do know that "conscious" black people feel that Christianity is a white mans religion, designed to control our minds. They believe that the original Bible was rewritten by whites and that Jesus was a black man who was castrated (sp?). They believe that the black mans blood had to be shed for the white race to remain dominate. Christianity makes us unaware of what is really going on in society and its used so that whites remain in power. 5 percenters particularly HATE Christianity or the mention of the Jesus represented in the bible. This is MY understanding of this group of people based on being around them. I was born into and raised in Christianity. I am still a Christian and always will be. The angry, negetive woe is me demeanor of the people I have encountered has made me want to read my Bible even more. It works for me. They tell me I cant be conscious and still be a Christian. So I develop my own belief system socially.
I do know that "conscious" black people feel that Christianity is a white mans religion, designed to control our minds. They believe that the original Bible was rewritten by whites and that Jesus was a black man who was castrated (sp?). They believe that the black mans blood had to be shed for the white race to remain dominate. Christianity makes us unaware of what is really going on in society and its used so that whites remain in power. 5 percenters particularly HATE Christianity or the mention of the Jesus represented in the bible. This is MY understanding of this group of people based on being around them. I was born into and raised in Christianity. I am still a Christian and always will be. The angry, negetive woe is me demeanor of the people I have encountered has made me want to read my Bible even more. It works for me. They tell me I cant be conscious and still be a Christian. So I develop my own belief system socially.

I find it funny how these five percenters center their religion around the "black man' to the point they make the "black man" god. Seems like they just replaced one god for another.
Its like if you speak of Christ and the word, you get all this heat as though you are judging, you are holier than the rest. The word says, how will they know unless we preach.

If we are His followers, we are to follow His commandments. If we allow persection to silence us, Then God will deal with us.

Other religions go around and tell about their faith, that seems to be okay but we Christians get some heat.

There is power in the name of Christ. It will get worse, that is why He told us this beforehand. Jesus spoke the Word and He was accused of blasphemy. So I guess I should expect nothing less.
I don't get the hippocrite angle of why people dislike Chrisitians. I've met Jews, Muslims, non-believers, ect who at one point or another have not lived up to what they profess. It is human nature. I don't get why Christians get so much heat for not being perfect. After all, the main belief in Chrisitanity is that we are imperfect beings who need devine intervention.

I do get it, and the Bible itself talks about it (the passage I referred to in my previous post, for example; I forgot to specify it but it's 1 Timothy 4:16). As Christ Himself said, whatever measure one uses against others will be used against that particular individual. People (myself included) find the hypocrisy of Christians all the more disconcerting because many Christians live a life that is diametrically opposed to the very things Christianity espouses. Whenever I read the Gospels, it never ceases to amaze me how much Christ preached very hard truths directed at the Pharisees due to their hypocrisy. This issue gets me angry/agitated because we live in a world where the Christian right has totally co-opted the message of Christ and used it for their own sinister means to oppress and judge others, and they hide their nefarious ways behind Scriptures. This is why people are more angered by hypocrisy amongst Christians than any form of hypocrisy displayed by others from other faiths.

Having said that, hypocrisy will never go away, so being turned off by others' hypocrisy is no excuse to not pursue one's own relationship with God. But the Bible itself is clear that hypocrisy can, in and of itself, lead others astray and shipwreck their faith. :nono:
This discussion is really good.

What makes someone a hypocrite. Is it just someone who's life is contrary to the word or is it when one makes a mistake? We have all done, said, and thought things contrary to the word.

Also if you judge the same judgement will be measured back to you, so when I or anyone talk about Christians or others and call them hypocrites, are we not judging and being hyocrites?

I think humility is the key because Im sure someone can look at any of us and find hypocrisy.
This discussion is really good.

What makes someone a hypocrite. Is it just someone who's life is contrary to the word or is it when one makes a mistake? We have all done, said, and thought things contrary to the word.

Also if you judge the same judgement will be measured back to you, so when I or anyone talk about Christians or others and call them hypocrites, are we not judging and being hyocrites?

I think humility is the key because Im sure someone can look at any of us and find hypocrisy.

I really appreciate what you're saying. :yep: To me, I define hypocrisy as something where you know that you're living a life that is totally opposite to what you're supposed to be doing, and you are both unrepentant about it and hiding that truth so that others who might challenge you on it don't even know. Making a mistake and acknowledging it as such is not the same thing as hypocrisy. Hypocrisy flouts true biblical truths in order to continue living in the manner that he or she desires to live, but still lays claim to being a Christian.

I don't even know if this makes a lick of sense. I'm doing work as I keep up with this thread. :lol: